Open Climbing To The Sky

Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
It had been a busy time for all. Emmaline had just been sorted into Gryffindor, a house she was happy to be a part of her. She had never particularly considered herself brave, but the Sorting Hat must have seen something in Emmaline that she had not seen in herself. Now that was an exciting thought. Might have some potential here She thought rarely having time to think about herself. It was all different now. She was away at school, enjoying her own time. No one to cook dinner for, or make sure homework was done (other than herself that was). No one to have to put to bed or worry if they had clothes to wear the next day for school. Emmaline had never exactly minded helping out around the house since Mum did work so much, but the young Gryffindor girl also was ready to have time for herself.

Emmaline had wondered the castle for what felt like hours. There was so much to see and so much to do, also so many opportunities to get lost. Finally the young girl found herself upon a staircase that lead to what looked like the top of a tower. I wonder how the view is up there Emmaline thought loving heights in general. She smiled brighter with every step as she walked up the whole staircase. It almost felt like climbing a mountain, something Emmaline had never given much thought to, but really would like to experience at least once.

The stairs eventually came to an end, as the tower opened up. It was slightly chilly up the way up here, but the view. Wow the view. The young girl walked over to the outlook and gazed upon the view in front of her. Oh how she would have to come back at night one time to see the stars. She was so high, she almost felt as if she could touch the sky.

"I love it here." Emmaline said to an empty room. "I could stay here forever." She thought leaning up against the window and taking in the sights. This school had a lot going for it in a positive manner, the views were definitely one of the best things so far.
The castle was wonderful. Millie had been exploring the whole day and had enjoyed the chance to have some time by herself. After wandering around the corridors, she came across the stairs to one of the towers, and she ran up them, feeling exhilarated. This, she thought, this was what she had waited for her whole life. A big castle, magic, it was almost like one of those story books she had read as a child. Finally she reached the top.“Ha!” she exclaimed loudly, before realising there was another girl in the room. “Oh, oops, sorry! I was just exploring and wandered up here- oh wow, that view!”
Emmaline was lost in her own little world watching the sights below her, very far below her. She could see everything. It felt like she was on top of the world. If only this tower would go higher She thought glancing at the ceiling for a moment, almost if it would magically grow in front of her eyes. You never knew, it was a magically school after all. Yet the ceiling did not budge. With an expected sigh, Emmaline looked back out at the view that almost, as cheesy as it sounded, took her breath away.

Suddenly the young Gryffindor was ripped out of her thoughts and the view in front of her blue eyes. Another girl had entered the tower, rather loudly and excitedly. Emmaline smiled slightly. "No worries. I was the same way." She reassured the girl, watching her instantly admire the view as well. Smart girl Emmaline thought as she too gazed out the window in silence for a few moments. She was so entranced she almost forgot one important fact, she was no longer alone, a first impression was to be made. Emmaline straightened her uniform casually and tucked a strand of hair, that always seemed to be in her face, behind her ear.

Bringing her eyes back towards the window Emmaline spoke; "This place is pretty amazing. Isn't it?"
Terrell was on a mission to investigate every nook and cranny Hogwarts had to offer. He had a plan that involved starting high then making his way down to the dungeons and beyond. He climbed up to one of the highest points of the castle. Almost at the top, Terrell heard voices talking about how great the place was. Hearing this made him run the last bit, reaching the top out of breath. "Hey! What's amazing about this place?" He asked breathlessly. He couldn't see anything interesting inside the tower. He hadn't noticed that there was a view.
Millie smiled at the girl. It was nice to have someone to appreciate the scenery with, and she was glad that she didn’t mind how she‘d burst in. “Oh, definitely. I think this might be my new favourite spot.” She looked back out at the view before turning to the girl again. “I’m Millie. First year Ravenclaw, but,” she gestured down at her robes, “well, that bit’s pretty obvious.” She laughed, before turning around in surprise as a boy burst in. “Wow this place is popular today! Look out the window, that’s the amazing part.” She grabbed the boy‘s sleeve and pulled him over. “There. See?”
Emmaline nodded her head as the girl mentioned it may be her new favourite spot. The place was pretty amazing, yet Emmaline wondered if it really could be a place to relax much like her favourite rooftop spot at home. Before Emmaline could give more consideration to the traffic that may occur in such a wonderful place, her question was answered as a breathless boy entered the tower.

