Chilin' like a villin

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi was emotionally drained even though she didn't put that much offert into her classes. She was sitting on a small cliff her feet dangling off the edge and into the water. She was only slightly conserned that this would attract unwanted creatures. If they attacked it was because this was her day to be attcked.

Hoshi had sent letters to her friends to meet her out here. One because she needed to just chill with her friends and two because she wanted them to meet a girl she thought would be a good fouth for thier little gang. It was a heated day and Hoshi wanted nothing more than to strip off her top and dive in. Hoshi sighed and waited though.
Eden walked up on the cliffs wondering what Hoshi wanted. Finally getting to the top Eden grabed a hairband and pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail and said "Whats up Hoshi you wanted me here?" Wondering if this had something to do with Tohoru she waited for her to say something.
Larissa had recieved Hoshi's letter that morning.
She pulled on some clothes and forced herself to wake up.
Larissa began the long trundled walk out of the castle and to the lake wondering if Hoshi was already there.

Larissa reached the lake front. Her blue eyes became considerably grey as they noted another girl there- One she hadn't seen before.
Larissa tucked her silvery hair back behind her ears and joined Hoshi sitting down.
"Hosh?" Larissa said, wondering what she had wanted.
Adira was sitting on her bed with Alain her Python, she watched Alain as she moved around her bed and t he room, she was watching him go through some of Lexi's belongings when she heard an Owl screech in the distance. Adira got up off her bed and opened her window wide open so that the owl could get in, she sat back on her bed and heard a loud THUD she turned around to see that the owl had hit the window anyway, Adira rolled her eyes and walked over to the window and took the note from the bird, she slammed the window shut and sat on her bed. It was a Note from Hoshi, Adira saw Alain trying to eat one of Lexi's socks, she smirked "Alain you can't eat that" she said as she walked over to to door and made her way down to the lake.

Adira walked down to the lakefront and saw Hoshi, Larissa and someone else. Kida shrugged and walked down, re-tightening her shirt she walked over to them "Sup" she said as she stretched her arms and looked at them both.
Hoshi smiled wide and leaned back. "Yo everyone. Girls I want you to meet Eden Luna. A girl I meet down in the kitchens and though she was cool enough for you to meet." She said with a bright smile. She was sure that they would like her as much as she did. She held out a peice of parchment to Eden that she got out form her rolled up jeans. "Fill this out and give it to Tohoru. It's just basic stuff like your favoret food and all that junk." She said rolling her eyes.
Larissa gave a small smile to Adira when she saw her arrive.
"Hm." Larissa said in reply to Hoshi.
She wasn't impressed. Larissa was never easily impressed.
"Is there more to this or is Eden just a 'passer by' to us?" Larissa asked, wondering if Hoshi was thinking what she hoped she wasn't thinking.
Larissa was curious as to whether or not this girl was a future GG member.. And if so, did that mean Larissa could start recruiting?
Adira looked at Larissa for a moment and then back to Eden, "she seems like a goody goody glam squad girl" Adira stretched her arms for a moment and looked at Hoshi raising her eyebrow slightly shrugging, Adira sat down on the ground and picked up a rock pegging it out over the lake, she watched it skip six times before sinking.
Hoshi shrugged at what Larissa said. "Ahe. Whatever really I just invited her to hang out with us." She said. Partly what she was doing. She was also hoping that the girls wouldn't be too hard on her because Eden really did seem like a great girl to her. But what Adria said did get Hoshi thinking though. What if Eden was a goody two shoes? Here was Hoshi's chance to find out. Hoshi had set up a plank on one of the nearing cliffs not too far up from the lake.

