climbing a tree...knight in shining amour anyone :P

Jasmine Green

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Jaz was yet again, at one of her all time favourite places at Hogwarts, the lawn. She was just wandering around, not up to anything special. Although, she was eying up climbing a tree. She laughed to herself climb a tree and people are going to think you mad well to be honest, she didn't care, listening to people who said things to you was pointless. It had gotten her nowhere. She headed over to the tree, and gracefully hauled herself up, finding a seat on a branch that was sticking out. She glacned out to the field and trees admiring the beauty.

She fell to the ground with a thud.

"Ow" Jaz mumured, getting up and brushing herself off, laughing. As soon as she was on her feet, she fell back down.

She sighed loudly.
"I know I'm charming and all, but there's no need to fall at my feet twice," A voice said with no small amount of amusement. Tichondrius stood behind the girl, having been there for quite a while now. "I generally take girls to dinner first," he said, amusement still in his tone. Extending his hand to help her up, he continued, "But first, introductions. I'm Tichondrius Illitharis. And you are?"
Jaz with the help of Tichondrius got up, laughing. Although if you had looked at her closely in the cheeks, you would have sworwn she was blushing. Jaz didn't blush - or did she?

"Sorry, don't really know what happened, I just lost balence" she pulled a face "Yeah, you're pretty lucky too, I don't usually fall over twice" she laughed, joking around with him.

"I'm Jaz, thanks for helping me up" she said shyly.
"No problem," Tichondrius answered, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "So what brings you out here?" he asked, leaning comfortably against the rough branch of a nearby tree. Slipping his ever-present pack of Pocky out of his robes, he took one, and offered one to Jas.
"Well I prefer outside rather than being inside, I'm not really an indoorsy person" Jaz replied then added "Plus, I haven't climbed a tree in ages" she smiled, joking around.

He offered her something she had never had before, taking one she said "Thanks, and erm, not to sound rude but what are these?" she added "They're not a wizard thing are they? - I'm muggleborn"
Tichondrius shook his head, as he slowly ate one of the sticks. "No, they're not. They're Muggle, from Japan. I developed a taste for them. They are admittedly hard to find over here though my family regularly sends me some from home." He finished off another stick, then continued, "You haven't climbed a tree in ages, eh? I still do regularly. It seems like you can find me whenever you can find trees. It's like my habitat is trees."
(pocky! omg, now I rememember them... they are good! )

Jaz ate one of the sticks, enjoying it, it tasted amazingly good, she was supirsed that she hadn't eaten it before.

"They are really good" she exclaimed smiling "Your lucky your family sends them to you" she paused, a far away look on her face. She was thinking about how her family would never do such a thing, she wondered what it would be like to actually have a family who cared. She realised that she must have looked stupid, quickly snapping out of it with a quick shake of her head.

"Yeah, the tree I used to climb, my Dad cut down, he thought I was weird" she paused muttering angryly "party pooper." She remembered the time her Dad told her she had to stop hanging out in the tree, and then gone and cut it down. It was were she had gone when they got mad at her. She was glad she was back to where she could climb trees. She continued

"Habitat is trees..." she broke off smiling"I like that" she said "I guess my habitat would be that too, well actually, anything to do with nature."
[I am proud to say Pocky are everpresent where I be. They helped me tide over my O'Levels too. :p]

Tichondrius waved his hand in dismissal. "They only send it to me when they remember to, so I have to ration them." He paused to eat two sticks at once. "I never climbed trees much when I was young. I grew up on a ship. I spent several years on land though, shortly before coming here." Tichondrius listened as she said that her habitat would be anything to do with nature. "Well, I suppose that includes greenhouses? And gardens? How about a zoo?" He smiled to indicate he was joking as he said those.
[ahh... thanks for pocky huh :p]

Jaz laughed

"Hm, maybe not a zoo, especially if a snake escapes out of its cage" she shuddered "That is like the only thing that would scare the living daylights out of me!" she smiled

"So, where are you from?" she said leaning against the tree.
"The North Alantic Sea," Tichondrius answered, pulling out another chocolate stick. He caught a glance at her incredulous look and shrugged. "What. I'm not kidding. My mum gave birth to me in the North Atlantic Sea. Well. While the chopper was over the North Atlantic Sea, anyway. But I hold a Russian citizenship, since that's where the chopper landed." He paused and considered. "My younger sister is a Chinese citizen though," he mused, thinking about the young baby who was now his sister.
"A chopper over the north sea huh" Jaz smiled "Well, I have to say thats pretty exciting" She smiled still amazed at how Tichondrius could be born in a chopper. She ran her fingers through her hair and found a twig, she attempted to tug it out, but it was stuck. She carefully pulled it out slowly, trying to get all of it.
(Whoops. Sorry.)

