Chilin' like a villin

Hoshi shook her head laughing and rolling her eyes. "Don't worry about Adira she doesn't like anyone but she's cool once you get to know her. And it's heard to find someone that can make people back off with just her presence." She whispered to Eden. She put her forefinger and thumb into her mouth for a loud whistle. Niky the owl came soring forward and she gave him the note to put in it's beak. "Tohoru will turn cartwheels when he finds out." She said sniffing. Hoshi looked at Eden then gave her a wink.

Hoshi took off her top but kept her super short black jean shorts. "Come on the water feels good when the weather is this hot." She said offering Eden her hand. The girls have been drilling her more than they had to but she was sure that they would grow to like her. Hoshi liked her because there seemed to be a sort of bookish air to her but she could also sence a backbone. Something that alot of the Slytherin girls didn't have. When it came to braking to rules that was.
Adira climbed up a rock and looked around for a minute, she got up and balanced on the tips of her toes before she jumped off the rock and down into the water, she swam under for a bit before she pulled herself onto the land.
Adira looked at Hoshi her Emerald green eyes displaying everything Evil. "Hoshi" she said in a icy cold dark tone that could scare even the bravest man "Come and play Hoshi" her voice kept dark as she walked out of the lake, she walked over to Hoshi and continued "Come and Play Hoshi" she said again before she pounced and grabbed Hoshi's Arms and held them behind her back "Your coming into the water Hoshi, and there is nothing you can do about it!" she said her icy voice going back to normal, but still had a dark tone to it and a touch of a spanish lift.
Adira began to drag Hoshi down to the lake.
Larissa was treading water in the Lake. She watched as Adira joined her again for a moment before speaking to Hoshi.
Larissa suddenly felt worried- Adira sounded.. cold.
She watched as Adira walked towards Hoshi, wondering if she should intervene.
When heard Adira's voice return to normal, she breathed a sigh of relief. The sun came back out from behind the fluffy white clouds and Larissa swam down under the water.
Hoshi heard the dark tone and looked back at Adira. "Yes we shall play Adira." She said her voice droping to deadlyish whisper. Hoshi stomped on Adira's foot then managed to get her arms out of her grasp. She turned, with her arms like a windmill managed to land three blows on Adira before landing on right knee and looking up at Adira her eyes going a slight redish color. "Come on Adira let's play." She said with a sick smirk on her face.

((sorry if there is a little god moding in there but Hoshi really is that fast.))
Adira felt three blows from Hoshi and she smirked. "oh we will play" she said as her emerald green eyes sparkeled with delight. Adira quickly crouched on the ground doing a quick leg sweep knocking Hoshi off her feet before kicking back into a back over. "Bring it" she smiled Adira kicked into a triple back flip round off before she looked at Larissa"Larissa want to join" she said
Hoshi braced herself for the leg swip and turned it into a backflip by puting her hands out to take her waight. Hoshi landed it then seemed to dance forward, back handing Adira across the face before making her hands form cup shaped fists and sending a spattering of hits at Adira. Hoshi was having fun though it might have looked like a bad fight to other people.
Adira seemed to manage to dodge every hit Hoshi tried to strike at her "Hoshi, i grew up with four boys, your going to have to try harder then that" she smiled as she scooped up some water in her hands and splashed it at Hoshi before laughing. "remember four brothers but they had wands" she said "and a few curses, spells, and more" mumbeled to herself.
Larissa smiled. She swam under the water, eyes open, silvery hair fanning out around her face like a story-book mermaid. She could hear the murmured voices of her friends.
Larissa flung herself from the water and onto a rock where she preceeded to stand up.
She ran towards her friends, her eyes bright with happiness. For now, Larissa could no longer see the darkness in her. It would all change soon enough..

The sunshine, which had been bright enough to penetrate the dreary surface of the lake, slunk back behind a cloud. Larissa felt cold. She walked towards the others and began pulling her trousers on, back over her wet skin. "Exams in only a week.." Larissa said, smiling still. She flipped her round to one side and began to wring it out. "Instead of practising muggle fighting, perhapps you should be duelling." Larissa smiled as she wriggled into her top.
Hoshi felt the splash of water in her face and laughed. "Yeah well I lived in the shark tank that was the Koshiba Manor." She said suddenly grabbing Adira by the arm at the two points where her energy would be the most spread out then flipped her over her head. Hoshi then kicked out into the small of Adira's back, who if things went right should have been on the ground.

