Charms class Fifth Years

Trilby Kiedis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Trilby watched as the professor ran about like a crazy person blasting the 'impedimenta' jinx at the gnomes that were chasing her for some beans. She was dying to laugh but was prevented from doing so when a gnome suddenly turned in her direction, almost as if it just cottoned on to the fact that the students standing around on the lawn were all holding bertie botts as well. Picking up her wand she cast the spell and watched as the creature slowed down considerably. Looking at the beans in her hand she tossed one to the ground in front of her only to see about four gnomes turn instantly in her direction.
"Oh merde" she muttered, Trilby had been expecting perhaps one to turn but not four of them. At the most she would be able to take down two but the others would be either on top of her for the rest of the beans or squabbling over the one on the ground. Not waiting to see what the outcome would be, she thought it best to cut the numbers before worrying about anything else.
With another blast of her wand, she slowed down another gnome.
Sebastian could barely restrain from laughing as he held onto his jar of Every flavor beans and watched their professor being chased. His shoulders shook with silent laughter and he only saw the gnome that was running in their direction after Trilby had slowed it. As Sebastian looked around, he saw that another couple of gnomes had broken off from chasing the professor and were now heading towards the group of students.

Sebastian took a step back as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at a gnome that was trying to sneak up behind a student. "Impedimenta" he quickly said and watched as it slowed. Throwing a bean down, Sebastian quickly moved away, looking toward Trilby who was surrounded, but found himself in between two gnomes, one behind and one in front of him. He quickly threw a bean over his shoulder, hoping to distract the one behind him and hit the gnome in front of him with the impediment jinx just as it jumped toward him.
The professor thankfully caught one of the other gnomes while Trilby in a burst of inspiration tossed the rest of her beans in the air and watched as many of the gnomes turned abruptly and jumped in the air after them. Many collided with each other as they grappled in the air for the beans, others were trampled in the rush.

Trilby laughed before casting enough impendimenta jinxes to slow more down. She turned smiling to Sebastian the new boy in her year who she had shown to the library in their first week. He seemed a nice enough sort and she hoped they would become friends. The fifth year class were somewhat snooty and up themselves the best of times and even though she was the prefect, she did not condone this type of behavior. It was mainly the Veela's in the class of course who behaved so deplorably towards anyone and everyone.

"Class will be over soon" she called to him using her english again, glad to use it on occasion so she could practice at least. He seemed to be managing quite well with his gnomes.
Sebastian quickly turned around to face the gnome behind, but it was distracted when Trilby threw all of her beans in the air. Unable to help itself, it dove toward the beans lying across the ground.

Catching her eye, Sebastian gave her a big smile. She seemed like a cool girl, and had been nice enough to show him to the library the other day. Sebastian turned away briefly as a small gnome snuck up behind him and suddenly grabbed the jar of beans from his hand. "Hey" Sebastian let out as he turned and slowed it down with the impediment jinx. He laughed as Trilby called to him that class would be over soon, and then jogged over to the gnome, plucking his jar out of the gnome's hand, but leaving the gnome a few beans.

As the student's finished off their last bit of practice, Sebastian walked over to Trilby. "Hey...I've been working on my French. Listen..." he made a show of clearing his throat and then said, "Merci de aider moi l'autre jour." He smiled before nervously asking, "How was that?"
It seemed like no time at all before the gnomes were finally rounded up and she turned to see Sebastian coming towards her. He seemed so utterly excited that he had been practising his French and she felt extremely flattered by this. She smiled, a hand gently touching his arm.
"Well done, that was very good" she fell back into her own language effortlessly but thinking for a moment, reverted back to English again.

