Clover Katt

Clover Katt

Well-Known Member
Full Name:Clover Katt
- Birth Date: 12 August
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance:
Height: short
Hair: -It changes for some reason
Eyes: Her eyes don't seem to have any fixed colour
- Parents:
Mother: Kristie Katt -Muggle, killed by death eaters
Father: James Katt -Muggle, killed by death eaters
- Siblings, if any: None
- Pets, if any: A black cat called Moose and Moose's kittens
- Area of Residence: NZ
- Blood status: Muggle-born

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A mouse because she is very quiet and likes to hide
- What would their Boggart be? Moose and her kittens dead
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) black cat so she could wander around without being noticed
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her parents being alive
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? when Moose had her kittens

- Write an example roleplay by your character:

Clover woke up in the tiny cramped bedroom that was her haven from the world, and rushed downstairs to get something to eat before the rest of the orphans ate it all. She managed to grab two slices of toast and ran outside and dived into the hedge she had made into a hut. Here she would stay with her pencils and paper and draw until someone made her clean the toilet or some other horrible chore.
She leaned against the wall of the great, hulking building she now called home -well sort of. The memory of her parents death still haunted her. "Humph, fire indeed" she snorted. She was there when her parents died. At their house six months ago a swarm of Death Eaters attacked; for what reason though remains a mystery.
She knew they were Death Eaters because one of them dropped a book, from which she learnt about the wizarding world.
Clover had never told anyone about the book because she figured no-one would believe her. She would never dream of showing anyone the book, except Moose her cat.
Moose meowed so Clover gave her a bit of bread. Clover's cat was strange, she always seemed to understand Clover, even followed her around everywhere!
Clover looked at her watch - one of the very few possessions she had, and realised with she would be late for school if she didn't hurry! She grabbed a plastic bag and threw some food in it and ran off to school.
9:00 She was going to be late! Clover burst into the classroom at 9:10 and slid into her desk while she got yelled at for lateness - again. The teacher having finished yelling about lateness, then narrowed her eyes at Clover. 'What have you done to your hair Miss Katt?' she snarled. Clover looked at her reflection in the window; her hair was bright green! She panicked, yesterday her hair was blonde and waist-length, but today it was green short and spiky!
She looked at her teacher. '' she stuttered and hung her head, consequently her teacher gave her a detention card. Her teacher looked at Clover "You know this school has a very strict dress code, and yet you continualy disregard the rules!" She spat the last three words out so saliva landed on Clover's face.
Clover sighed, her second detention this week and it was only Wednesday.
She had no idea why her hair changed or her eyes, it just happened!

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary

My hair changed colour again today, I just wish I knew why! Moose is following closer to me each day.
I'm 11 in 2 days so hopefully something good will happen!
I'm writing this in detention, but I won't get in trouble 'cos the teachers are never here and no-one else got detention today luckly!
I love being in detention, its quiet so I can draw without interruption. I found a loose floorboard in this room so I hid paper and pencils in it.

Other stuff

Most preferred house: Gryfindor
Hobbies: art/drawing
Favourite memory: when she found her cat Moose in a cardboard box with kittens
Hey, Clover, welcome to HNZ! Just a few questions:

Where in New Zealand do you live?

How short is 'short' (approximately)?

How many kittens does Moose have?

You say you'd like to be in Gryffindor, any reason why?

What is the book that the Death Eaters dropped? Did it tell you that they were Death Eaters? Also, do you have any idea why Death Eaters would attack a muggle family?

Oh, and just a point - if you want to be a Metamorphagus, as the hair thing suggests, you will have to apply for said power.

Anyway, it's a good start, and I hope you don't take these questions and points as personal attacks - I just want to help you develop your character further, that's all. =D.
If her parents were killed by Death Eaters, you would have to speak with Estrella Drage. She is in charge of the DEs on the site, and anything involving them will have to be run by her.

Also, why does her hair change color? Is she an metamorphmagus? If she is, you need to get that approved. Here is the form to become one. And metamorphmagi change by will, not at random.

Good luck with your character!
Angus Greenwood said:
Hey, Clover, welcome to HNZ! Just a few questions:

Where in New Zealand do you live?

How short is 'short' (approximately)?

How many kittens does Moose have?

You say you'd like to be in Gryffindor, any reason why?

What is the book that the Death Eaters dropped? Did it tell you that they were Death Eaters? Also, do you have any idea why Death Eaters would attack a muggle family?

Oh, and just a point - if you want to be a Metamorphagus, as the hair thing suggests, you will have to apply for said power.

Anyway, it's a good start, and I hope you don't take these questions and points as personal attacks - I just want to help you develop your character further, that's all. =D.
Where in New Zealand do you live?

Clover lives in the North island in Waikato

How short is 'short' (approximately)?

Clover is 1.53m, which is short compared to others in the orphange/school

How many kittens does Moose have?

Clover strokes Moose and her 4 kittens and the begin to purr loudly

You say you'd like to be in Gryffindor, any reason why?

Clover is very shy but that is because she has no friends and is teased a lot being short, but she has a fiery personality at heart. She loves to read her wizarding book; especially the chapter about Quidditch

What is the book that the Death Eaters dropped? Did it tell you that they were Death Eaters? Also, do you have any idea why Death Eaters would attack a muggle family?

Clover looks at her book, but the cover is too faded to fead the words. She has no idea why her family were attacked

Oh, and just a point - if you want to be a Metamorphagus, as the hair thing suggests, you will have to apply for said power.

Oh do you? how???

Anyway, it's a good start, and I hope you don't take these questions and points as personal attacks - I just want to help you develop your character further, that's all. =D.
Ford Harkonnen said:
If her parents were killed by Death Eaters, you would have to speak with Estrella Drage. She is in charge of the DEs on the site, and anything involving them will have to be run by her.

Also, why does her hair change color? Is she an metamorphmagus? If she is, you need to get that approved. Here is the form to become one. And metamorphmagi change by will, not at random.

Good luck with your character!
If her parents were killed by Death Eaters, you would have to speak with Estrella Drage. She is in charge of the DEs on the site, and anything involving them will have to be run by her.

uh ok

Also, why does her hair change color? Is she an metamorphmagus? If she is, you need to get that approved. Here is the form to become one. And metamorphmagi change by will, not at random.

Clovers is acually changing her hair at will only she doesn't really know it because she is doing it in her dreams, so its her subconcius mind changing it for her.
She doesn't know why its changing because she has very vivid dreams, but forgets them in the morning.
Her hair may not change by will without admin approval of some sort, as that is a special gift, whether it be that she is a metamophmagi or not.

The link supplied to you will bring you to the proper area.

Thank you.
Professor Nicolas King said:
Her hair may not change by will without admin approval of some sort, as that is a special gift, whether it be that she is a metamophmagi or not.

The link supplied to you will bring you to the proper area.

Thank you.
Her hair may not change by will without admin approval of some sort, as that is a special gift, whether it be that she is a metamophmagi or not.

The link supplied to you will bring you to the proper area.

Thank you.

what link?

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