Clyde's doing NOTHING, and that's bad

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Clyde Sumiragi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
So Clyde's left the Dark Elites. And now he's alone, one way or another. And he's got nothing to do. So I'm open to any plot suggestions. ANY, just so he can do something in HNZ. A group? An enemy? An unexpected friend? As I told you, ANYTHING! And I'm not really good at making small plots like this so I'm asking your help, everyone. Thanks. :r
Hoshi and Clyde haven't Rped in a while so that could happen.

He could also start seeing more of Ai Adlam, a girl I have flowing around at school. She's cold as ice to anyone who is not her current boyfriend but if you can crack her a little bit your more than welcome to Rp with her.
Any idea when Sinclair is coming back? :D
I know she's not at HNZ yet, but how about an unexpected friend? :r
Stella's going to be in Ravenclaw, but like know absolutely NOTHING about the wizarding world and be all "ahh, where is my technology?". So she's going to need people to help her get used to things here and maybe start to enjoy herself.

Or I have Vera McAllister, 1st year Gryffindor, who could be even more unexpected :p She's sporty and loud and can't stand still, but she's a good friend. So, yeah. There if you want. xD
Pheebz- Clyde wasn't mean enough to be part of the Elites. lol, figured that out.

Hoshi- Sure, let's try that out. And I'm not sure about Sinclair. But isn't Snow's and Sinclair's player the same person? Or am I wrong..?

Isobel- Yeah, till forever. :lol: Have you read Clyde's character development? The diary part? That's dedicated to the Dark Elites. :lol:

Stella- wew, another Ravenclaw. You know, Clyde was accused to be a traitor because he befriends students from other Houses *cough*Lykke*cough*
I can also try Vera.
Yeah yeah yeah. Read it so it seems I made a good impression than? Isobel will eventually drop everyone and stick to herself by 3rd year. So she won't worry about Clyde by than.
What about Alyss? She and Clyde maybe could end up friends if Alyss leaves the Dark Elites because Elle's going to humiliate her in the third or fourth year by telling everyone she's a half-blood instead of the pureblood she's been acting like..
Clyde Sumiragi said:
Pheebz- Clyde wasn't mean enough to be part of the Elites. lol, figured that out.

Hoshi- Sure, let's try that out. And I'm not sure about Sinclair. But isn't Snow's and Sinclair's player the same person? Or am I wrong..?

Isobel- Yeah, till forever. :lol: Have you read Clyde's character development? The diary part? That's dedicated to the Dark Elites. :lol:

Stella- wew, another Ravenclaw. You know, Clyde was accused to be a traitor because he befriends students from other Houses *cough*Lykke*cough*
I can also try Vera.
Then I will start the topic soon.

Sinclair told me that they where brother and sister in RL as well. And I thought that Clyde and Snow where the same person :blush:
Jessica- That's really possible. It would be Clyde's rise once again. xD
Hoshi- :lol: No no. Why'd you think that? Well honestly, Snow's my classmate during 4th year. But I'm not her. ^_^
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