Hoshi flicked a piece of hair out of her face the looked at Larissa with a wide smile. She could tell that Eden was put off but they where the Goth Gang, Violence and to a lesser scail lust was thier manner. Hoshi nodded. "You right Lissy-chan, we should. There's that exam in DADA to prepare for. I just wish it where Dark Arts and not defence against them." She said putting her black tipped fingers over her lips.
Adira felt her arm being grabbed Kida felt her being flipped over her head, her quicky reaction told her to put her arm back, so she did has her brain commanded, she quickly stuck her arm back, and winced a bit when Hoshi kicked the small her back, Adira managed to put her arm on the ground and sprung back onto her feet "i'm like a cat i never die" she joked as she hissed. "Koshiba Manor..." Adira held out one hand "Quadruplets and Dea..." Adira shut her self off and quickly made her hand which she signaled it getting heavier and laughed
Adira shot a glare at Eden who seemed to be quiet "Hosh, your little friend seems to be quiet, i don't think she can handle our fighting.. or us for that" she smirked
Hoshi shrugged. "At least she doesn't bring the noise like some girls we know." She said shaking her head. She was getting sick of all the gossip going around. There was one bright spot though. None of it was about her. It was about her friends though which sucked something awlful but that was something that couldn't helped for now. Hoshi took out her wand from her overly tight pocket and quickly muttered a spell.

"I'm not trying to kill you Adira-chan I'm just trying to get you to say I win." She said jokenly as she attempted to reverse Adira's knees. It was a spell that they had to practice before time ran out and Hoshi had to resort to creative cheating to get the answers right. She may slack off in some areas of school but she always pulled it out when it came to exams. She couldn't let that die.
"Ooh, Hosh." Larissa said in response to hearing Hoshi wishing it was the dark arts.
"It would seem you have a dark side." Larissa's eyes gleamed. She smiled with her vampiric white teeth.

The air began to fill with a cold chill as the evening drew in. Where had the time gone?
"Listen, guys," Larissa said, her silvery hair blowing violently in the wind. "I have to go and send an owl.. It really can't wait 'til morning.." Larissa smiled at Adira, "Keep practising.. Not that you need it." She gave her a small wink and turned to Eden, "As much as I'd love to say it was a pleasure meeting you.." Larissa began to hold out her hand, then she sharply withdrew it, "it wasn't."
Now Larissa turned to the red-haired Hoshi.
"Hosh," she said, her tone serious, "Careful what you say- you can't trust anyone these days."
Larissa's eyes flickered to Eden, she withdrew her head from beside Hoshi's ear and turned to walk away.
"Bye Larissa" she said as she gave a small wave, Adira shot a stare at Hoshi, her emerald green eyes got darker and more furious, there seemed to be a terrible chill coming not just the night air, Adira's Voice dropped to an ice cold tone. she looked at Hoshi. "but your not winning" she said as she drew her wand.
Adira knew alot more spells then she was allowed to use here, alot more darker spells, "Finite" Adira said plainly as she watched Hoshi cast a spell at her just stop. "we will be here for ever if your trying to make me say that you win" she added. currently under her dark exterior showed a mischevious side, Adira wasn't trying to be dark, she was just putting it on for show. "Hosh, i need to tell you something after this is done... and without glam freak here" she said as she gestured her wand to Eden.
Eden stood up. "You know what you little witch I have to go anyways so you can go and tell your little secrets to Hoshi all you want I could care less about what you think you have to say. And by the way Im not a glam freak I dont talk about people your more glamish than I will ever be so ttyl if your lucky." Turning to Hoshi Eden gave her a hug and said. "Thank you so much for trying to make me a part of your group I understand if it dont work out but it's ok I have a metting with Tohoru to get to and thank you for sending that note." Turning on her hell Eden walked away letting her hips twitch left and right knowing that if any guys had been watching they would have followed her wherever she wanted to lead them.

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