Checking In

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (31)
Mallory liked to keep an eye on her students. She knew that her students wouldn't always be pleased with her lessons, or that they'd want to participate in all of them. But she had noticed something in her last lesson with Estella that she wanted to deal with herself. She summoned the girl to her office, and worked on tidying her things while she waited for the young girl. Mallory wasn't sure what she could do, but she'd at least like to speak to the girl and make sure she was alright.
Estella didn't understand why the charms professor cared so much about her running away from the last lesson. She felt like she had every right to do so, and it wasn't like the spell was that important to learn anyway - it literally encouraged arson. The teen didn't want to go to the professor's office, but she found herself heading there nonetheless. She was ready to take whatever punishment the professor had in store for her, even though she was convinced she did nothing wrong. She knocked on the door of her office. She couldn't help but be slightly annoyed by all of this.
Mallory looked up when she heard the knock, smiling softly. She moved to sit at her desk before flicking her wrist to open the door. "Come in, Miss Fuentes," she called, offering the young girl a warm smile. "Please, take a seat," Mallory gestured at one of the chairs across from her desk.
The door in front of Estella opened and she stared at the professor who sat at her desk. She seemed to be welcoming of her and Estella really wasn't sure why, especially since she had abandoned a lesson that the professor put together for her, and surely the professor was annoyed at that. The Hufflepuff entered the room and chose to sat down in the seat in front of her. "Are you going to put me on detention or something?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest. She couldn't care less at this point.
Mallory gave the girl a small smile. "Oh, no. I have no intention of that at all," she reassured the young girl. "I'm not angry with you in any way, Miss Fuentes." She summoned over a few tea cups. "You just seemed rather upset after the last lesson," Mallory tried to give the child a gentle look. "I wanted to make sure you were alright,"
Estella couldn't help a small sigh of relief escape her lips as the professor told her that she had no intention of putting her on detention. She didn't want to care about it, but it would really ruin her reputation if she did, especially if she wanted the prefect position in her fifth year. Estella had to be well behaved up until then just so she could impress her Head of House enough. The girl watched as the professor summoned over some tea cups, before quickly looking up again as the professor asked if she was alright. "Well, I mean, of course." she said, feeling slightly defensive. However she decided she would tell the professor the truth nonetheless. "I just don't like fire." Estella shrugged. She was sure that she wasn't the only one that didn't like it and so felt no shame in admitting it.
Mallory smiled softly, relieved to hear that Estella was alright. "Well, I'm glad you're alright," she told the young girl, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I am sorry if I caused you any distress," she gave Estella a gentle smile. "If you have any issues with lessons in the future, please feel free to come and tell me," she tried to reassure the younger girl. Mallory didn't like the idea of her students being upset or distressed by her lessons.
Estella just nodded as the professor apologised and actually seemed pretty good with the situation. She knew that her friend Rosemarie had some trouble with charms in the past and it was a relief to know that the professor was nice enough to hopefully not go to her Head of House about it. There was still a thought in Estella's mind that not everything was okay though, and so she couldn't help but ask about it. "So I never have to use that fire spell then? Isn't that going to affect my final grade?" she asked, quite obviously worried.
Mallory smiled gently and shook her head. "No, dorogoy, I'm not going to dock your grades over a single spell." She reassured the girl. "As long as you know the incantation, that is good enough for me. There is a practical portion on your exam, but there is the option of either the fire spell or the wand writing spell." She promised. "Just practice your wand writing and you'll be just fine,"
Estella couldn't help the relief she felt when the professor said that she didn't actually have to ever perform the spell. She hadn't been able to get away with much in her life, and so it felt odd that all of a sudden she could. The girl smiled brightly at the professor. "Thank you professor." she said sincerely. She trusted the professor would keep her fear a secret and so was thankful that everything was sorted now. "I should probably get back studying and practicing the wand writing spell then." And with that, Estella thanked the professor again before leaving her office.

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