Open Coffee Before Work

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leo had taken all the shifts at work that he could. he was working every day that he could, needing the money to be able to move out. There was no requirement for him to move out, but Leo didn't think he should stick around too long. He was sure that now he was of age, freshly 18, it was more important for him to move out. To do so in his own right. He was running a little early, nightmares had woken him up well before he had to be. But Leo had just gotten dressed and grabbed a coffee and was enjoying the fresh air before his shift. He was content, feeling almost good about the day ahead of him.
Estella's days had been repetitive lately to say the least, but at least Ares wasn't always down in the dumps anymore. She was proud of him for finally stepping out of his comfort zone, and she never thought she would say it, but she preferred him whistling in the kitchen in the morning instead of locking himself in his bedroom all day. Essie had a shift today, but Ares decided to call in sick so he could spend some more time with Jordie. Essie didn't mind and wouldn't tell Abner otherwise. She was just glad that he was finally in a good place.

The woman wrapped herself in her coat and scarf as she made her way to Brightstone Village. There was still some time to kill before she started working, so she decided to grab a coffee and take her time drinking it. It was then that she noticed a familiar face. "Oh, hey! Leonardo, right?" she said, recognising him from the graduation ceremony. She barely saw people from Hogwarts anymore, so it was nice to see him, despite not having ever spoken to him before. She figured it was a better time than none to make friends with him. "Are you enjoying life out of school?"
Leonardo was contently sipping his coffee letting his mind be empty and enjoying the peace of the morning. He glanced therefore a little in surprise as a person, a girl who'd been a few years ahead of him approached him. "Just Leo. You're Estella, right?" he said, wanting more people to call him Leo over Leonardo. "It's okay, just working a lot," he said. He was sure this girl knew Jordie and had been in Jordie's year, but he didn't say anything on it. "You?"
Estella nodded as Leo corrected her. She mostly felt the same way about her own name. "Oh, sorry Leo! You can call me Essie as well." she said with a smile, taking a sip of her coffee. She hadn't seen Leo around before, at least not that she had noticed, and he wondered what else he got up to during the day. "Where abouts do you work? I just work at Madam Malkins. It's a fun place most of the time." She didn't mind working there. It was extra money that she was trying to save, and she was mostly just happy to be working with good people.
Leo shook his head lightly. "It's okay, it's pretty new," he said, and he didn't think it was something that needed an apology, since it had always just been his nickname. "Honeydukes," he said with a little motion in the direction of the shop. "It'," he wouldn't call it fun, since he wasn't sure James would enjoy it if the only thing he called fun was work.

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