She saw someone going to the cliff which was in view of her won and she tapped her wand. The plank sparg up making the person flip into the water. Hoshi started laughing. "I give it a 8 because she landed on her back not on her face." She said when she calmed down. She looked at Adria and Larissa knowing that they would laugh at the prank as well but would Eden?
"Goody glam squad girl?" Eden said as she raised an eyebrow. "I think you have me confussed with someone else. Hoshi I dont know what you wanted with me coming up here but maybe it was not a good idea. I do not like it when people judge someone just by how they look isn't that what the glam squad does?" Eden ripped her hair out of the ponytail and started braiding it so that it hung down her back. "And also Hoshi why am I filling out this? I mean really some of these questions my own mother does not even know about me." Taking a deep breath Eden gracefully fall to the ground and sat there staring out onto the lake
Larissa laughed as she watched Hoshi causing the usual trouble she did.
She turned to Eden when she spoke.
Larissa raised her eyebrows at Eden.
"I don't judge by looks," Larissa said seriously, her voice was firm and honest, "I judge by blood."
She turned her head towards the lake and stared at it for a moment.
"Blood is thicker than water." She said, smiling to herself.
"You judge by blood what does that mean? What if someone is a muggle than there not good enough for you? Because my mother is a muggle and Im proud of my half blood." Eden stood up and pulled out her wand and started list rocks up in the air so she could throw them in to the lake feeling the power she had made her miss pitching for her softball team back in her muggle school. Looking at Hoshi, Eden wondered what Hoshi was thinking.
Larissa rolled her eyes.
"Automatically, everyone asumes I value purity as the most powerful blood type." Larissa stretched her arms out behind her back until she heard a satisfying crack.
"Is that what you think? Because if you haven't heard- though everyone in the school has read it.." Larissa muttered the last part of the sentence under her breath, "I'm dating a muggle-born."
Larissa said this proudly. She had always valued blood status but after meeting Robert, her thoughts turned to the other end of the scale.
She turned her cold eyes on Eden.
"Were you raised in the wizarding world?" She said, hardly raising a questioning eyebrow.
"I would assume so, the way you thought I judged."
"I was rasied in both the muggle world and the wizarding world my mother left my father when I was five but I lived with my mother six months out of the year and the other with my father. And I care nothing for rumors and gossiap so whatever people say about you I could care less Im one of those people that care about school and how Im doing in class than who someone is dating." Eden turned toward with Larissa with her dark green eyes and gave her the same look back. Eden was never someone to back down not for anything, and she was not going to back down to someone she had met less than ten minutes ago.
Larissa, although her eyes seemed deadly, began to smile.
"Good," She said, her face lightening up, "With established that."
Now she knew what sort of person Eden was.
She'd had to say what she said to work this out.
Larissa smiled towards Hoshi, then back to Eden.
"So," she said, "Do you like the Weird Sisters?"
Hoshi sighed as she watched yet another student topple into the lake because of her prank but no one noticed. She had turned to see Larissa drilling into Eden. Hoshi's face was stright but inside she was smiling. She was getting love Larisssa like a sister because of what she did for her. "It's for Tohoru-kun. He wants to know positively everything about you. That kiss you gave him knocked my baby brother for a loop." She said laughing.

When Larissa asked about the Wierd Sisters Hoshi know that Eden had passed Larissa expectations. It was good the have a fouth in this sort of Gang of thiers. Then agian why wouldn't Hoshi have her own gang at school when she was a mafia girl back in Japan. Hoshi shook that thought out of her head. "Well my prank on the other side of the cliff failed to get laughs. So anyone else have and idea of how we can mess with someone?" She asked her smile the widest it could go with looking bad.
[OOC my internet is crashing again fail! I hate hospistals.]

'Their ok but I like muggle music better I was so mad when I found out my ipod would not work here I almost had a fit." Eden said as she turned to Hoshi "Your brother Tohoru is by far the hottest guy to ever walk this earth, and that kiss got to me to I have not stoped thinking about him since I did that its making it hard for me to keep up in Astronomy I look at him and Im like sigh.... I know here take this to Tohoru for me." Ripping out a piece of parchment and a self inking quill Eden wrote a fast note to Tohoru.

Hey there :) ,

You and I should meet up sometime I dont know how about the rosebushes tomorrow night at like 8ish? I hope to see you there.

