Open Class 2 Music Activity

April Ward

🌟Energetic | 2050 Grad | Daycare teacher🌟
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Norton)
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2032 (30)
April was excited to be at her new job. Being at the Obsidian Daycare Centre had been a big change, but a welcome one. Her body was less sore and bruised than it had been when she had been dancing for hours at a time, and even though her days were tiring, she loved the time with the kids. They were so funny and full of energy, and April felt right at home with them.

The class 2 classroom was filled with different toys and learning materials for children of ages 6 to 8. April loved being able to teach the kids new things, especially when it came to being creative. She had made a space on a rug for her next activity, placing down several different musical instruments. She had different kinds of bells, drums, a xylophone and several other instruments laid out. She invited the children to join her, gesturing for them to sit in a circle. She put her finger to her lips until all the kids were quiet, then started to explain. "We're going to learn about musical instruments today. Who can tell me the name of any of these?" She asked, gesturing to the instruments she had laid out. "Oh! Please don't touch them yet." She added as one child reached for one. "You'll be able to play them soon." She added quickly. She understood that the instruments were exciting for the kids, but she wouldn't be able to teach if they were all used at once. "Please raise your hand." She reminded a few energetic kids that seemed like they eagerly wanted to shout out answers.

OOCOut of Character:
This is a small classroom activity to RP if you have daycare kids in class 2, feel free to participate if you want. You can imagine different musical instruments than the one I mentioned, but please keep it realistic for young kids.
Sybil had been skeptical when she found out she would be going to the new daycare a few days a week once it opened. Her father said something about it being a good place to socialize and make connections. She was still unsure but he did know best, and it wasn't like he had ever steered her wrong before. Sometimes she had to admit that daycare was more fun that her lessons with her tutor. But she couldn't help feeling like she wasn't learning as much as she could be. "That's a xylophone." Sybil said confidently as she gathered around the teacher. Her father had just started her with piano lessons and she wondered if she could figure out how to play something on it since the keys looked similar.
Charlotte had not been happy that her mum decided she'd go to daycare at least once a week. Her dad had moved far away and now she was being sent away, too. Except that she was going to come back, or at least, that's what her mum said. Charlotte would much rather be staying home with her nana like Margot. But here she was, at this place where she didn't know anybody yet. She'd already taken her hair out of her braids so that way her mum would know she was really mad when she finally got picked up. And as she sat next to the other kids once the teacher brought them together, she really tried to pay attention. The teacher had so many kinds of noisy toys, and Charlotte reached for once, being quickly shooed away. Crossing her arms, she waited until no one was else was answering and raised her hand. "The thing I'm not allowed to touch is a drum," she said, recrossing her arms as she eyed the toy. She really wanted to play it and hoped they would soon.
Lyra was glad @Lorelai Gates was with her at the daycare. She didn't like being away from home or from her sister. It wasn't like they were at the daycare all the time, they only went on day in the week so it wasn't like they were there constantly. Lyra was twirling a long piece of blond hair between her fingers and looked around. Their teacher had brought a lot of instruments and Lyra looked at a tiny guitar that lay on the ground. Her little hand rose up to name another instrument. ''There is a tiny guitar.'' Lyra spoke softly while her hand pointed towards the guitar. It wasn't exactly a guitar, since it was an ukulele, but Lyra didn't know what those were yet. Lyra wanted to play with the instruments soon, but she knew she had to have patience.
April gave Sybil a turn first, nodding at her answer. "Exactly!" She had to stifle a laugh at Charlotte’s reaction. “Not allowed to touch yet.” She corrected her playfully. “But correct.” One of the twins then got a turn, pointing out the ukulele. April smiled. “It does look like a tiny guitar, but it’s actually a ukulele, a different instrument entirely.” She said, picking it up and strumming a few chords to show the kids. “Alright, I would like each of you to pick out one of the instruments.” She said with a smile. “You’ll get a moment to play it, see what sort of sounds you can make with it.”
Camille didn't knew how she felt about going to the daycare. But since she was now living with Landon and his family and he was on Hogwarts, it seemed like an good idea they thought for her to have some social contacts with other children and some positive vibes after all that happend the past years. Camille was nervous of seeing the other children, she never had played so much with others. And playing was not something she was familliar with. Books were the toys she had and stories her biological parents told her about the magical world reading and to prepare for Hogwarts one day. So Camille was kind of feeling akward about what they described to her. But she found an place and listened to the woman. Looking at the ground mostly and quickly exchanging an look with the teacher. Some of the children spoke but Camille had no idea, she didn't knew much about music or instruments. Camille just stayed silent and listened. Than they got an assignment to play with it. Camille stayed on her chair in the circle and waited for anyone to start, looking at some girl next to her to see if she would make an move.
Charlotte frowned at the teacher's response. She wanted to play with the drum now, and she didn't like waiting. But thankfully, things moved quickly, and they were finally able to play with the instruments. Charlotte went straight for the percussion instrument, grabbing the stick as well. She was about to hit and saw the girl next to her watching her. They had been told each other's names at one point, and Charlotte recalled this girl's name also started with a C. But she couldn't remember the rest. "Do you want to hold the drum and I'll use the stick?" she asked the girl. It seemed like a fair trade, and maybe the other girl could have a turn, too. @Camille Carter
Sybil did her best to wait patiently to pick up the stick and play the xylophone, but she had to wait for the rest of her classmates first. She frowned when one of the girls called the ukulele a tiny guitar and she was about to correct her when the teacher started talking again and did it first. At least they could play now and she reached for the instrument and tried to play it. She hit one key at a time from the biggest to smallest and was pleased that it almost sounded like one of the scales she was starting to learn. It wasn't quite right though and it bothered her. Instead she used both sticks to try and make up her own song but everyone playing at once made it hard to hear and she frowned again.
Lyra had waited patiently, but when it was time to try out everything she made a beeline to the ukulele. She put it on her lap and tried to pull the strings to make some sound. ''Its hard.'' Lyra mumbled, it didn't sound as good as she had hoped. She then grabbed a flute and blew threw the mouth piece. A high note escaped from the piece of wood. It was different when she closed the holes on the flute. ''This cool'' Lyra said about the flute.
Lorelai was just staring around at everything, wide eyed, hands gripping the chair between her legs. She leaned in closer to her sister, looking at the little guitar. She didn't grab any instruments of her own, but when Lyra picked it up she reached over, gently touching the wood of it. "Lay-lee," She offered, looking up at her twin and smiling softly. "Pretty." @Lyra Gates
Lincoln, who sat close to a pair of twin girls, watched as their teacher let them have their turn with some musical instruments. Most of them were familiar to him although he did not see a piano in the group. Their house has a grand piano as well as the acoustic guitar his mother had in their home office.
As she noticed some children directly going for the instruments she watched them. And as the girl asked an question to her Camille looked at her shy. She wasn't sure if she asked it to her, and than noticed the others were playing so she was the only one still sitting so it must be to her. And than nodded her head in agreement. And than slowly stood up before walking towards the girl who just offered and took the drum in her hand. Hopefully the girl would hit the drum and not her. Otherwise Camille was perfectly fine with sitting back.
April watched her students after she placed down the ukulele, seeing what they would do while they explored the different musical instruments. She smiled as Charlotte immediately started sharing with Camille. Sybil played with the xylophone. Lyra grabbed the ukulele but quickly figured out it wasn’t the best instrument for young children. April smiled as she watched the kids explore and play. “Good job everyone, make sure to try a few different things if you want.” She said brightly, picking up the ukulele again to play a cheerful melody in the background of all the other noise.

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