Open Cheap Thrills

Kasim Safir

Expelled | Menagerie Assistant | Laying Low
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2038 (25)
Kas had slunk over to Bleak Street simply because he's been told not to go. There was nothing more intriguing to him than a place labelled off limits, and there was no place was more drilled into his head by his mum to stay away from than Bleak Street. The name certainly suited the place, and Kas stepped over a very questionable puddle as he made his way down an alley. This place was bleak alright. It had seemed like a cool idea at first, but now Kas was here it was a little bit boring and a big bit gross and creepy. He'd started thinking up useful excuses to distract himself from the looming shadows just in case he ran into any adults who might ask him what he was doing. He figured he might need one better than 'none of your business'. Maybe he could say he was getting something for his parents. He doubted anyone here was really so nasty as to mess with a kid, but it never hurt to heavily imply he'd be missed, just in case. Though his mum would have his head if he actually got caught here.
Gary Ives was not always on Bleak Street. He was normally working or doing something that his leader needed him to run some errands, but he was there because there were some things that he needed to get done in peace. Gary found Bleak Street to be very comforting and quiet, when there wasn't a raid or something going on. He was walking and minding his own business when he saw someone who looked much too young to be there, so Gary curiously stopped in front of him, purple bags filled with necessary items he needed. "Do you need help?" he asked the child curiously. He had many children of his own, so he felt for the child. It was in his nature to be fatherly.
Kas would never admit that he was mostly all talk, but he did definitely flinch when someone stopped in front of him, trying to suppress the fight or flight response he immediately felt. He glanced up and down at the guy, crossing his arms and trying to look unaffected by the stranger or the admittedly creepy environment in the ally. "Nah, I'm good," He said simply, brushing some hair our of his eyes. "Just.. getting some shopping done." He said, taking inspiration from the curious collection of purple bags the guy had. He knew about Bleak Street's reputation, and while he was a bit too chicken to actually go poke around in any stores yet, Kas still couldn't help but wonder what sort of things someone might be buying out here.
Since she’d begun working on a new article, it called for the woman to go to a place she did not been for s few years. Bleak street always gave her the chills, but had need to check an artefact in Borgins to see if the rumours were true and it had been legitimate. On her way back through, she caught sight of someone who certainly appeared too young to be in the area by themselves. Aaliyah has children of her own and seeing a man approach the child gave her an uneasy feeling. Pretending to look through the windows of the stores, the former Durmstrang was doing her best to overhear their relationship, and after all journalist were supposed to be good at retrieving information.
Gary did not believe the boy one bit. There was absolutely nothing that the boy needed over on Bleak Street, at least not yet. "Let me escort you back to Obsidian Harbour. I'm sure you must have gotten turned around on your way there." he said sternly. If the kid did not willing follow him, Gary would have no other choice but to force the child to leave. This was no place for him. It was for the child's own protection.
Kas took a few pointed steps back from the guy, giving his a distasteful once over again. His curiosity about his shopping was long gone at the guy's tone. He wasn't about to let some stranger lead him around to merlin knows where. Besides, even if he was trying to help Kas out, Kas wasn't done poking around yet. "Uh, no thanks, I know where I'm going, it's cool." He said, trying to keep his voice firm, but his eyes were already scanning the alleyway for a good escape route if he needed it.
Gary was getting frustrated, but he kept that well hidden. He let go of the purple bags, and they disappeared from sight, returning themselves to his office. Gary bent down on one knee, looking gently at the boy. "Look, I have no intentions of hurting you. It would have been done already." he started out. Perhaps not the best way to try and make the boy comfortable. Gary sighed. "I can tell you are a curious boy. I can accompany you to where you want to go down here because it is best you don't wander by yourself down here. It would be terrible if you encountered a hag down here." he stated. The pulled out his wand and offered it to the boy as a way to gain his trust.
Kas tried not to flinch when the guy moved, but it seemed like he was just putting his shopping away. He raised his eyebrows when the guy seemed to be trying to convince him to "accompany him" around the ally, but the whole came off an awful lot like a threat. "Uh, no thanks, I'm not supposed to hang out with strangers," He said dryly, taking another point away from the guy. Kas figured he might rather take his chances with the hag. At least probably wouldn't try to talk him into something like whatever this dude wanted. Kas paused though when the guy seemed to offer Kas his wand. "Is this a trick?" He said skeptically, looking from the wand to the guy and back. He wanted to take it, if only to get back at this dude for doing something so weird and underestimating him, but his gut also told him it might just be better to book it now anyway.

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