Instantly the girl who had introduced herself moments before, pulled the young boy over to the window to show him just want he was missing. Emmaline stepped aside momentarily to give the boy a view. As she adjusted her outfit one more time, she looked over at the girl. "I'm Emmaline. First year Gryffindor" the young girl said. "Also I guess you can tell by this very fashionable outfit." She said gesturing to her uniform laughing slightly. Red would not have been Emmaline's ideal color to be dressed in forever, well at least during all classes, but the sorting Hat had made a choice. The house itself, Emmaline was getting used to, the color scheme not so much. "It's nice to meet you Millie!." She added happy to actually be taking to someone her own age. Emmaline was normally only used to the company of her sister.
Terrell was taken by the sleeve and pulled to the best spot for admiring the view. "Wow, yeah! I see what you mean. That's cool, how high do you think we are?" He looked at the scenery, then he looked at the two girls, one of them was a Gryffindor just like him. He did find it funny that they were telling each other their houses when they were in uniform. "Sorry to intrude on you both, I'm Terrell." He put his hand over the lion crest on his chest to cover it. "And my house is top secret, but I'll give you four guesses to work out which one it is."
Millie grinned. “Great to meet you too, Emmaline. Can I call you Emma?” she paused to think for a second. “Oh, and Terrell. Nice to meet you,” she said. “Hmm, and let me guess. Are you a...Gryffindor?” Giggling, she turned to look back out of the window, happy to of met some other explorers like herself. “This is a very tall tower, I’d say we’re at the top of the castle.”
Emmaline listened as Millie asked a question the young girl got often; can I shorten your name? Emmaline realized her name was incredibly long, quite a mouth-full. Although Emmaline understood this question, she really did hate to be called Emma, it just didn't fit her personality. "I'm not really an Emma" the young Gryffindor said kindly. "But I do go by Em on occasion" She added. Emmaline did not mind the nickname Em. Her best friends from home often used that name, almost as a term of endearment.

Emmaline looked at the boy who introduced himself at Terrell, an interesting name, but who was Emmaline to judge. Terrell seemed like an interesting housemate. He did not seem to take things to seriously, which Emmaline had to say she enjoyed in company. The young brunette laughed as Terrell made a small joke. "You never know. You could be a student from another school who sneaked into Hogwarts. If that's the case I'd be beyond impressed and want tips." Emmaline said with a smile before looking back out at the view. She leaned down slightly to see just how high up they were.

"It's crazy high." She said with a happy laugh. For a moment, she wondered what would happen if she dropped something out of this window. How far would it fall and how big of a 'splat' it would cause. Tabling the idea for another occasion, Emmaline spoke "I guess I'm on the right path to exploring the whole castle. Start with the highest point. Check."
Terrell laughed at both replies, "What gave me away?" He joked with Millie and Emmaline.

They all admired how high up they were, everything below them was theirs to explore. "I'd love to abseil down the side one day." Terrell said as the thought crossed his mind, next year he would try to remember to pack climbing ropes. "Is that your plan Em? Comb every corridor one floor at a time? Can I join for a bit, we might find something really good!"
Millie laughed as Terrell suggested abseiling down the side of the tower. “You’d have to be crazy to want to do that. You’d better do it next year though, I’ll hold you too it,” she grinned, shaking her head. There was a lot of castle to explore and she’d barely started. It would be fun to do it with some company. “Hey, if you’re going exploring, count me in!” she said excitedly. “I want to find a secret passage! Or something really exciting.”
Emmaline was really starting to enjoy this conversation. It had been longer than the young girl could remember that she had the freedom to do this, to socialize. There was always River by her side, leading the conversation or asking for something or another. Then when her mother was actually around, Emmaline could not focus on socializing, when her mother needed her to help create the perfect life. This moment, for once, was all hers. And to be completely honest, she could not believe she was meeting such cool people already. She had thought it was going to be much harder than this.

Terrell mentioned he would love to abseil down the side of the tower. Emmaline's face lit up. "Much more fun than my idea of water balloons." The young Gryffindor said. "Can't wait to see that" The young girl added with a smile. Emmaline had never had the experience of mountain climbing so abseiling was not something she would have any knowledge on. How it worked, she was not sure. But the idea intrigued the young girl. Plus it would be wicked to see She thought.

"Yep! That's the Plan." Emmaline said as they discussed exploring the castle. "I want to see it all! Secret passageways included!" She added glancing over a Millie. "I could always use the company." Emmaline said. The phrase itself felt odd to her. Normally she would enjoy every moment of free time she had to herself. She loved to be alone, an occurrence that happened rarely. Yet Emmaline could feel the aura in the room, she did not feel suffocated like she often did at home. She felt.. relieved.

A slight breeze blew through the window. Emmaline instinctively fixed a stray hair that was out of place before continuing the conversation at hand. "I almost wonder if it's possible to see everything there is to see here. But I know I'm going to try." She said with a little laugh. "That is when I'm not bogged down with classes!" Emmaline added shaking her head slightly. "I heard they are rough." The young girl said thinking back to what her mother had told her about Hogwarts. As much as Emmaline would love to skip most her classes, she knew she needed the grades to keep her mother happy with this situation.
And like that, the three of them were planning an adventure together! Terrell felt comfortable in the company of them both, like they could be friends of his in time, especially once they found the really cool bits of the castle. "This place is huge but we have seven years to explore it. I hope to cover the lot!" He said, "I suppose studying should come first sometimes though."

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