Coffee Break

Anzhelika Malik

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Redwood Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
The new professor could never express her gratitude for the common room - more importantly the coffee. Anzhelika had successfully taught her first lesson earlier that week, but forgot that after assigning homework she would have to mark it. Leaning to her side as she walked, the woman had carried a hefty pile of assignments mixed with research materials from her office - which was a surprisingly long trek. Anzhelika wished she finished marking earlier, but she somehow managed to leave it aside, she truly wanted to be a prompt and organized professor but it seemed to be harder than expected; although it was only mid-morning leaving the professor a couple hours to work. Making her way into the safe haven Anzhelika sighed of relief; no students, no excess noise, and no distractions. Walking over to a small wooden table, she gently placied her papers down and eyed up the plush looking chair sitting next to it. As if routine Anzhelika mindlessly meandered her way to the kitchenette. Her need for caffeine suddenly very intense. The woman did realize her reliance was almost unhealthy, but indulging while she started a new profession seemed appropriate enough for her to treat herself.

Filling up the kettle, the woman prepared the French press with a heavenly smelling dark roast. In all honesty, any coffee would've smelt heavenly. Grabbing a rather large mug, Anzhelika was eager to sit and start marking - her personal, and rather high expectations weighing on her mind. Once her coffee had been pressed, she took the steaming dark liquid over to her seat. The professor was grateful to only be teaching one class each term, after meeting her third years Anzhelika couldn't wait for her next lesson. She had heard a few of them to be troublemakers, but as long as they were obedient in her class the Pakistani woman didn't mind. Taking a luxurious first sip, Anzhelika let out a very content sigh. Sadly placing her mug down, the woman needed to finish her marking; it was important to her that her students felt well respected. Dipping her quill with some navy ink, Anzhelika started scribbling away.

So far teaching at Hogwarts had been more difficult than he thought it would have been. The new Muggle Studies professor was used to having a computer or a television at his disposal but with electricity not working within the walls of the castle he had to write everything done himself - which cost him quite some time because he wasn't used to write on blackboard anymore. After the first week back in the wizarding world and giving his students an introduction to the subject they choose to follow Eryk needed his daily dose of coffee so headed from his office straight towards the common room for the professors of Hogwarts. Whilst making his way to the room the twenity-eight year old couldn't help but to feel like an eleven year old students again walking in the castle's corridors for the first time. It'd been quite awhile ago since he first set foot in the Scottish castle and missed it a lot now that the professor was a teacher at a Hogwarts castle himself. "Best decision I've ever made." Eryk thought to himself as he reached the door leading to the common room. Professor Kaelen opened the door and walked into the, thank goodness, almost empty room, greeting the female professor with a friendly smile whilst walking straight towards kettle of coffee, which luckily for him had just been filled with the black liquid. He grabbed one of the many mugs and poured the coffee in it, enjoying the smell that entered his nostrils. Eryk turned around with the mug in his hands, smiling once again at the woman sitting at one of the wooden tables. "Cheers!" the man said while he lifted his mug before taking a sip of coffee.
Becoming a professor was probably one of the best things that happened to Anzhelika, the woman had been traveled for seven years straight and learned quite a but. During her adventures, she loved to learn and share about her culture and the others she'd visited, the woman thought of becoming a muggle historian - working in her parent's world again. But realized that wouldn't suit her fancy, she needed magic all too much. Holding the position of professor was never what she thought she would've done with her life, but only being a week or so in - she decided it was the best decision in her twenty four years. While carefully answering a student's homework question, Anzhelika could've laughed. Her third years all seemed so sweet - all they wanted was to take care of a creature. Startled by the door opening, she looked up when she heard footsteps. She didn't recognize the professor that walked in, but he seemed friendly as he gave her a smile as he walked by, giving a closed smile in return she watched as the man poured some of her coffee. Half-writing and half-watching Anzhelika didn't mind the silence, although she was quite a chatty person. Seeing him turn around again, she smiled and gave a brief nod at the professor before continuing her marking.

Eryk smiled as the other Professor in the common room smiled back at him and gave him a nod. He put the mug against his lips and starting taking small sips from the coffee so that he wouldn't burn the inside of his mouth and his tongue. He swallowed the first sip of coffee and let out a little sign of relief as the taste filled his mouth. The new Professor looked up in the room again, his eyes sliding towards the woman sitting at the table. It seemed like she was marking homework just as he had done before making his way to room he was currently standing in. He slowly walked towards her, hoping that he wouldn't be bothering her if he would start a conversation with her. However, as Eryk got closer to the woman, he noticed her features and couldn't help but to think that the woman was attractive. He stood still a few meters away from the table she was sitting at, his mind still taking in her pretty face. If it wasn't for the fact that he felt a burning pain in the hand that held the mug of coffee, Eryk would have been absentmindedly staring at her without realizing what he was doing. "H-Hi," the Professor said, a bright smile on his face and his cheeks slightly changing colour. "You're new, too, right?" Eryk asked the woman hoping that he wasn't bothering her.
Anzhelika gave a brief laugh, one of her students cracking her up - how she loved her thirteen year old students and their frank answers. Placing her hand over her mouth, the woman tried to reply in a neutral, unfazed manner but it was near impossible; being a rather excitable person didn't help Anzhelika as she shakily wrote a few words. Placing her quill down, Anzhelika picked up her mug, the warmth reaching her palms. Taking in another long sip, she leaned back against the back of the chair while tucking her legs up underneath herself, in a crossed legged position; readjusting for the sake of comfort. Picking up another assignment Anzhelika used her lap as a table, her second to last before finishing her lessons. The new professor didn't realize how long it would've taken her to mark one assignment - hoping that she would become more efficient Anzhelika kept writing. Trying not to obviously watch the man, Anzhelika couldn't help but notice him walking towards her. His facial expression was odd, she wasn't able to put her finger on it. Unsure of what he was doing Anzhelika chewed the inside of her cheek, she had no clue what the man was up to. Of course he was just coming over to say hello! Anzhelika smiled back at the man, "Hello," she greeted, the woman couldn't help but noticing the colour in his cheeks. "I am, care of magical creatures three and four - how about you," she answers the man's question before introducing herself, "Anzhelika," The woman stated while reaching her hand out, offering a hand shake.
Eryk shook her hand firmly before he introduced himself. ''Eryk,'' the Professor told the other one with his usual friendly smile. ''Muggle Studies. Also three and four.'' He was glad that the woman teached the same years as he did as it could start a conversation between the two if he ran out of topics to talk about. ''How's your first week going?'' the man asked her, wondering if hers had gone as perfectly as his had. Eryk was pleased with how the third years were behaving in his class, so far the students all seemed to like the subject apart from one of his students who told him and the class that she hadn't expected there to be a subject on Muggles at Hogwarts and that if was pathetic. He was slightly irritated by her attitude and asked himself multipe times why in Merlin's name she had chosen the subject in the first place if she thought it was pathetic. But alas, now was not the moment the think about his third year students. He had come to the room to have a mug of coffee and relax before going to his office again. Eryk looked up at the woman again, smiling as he once again took in her features. ''She's really pretty.'' was the thing he kept repeating in his head for some reason, and couldn't stop it either. The only reason he could think of was because he needed to get used to the fact that he was in the company of a woman again after teaching at an all boys high school for four years where there were no female teachers allowed either and hadn't dated a woman in awhile. The man quickly took a sip from the mug of coffee and glanced around the room after he caught himself staring at her. Hoping for his life that she hadn't noticed it.

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