Clearing the air

Lyra Potter

Mother of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Lyra had only just started her final year at Hogwarts New Zealand. Unlike many of her peers, she knew exactly what she wanted to do upon graduation and that was play Quidditch professionally. Really, Lyra was only still at the school for Quidditch. Classes were something she felt like she didn’t particularly need. Instead, she was spending her free time practicing. Lyra wanted another Quidditch cup for her house. So, it didn’t surprise her when she came across James Cade at the pitch. She knew he wanted to win as much as she did. Things had been unpleasant and awkward since their breakup, but before the drama last year, they had been pretty good as friends. Really, Lyra was tired of the awkwardness. There was no need for it. James was happy with Maddie, and she was happy with Felix. They were finally all with the people they should be with, and Lyra was honestly happy for James. Without preamble, Lyra made her way to her ex-boyfriend. “Can we talk?” Lyra asked with no animosity in her tone.
After winning the Quidditch cup the previous year James was even more determined to do it again, it was the only acceptable way to leave the school and he was willing to put in the extra hours to do it. Any moment he wasn't spending with Maddie or on patrol or doing something for the brotherhood or studying James was down at the Quidditch pitch. He was there for a while and after doing several laps of the pitch he returned to the ground to catch his breath and was surprised to see Lyra making her way over to him. James quickly looked around for any signs of Maddie, the last thing he needed was for his girlfriend to find him alone with his ex. "What is it?" He asked wondering exactly what they had to talk about. James hadn't said a word to her or had any desire to since he caught her in bed with Felix.
The tone in his voice made it perfectly clear that James didn't want to talk to her, but Lyra had made up her mind that she was going to talk to James whether or not he wanted to listen. "Look, I'm just going to get right to the point. I don't want to fight with you or Maddie anymore. You were in love with someone else, I was in love with someone else, and we let our relationship go on too long. We are both with who we are supposed to be with now. I made mistakes. Loads of them really, but I wouldn't take them back even if I could because they led me to Felix, and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way about Maddie." she said, looking him straight in the eyes. "We were friends before we dated, and I'd like to go back to that place." she said, wondering if he would accept her friendship request. "If it helps make up your mind, I apologized to her too this morning, but I will let her tell you about that."she said with smirk on her face.
James wanted to be mad at Lyra because that was easy. It was easy to paint her as a cheater and hate her for it but as much as he hated to admit it she was right. James too had made mistakes and while he hadn't been dating Maddie behind Lyra's back he hadn't been faithful, physically or emotionally. It was trivial to try and argue that anyone of them had been more or less unfaithful than the other because it didn't matter, they hadn't been right together no matter how good it had been at the beginning. "You're right," James said, the words almost getting caught in his throat. "Catching you two together stung but it's not like I was a saint but you're wrong I would have done a few things differently but that's trivial now, we're good," James smiled at her softening voice. "I'd like us to be friends too,"
Lyra felt a tightness in her chest lessen as James admitted that she was right. She had been confident that she was, but it made her feel better to hear that he realized it too. She didn't want to feel any bitterness towards James, or Maddie, anymore. She was done with the petty drama."Good. No more drama. And, for what it's worth, I am sorry for that, you know. I didn't mean for our breakup to go down in that way. I just thought you should know that." she told him, sincerely. Never had she wanted to hurt James. The ending hadn't been pretty, but not every piece of their relationship was bad. "Besides, I want to win another House Cup, Captain. We probably should work together to do that." she said with a grin at James, feeling much happier than she had when she first entered the pitch.

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