Chicken Wings Before Bedtime

Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
If there was one thing that seemed to be somewhere in the first years mind at all times, it was food. That wasn't to say there weren't other interests, he still loved his adventure, reading and Quidditch, but food was always mingled in somehow and he didn't mind it. So far, Asaiah had been immensely satisfied by the meals provided three times a day which offered huge portions of any food he could imagine. Many a time he had left the Great Hall with a slightly nauseated feeling from eating far more than was healthy. It seemed as though the novelty of limitless food would never wear off and, thus far, it hadn't. However, owing to his youthful metabolism, he digested food far faster than he could eat it which left him awake in Slytherin's dormitories with a rumbling gurgle in his stomach, one he swore his dorm mates could hear throughout the night until dawn. Even though dinner had only been a short hour and a half ago, Asaiah found himself strolling along the basement corridor heading directly for the kitchens. He was a growing lad; the bare fridge back home was testament to that. Surely no one would deny him a cheeky evening snack before he settled down to bed. And anyway, sleeping was always easier on a full stomach, right? Continuing along the corridor he passed a painting of six men sitting around a table and enjoying a beverage that looked a bit like butterbeer to him. Once he passed the painting, the smell of his favorite food by far, chicken wings, entered his nostrils, meaning the kitchen wouldn't be far away.
Wyatt was pretty much constantly surprised by his ability to eat and eat and eat but he was a growing boy and needed more food, especially with his level of activity. Despite dinner being not long ago he wanted chicken wings and french fries so he had snuck down to the kitchens and had politely asked a House Elf to help him. The boy didn't want to keep them from their down time or anything, especially when it looked like they all could use a good shower and a chance to wash their... whatever they were wearing. However they seemed to be happy to help him so he thanked them as he waited, feeling a little antsy as he started to smell it more and more until he heard the kitchen doors open behind him. The boy looked and nodded, "Hey."

Asaiah smiled when another boy greeted his as soon as he opened the doors to the kitchen. ''Hey'' The Slytherin said and walked towards the boy and House Elf. ''You hungry too?'' He asked, looking at all the food the House Elf was preparing. ''That sure as h*ll looks and smells delicious mister House Elf.'' Asaiah's head turned to the boy who looked like he was probably around the same age as himself and said, ''You like chicken wings too? Nice!'' He nodded his head and smiled. ''Hey mister House Elf, if it's not too much to ask could you make me some chicken wings too?'' When the House Elf nodded his head and said that it was no problem at all, Asaiah smiled once more and thanks the creature. The first year felt kind of sorry for the creatures that were working in the kitchen because they had to work really hard to make a great amount of food three times a day everyday. With the House Elf busy preparing his and the other boy's food, Asaiah looked at the boy again. ''You a first year too?''

It was awesome!
Wyatt thought the boy that had joined him in the kitchens looked vaguely familiar but with a school this large and class sizes equally as large it made everyone look vaguely familiar anyhow. For all the boy knew, his new company could even be a year above him and just be a face that stuck out from the crowd. These things were hard to pinpoint. To him it felt as if he was back in Los Angeles nearby Hollywood Boulevard where the tourists all flocked and made things disgusting and the amount of people he could see in just ten minutes could overwhelm anybody. Of course, the boy was lucky to live further away from such a busy area. “Starving,” he exaggerated, having eaten supper and even a dessert not long before his venture down to the kitchens. “I had a craving,” Wyatt admitted although he knew full well that he really would’ve accepted anything given to him as part of his grumbling stomach which, as if on cue, made yet another noise. He watched the encounter between the polite boy and the house elf curiously, unsure how one really spoke with house elves because they seemed to be so self-depreciating that he felt almost uncomfortable asking anything from them. Still he had a feeling things were much worse elsewhere. To think these rattily clothed creatures were the lucky ones astounded him and made him think only of slavery but he was unsure if they were just slaves or it was a fashion choice he couldn’t understand and a very popular career choice for the elves. “Yeah, Gryffindor. You?” Wyatt retorted, his train of thought derailed as his suspicion was confirmed about his class mate.
Asaiah chuckled when the boy mentioned he was starving and said, ''Yeah, so am I.'' The Slytherin then looked at how the House Elf was preparing the food for the two first years. Well, if this magic-thing doesn't work out, I could always ask the Headmistress if I can stay at Hogwarts and work in the Kitchen. Asaiah thought whilst taking in the smell of chicken wings. To be honest, even though Asaiah came from a pretty big wizarding family and being a wizard shouldn't actually be hard for him, he still got insecure about the whole new to magic thing. What if he wasn't good at it? What if he failed to remember what he had learned in classes and would therefore fail his exams? If his previous school was already hard enough for him then what about Hogwarts? With these thoughts in mind Asaiah had decided to make the best of it in the beginning of term; actually making homework, paying attention in class, writing down anything important etc. When the boy asked him in which year (and probably House, too) he was, Asaiah smiled and answered his question. ''Yep, me too. Slytherin House.''

this could've been better
Wyatt had a slew of questions about Slytherin house because there were so many rumours about it and before he had the chance to stop himself the boy had already asked, "Is it true that there is a big snake that hangs around your common room?" Sure, he might have misheard what someone was speaking about but if it was true, Wyatt needed to know because that was petrifying. He was possibly most scared of them as opposed to Vampires or whatever else there could be because on some level Vampires felt fake to him but snakes he knew weren't. The Gryffindor boy was really dreading hearing the answer to this because of his fear. What would happen if the snake got loose? Could anyone control them with a spell or would it be easier to do so with food? He hoped not because mice were a great deal cuter than snakes were. Feeling on edge at the thought of it, Wyatt couldn't help but shiver too. Although it might seem like a strange question when clearly there wasn't a lion walking around Hogwarts too but a badger, a snake and an eagle were all far more likely to be easily contained so his house could be the exception to this rule. The boy really hoped not though.
The Slytherin smiled and answered the boy's question. ''Well I haven't seen any snakes hanging around in the common room lately, but it could be true?'' He said, not sure why the boy would ask such a question. ''But I wouldn't actually know that since I haven't spent much time in the common room. It's cold and dark there and I don't enjoy the cold.'' Back in September Asaiah didn't mind being in his common room - which was located in the lower levels of the castle - but now that it was getting colder outside, it got colder in the common room as well and the kid definitely wasn't a fan of the cold temprature. When the House elves came and brought them their requested food, Asaiah nodded and softly said, ''Thank you.'' to the House elf who was carrying his plate. ''Bon appetit!'' The first year said to be boy in front of him before taking a bite out of a, one of the many on his plate, chicken wing. It felt as if his stomach said thank you after he chewed and swallowed his first bite, and couldn't help but to smile. ''I'm Asaiah by the way. What is your name?'' The boy said with a friendly smile on his face after realizing that he hadn't introduced himself properly yet.

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