Eden Luna

Rolling it up and handing it to Hoshi "Here I hope you dont mind." Eden caught herself blushing.
Adira Watched Larissa and Eden quarrel for a bit. "goody goody gum drops" Adira said as she stretched her arms out infront of her before standing up. Adira emerald eyes shot a glance over to eden. "I don't like you, and frankly, if you repond to what i just said, i'm not going to listen" Adira cracked her neck and jumped up onto a rock. Adira looked at Hoshi and gave a slight cheeky smile before looking back at the water.
"and incase you were wondering, i judge by myself, if i think your an idiot, i'll tell you, if i think your nice, you will know it" Adira smirked "i come from a family of all males, oh and we all speak our mind. annoy me and i will hurt you, remember i have fought my brothers" Adira smirked before she stood up and kicked her shoes off, Adira pulled her top off and quiclky took her jeans off before running to the end of the rock and diving into the water.
"Oh look Hoshi how cute she thinks I care if she likes me or not. Im just going to run to our common room and cry because she just hurt my feelings." Eden continued to sit there she could care less that this female had a problem with her and who cares she got into fights with her brothers that did not mean anything when it came down to it. Pulling a nail file out of her back pocket Eden started to file her nails while looking up at the sky waiting for something interseting to happen.
Larissa watched Adira dive into the water. She remained where she was.
"How can you not like the Weird Sisters?!" Larissa said, outraged, "I mean, I know their an old band but they're awesome.." She turned to Hoshi, in mock anger, "Right, throw her in the lake." She joked as she pointed in Adira's direction.
Adira came up for air, she hard a little bit of what Eden said, Adira swam to the shore and stood up. "oh boo hoo, i don't care if you don't think i hurt your feelings, i don't care about you that much really" Adira crossed her arms infront of her. when she saw her filing her nails "G. L. A. M." Adira said as she pointed to the nail file walking out of the water. "Swim you say Larissa, i agree" she smirked as she looked at Hoshi, "I don't like her" she said before making it clear that she was ignoring Eden"

[[would have been worse but i have to go to school]]
"O wow ok listen her female I dont care if you like me or if you dont its not going to cause me to lose any sleep at night so why dont you do me a favor and get over yourself. OK?" Eden snaped she would not have some female just judge her when she did not take the time to get to know her. Turning to the other girl she said " I like the Weird Sisters its just I listened to more muggle music growing up so of course Im going to prefer them to anything else and you throw me in the lake Im taking you with me." Eden smiled and went back to trying to fix the hang nail she had she was really trying to not bite her nails anymore but it was really hard for her sometimes.
"Ooh, burn" Larissa hissed, laughing to herself. She gave a cheeky smile to Adira.
"I'd be careful if I were you," Larissa said, looking directly into Eden's eyes.
"Adira is lethal when she wants to be." Larissa smiled broadly and began to perform some mock-karate.
She was becoming less fond of Eden by the minute.
Eden sighed she did not want to get on there bad side but she was not going to be pushed around by them. Eden decided that at the moment it would be best if she kept her mouth shut and wait for Hoshi to say something, at least a cool person and gets to know someone before they all fly off the handle Eden thought to herself. Putting away her nail file Eden laid back on the grass to look up into the sky.
Adira smirked and fell to the ground "Oh no she isn't hurt by my words, how will i live with myself" she said as she pretended to be all sad. Adira rolled back before springing up onto her feet again.
Adira smirked when Larissa said she was lethal. "i'm worse then lethal" she said as she laughed, her black and emerald green Bikini still wet, "i still agree with the Swim thing" she said
"Yeah, me too." Larissa said, winking at Adira, a smile spread across her face.
"Should make it an initiation thing."
Larissa laughed and began to take off her trainers, then her socks, then her shirt and skirt.
She stood there in a silky blue bikini, smiling broadly, her silvery-blonde hair hanging down her shoulders.
"Right," Larissa said, feeling quite hot. She ran towards the lake, to a place where there was a large tuft of grass. She sped towards it, jumped onto a cartwheel and plunged into the lake.

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