Tichondrius watched as she smiled, and decided that he liked her smile. "Yeah, sounds pretty fantastic, doesn't it? Sounds like the kind of stuff you read about in story books or see in cartoons." He shrugged. "Sometimes I wonder if my parents are having me on, but I've seen the pictures of a newborn me in the chopper so I really can't argue with that." He watched as she struggled to get a twig out from her hair. "Here, let me help," he said and without thinking, took hold of the twig and quickly disentangled it from her hair and flicking it away.
[lol its okay ^_^]

Tichondrius helped Jaz get the twig out of her hair, when his hand touched her hair, her heart gave a little skip, Jaz frowned to herself; but mainly blushed inside, hoping it didn't show. She smiled again at Tichondrius

"Thanks" she said when he had gotten it out of her hair. "Yup, being born in a chopper is definitly awesome" she exclaimed "Have you ever been back in a chopper then?" she paused "If you have, did you get 'deja vu' feeling?" she asked then giggled "Even though you were only a newborn, then again, maybe you were a smart newborn" she said suggestivly.
"Yep. I have been in a chopper again," Tichondrius replied, then paused and considered her question. "Although, no, I don't get any deja-vu from being in one. Then again, I'm pretty used to being in a chopper, so if I have deja vu I probably wouldn't have noticed it."
"Thats cool" Jaz replied, looking at his face. She noticed a scar, which she had not really taken any notice to before. It was above his left eye, she reached out to touch it, then realised what she was doing, with drew her hand quickly.

"Where did you get that scar?" she asked, her cheeks becoming rosey.
Tichondrius laughed quietly as she drew her hand back from the scar, her face turning red. "It's okay, most people want to touch it. I got it ... Hmm, let's see ... yes, I got it in the line of duty." He saw her look of puzzlement and explained. "My father runs a protection agency, providing security for VIPs and major functions world wide. He doesn't believe in leading from the rear, so when he can he goes himself. If he can't he sends one of the other senior executives, and since he's grooming me to take over the business, I usually tag along. I got this while ... apprehending ... a would-be robber."
Jaz still blushing replied

"Oo" but she was still confused "apprehending a would-be robber..." she drifted off looking at Tichondrius. She decided to change the topic.

"So do you have any pets?" she asked him, this was a pretty easy going topic, and she was interested in what pets he would have.
"Yea, I do," Tichondrius answered. "In fact ..." He put two fingers into his mouth and blew sharply. A few moments later, there was an answering screech, and soon Hayate alighted from the clouds. "Jas, meet Hayate. He's a red-tailed hawk I got as a gift," he said as he stroked the hawk gently. The hawk looked at the girl regally once, then began preening its feathers.
[I would mention what pet Jaz has... but I've forgot. I think it's a cat... :doh: But can't be sure]

Jaz gaped, but only for a second.

"Wow." she said then exclaimed "Ok, first you have to teach me how to whistle like that!" she laughed "please?"

Then she looked at Hayate, the red-tailed hawk.

"That's a pretty awesome pet!" she paused "He's amazing. Can I stroke him, or not?" she asked.
Tichondrius chuckled, by now used to the reactions his fellow Hogwart students had to Hayate. As Hayate himself was used to it. "Yea, go ahead," he said, extending the arm that Hayate was perched on. "The whistling ... hmmm. I've always been able to do it, and I'm not sure how to go about teaching you to whistle."
Jaz reached out and stroked the fur, amazed that Tichondrius had a pet like Hayate. She replied to Tichondruis.

"This is about all I can do" she then put two fingers in her mouth and blew. No sharp whistle, just air came out. She giggled "I'm useless at that!" she paused smiling "It's ok, i'll figure it out someday!"
Hayate ignored Jas as she stroke its feather, as though the girl was beneath its notice. Tichondrius glared at the hawk, but Hayate resolutely ignored both him and the girl, instead scanning the lawn for would-be prey. Ti turned his attention to the girl as Jas tried to whistle. "Ah, it takes lots of practise. I used to blow like that too. I've been practising since I was 5 or 6, so that's why I'm pretty good at it."

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