Classroom Forum Icons

Read the first post - or this won't make any sense!

  • Yes - Go for it!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like it, but try to make everything match up better.

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  • I don't really care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like it, but wouldn't mind too much.

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  • No! It's a waste of time.

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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After rewriting a small script which was used frequently on HNZ, it is now possible for me to change the markers beside forums with losing no forum functionality at all.
The markers I'm referring to have already been change for each house forum with the house crest icon. The halloween forum uses a ghost, and the birthday celebrations forum used balloons.

Now that this code has been more or less perfected for use, I would like to expand the use of special icons to each classroom - giving each an icon representative of what is taught.

Here is a screencapture of what that might look like (with various suggested icons) [Click]. (Remember that the classrooms wouldn't be grouped like that, they'd be in their appropriate locations. Also, the images is of slightly lower quality than the icons are in order for me to save the image as less than 200kb.)

We would like to know: Should we proceed with this endeavour?

My personal opinion is that it's a very neat idea and would spiffy-up portions of the forum. At the same time, however, the icons should likely match both each other and the default theme (as well as the other themes as well as might be possible). So if somebody is interested in making thirteen matching classroom icons... tell me. :r
P.S: Feel free to include additional thoughts in a post. :)
Well I personally think that it is a great Idea. Believe it or not I was actually thinking of asking you about it and if you could do it. I reckon it would make the site that much more lovable. Not that it needs any help there:p
I love this idea! I think it would be so cool. :D
Zomg, I have a little phone identical to the muggle studies icon in my dolls house! Awesome idea, go for it!
I love the idea! I think it would make the site look a whole lot better, and spiffy. :p
Why the heck not? Go for it! If they match the theme, even better. :D
I'd prefer it if they matched the theme, but with people using different skins... *shrugs*
I'd say, if it is no trouble, then go for it. ;)
I like the idea.

Ps. The set up too so much faster :r
I don't see why not Nick. Go for it! ;)
I think that sounds really cool, and I like the icons that you have there. I think that the idea of them matches the forum, and that's good enough for me.
Love the idea! ^_^
This has been done, then, as most people seem to disagree with me. :)

If you have any additional ideas for this, or some concerns, feel free to contact me or start a new suggestions thread.
For now - this question has been answered and I thank everybody who took the time to vote and/or comment. It's appreciated. This thread will now be archived. ^_^

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