🌹 Rose Giving Cheerful Blossom

Hester MacGillivray

perky piper 💪 unstoppable! 🐸zoology student🐸
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2040 (23)
((Yellow, for Beckett Harrington))

Hester had really enjoyed the rose deliveries in her first year, though she hadn't gotten any herself. So when the chance came to deliver roses she jumped at it at once, excited to spread some joy around the castle. She had her basket of roses and list of recipients, and she was ready to track them down around the school. The first name on her list was a boy she recognised as a classmate, and Hester was pleased to spot him in a corridor while she was on the way to another delivery. "BECKETT!" Hester called out, hurrying down the corridor to catch up with the Ravenclaw. "ROSE FOR YOU, BECKETT!"
Beckett was leaving the Hogwarts Monthly room. He was just leaving from a meeting they had there when someone loudly screamed his name behind him. This was just terrible, he slowly turned around with a furious look on his face and ready to lecture this girl on how to keep silent. The loud noises would not only disrupt any nearby classes but also attract the attention of any nearby teacher who would probably warn them to be more quiet, and Beckett would not be reprimanded for something like that, he would not be reprimanded for anything at all.
He was just about to open his mouth to the approaching girl, Hester MacGillivray, third year, gryffindor when she screamed, again, that she had a rose for him.
That sentence hit him like a truck, it certainly did make him lose his composure, so much that he was only able to blab a few words "I... huh... thank you..." he said to the girl, not sure what he was saying thank you for since the rose wasn't still on his possession. The thing bothering him the most was that he didn't send anyone anything so he obviously didn't expect to receive anything.
After the shock passed a couple seconds later he regained his formal posture again "Next time don't scream thank you very much. My ears are very good at their function so they don't need you to be screaming from the top of your lungs for me to hear" he told the girl with his usual hint of a british accent.
Hester could tell she had startled Beckett a bit, but that wasn't gonna stop her. She laughed loudly as he rambled like a teacher about ears or whatever. "You're just lucky I didn't bring my bagpipes!" She said cheerfully, elbowing her classmate before handing over the rose and its attached message. Though maybe bringing the pipes would be an idea for next year.

Cheers for being a good roommate and not snoring.
Beckett rolled his eyes at the girl's comment, he did not have the patience, energy or time to argue over a pointless thing so he just grabbed the rose. He especially didn't like when she elbowed him wrinkling his blazer a bit which Beckett made sure to straighten up right after. He read the message, he was not seeing this coming but definitely made him smile a little, he would be sure to write Sawyer back to thank him for being so quiet and let him study in the dorm without constantly feeling the need to talk like some people. "Is that gonna be all?" he asked the girl expecting a loud answer.
Hester knew how to tell when someone didn't especially want to talk to her. But, more importantly, she knew better than to care about it all that much. Being the youngest of five meant that she had grown up elbowing for attention, and she didn't especially mind things like being brushed off. She gave Beckett a cheerful smile and another light, friendly shove. "You asking for more roses?" She grinned cheekily. "One per customer, sorry!"

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