"It is ok for us to speak in English. I can speak it very well. Have you fought against gnomes before? you seemed to know how to control that jinx very well". Trilby put away her wand and waved goodbye to the professor as she turned to Sebastian.
"It is nearly lunch time, will you walk to the Great Hall?"
Sebastian smiled as Trilby told him that it was good. He had worked hard the past week on his French, thinking that it would help him to fit in more at the school. At the very least, he hoped that it would help him to know if other students were talking about him as they often broke off into French when he was around since they knew or at least suspected that he didn't know the language well.

He was even happier when Trilby reverted back to English as it was what he knew best. When she asked whether he had used the jinx before, Sebastian nodded. "Yea, we actually did something similar to this last year except it wasn't against gnomes. It was against enchanted pillows...there were feathers everywhere." Saying goodbye to the professor as well, Sebastian nodded and extended his arm for Trilby to grab onto if she wanted to. He noticed the other students looking at the two of them and then pointedly ignored them. "Definitely. All this running around made me hungry."
Smiling at how chivalrous he was being, Trilby linked arms with him.
"That must have been one bizarre pillow fight" she laughed, "my parents garden is over run with them every year. Usually we get a gnome party together, invite the neighbours around to join in the fun. The children always love it, watching the gnomes in slow motion. They get to toss the beans while we blast the pesky creatures. A... a very interesting way to spend an afternoon".

Her brown eyes sparkled as she laughed, she too noticed the looks they got but as prefect and having attended the school quite some time now Trilby was used to this type of thing. Not regarding herself of course but with others, this had been the first time that the gossip queens of the Veela brigade were huddled in a corner disgussing her.

"I think perhaps they are jealous that I am talking with you and not them".
Sebastian gazed down at Trilby as she linked arms with him and began to tell him about the gnome parties at her house. He chuckled as he listened "Sounds fun actually"he replied.

When she mentioned that the others might be jealous that they were speaking to each other, Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I'm in good company now, so who cares about them." He glared at two girls who weren't even bothering to hide the fact that they were talking about them and then rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Trilby as they walked past the gossipers. "All I remember is how much those pillows hurt when I missed. I learned really quickly how to use the impediment jinx because I was tired of getting hit." the young guy shook his head and laughed as he remembered.
Trilby smiled at him, this was pleasant and she hoped they would become firm friends. It was difficult enough at this school without someone to talk to about the every day things. She glanced once more at the group of girls who she knew would have been quite happy to fawn all over Sebastian if she hadn't been monopolizing his time. Not sure if she really was good company she thanked him anyhow then looked at him curiously.

"A pillow hurt you? but are they ... eh not soft and squishy? Or are you the soft and squishy one?" her smile came quickly again as she teased him good naturedly.
Sebastian looked at Trilby and tried to appear angry but failed and chuckled instead. It was good to be around someone he could joke around with. It was one of the things he missed most about Salem. "No, I am not squishy. Our professor had this assistant who was a 7th year and I think he put something besides feathers in the pillows...the jerk. They were definitely not soft or squishy." He was glad to be away from that guy.

Sebastian continued to walk. "So, do we ever get to go into any wizarding towns?" he asked. Back in Salem, the students would be allowed to go into the nearby wizarding village on some weekends. He didn't know if they were allowed to do that here though.
She could only laugh as they approached the front of their school and began to climb up the steps to the large front doors.
"We do have weekends actually where we go to Breic" Trilby waited for the doors to open for them before walking on through, releasing her arm from his.

"Where are you from Sebastian?" she was curious about him and if he was to be her friend, knowing more than his name seemed essential.
Sebastian nodded as Trilby said that they did have weekends in the nearby town. When she asked where he was from, Sebastian answered easily. "I'm from a small town near Boston, but I went the brother school to the Salem Institute." He brushed his hand through his hair unconsciously as they continued to walk.
She smiled turning to face him.
"You are an American. I thought I recognized the accent but this Boston one is most strange. What is Salem like? I have learnt about it in history of course but have often thought about the place. I want to know all about your other school" her smiled was almost dazzling as she looked at him.

And then she frowned a little, forgetting her manners.
"I am sorry Sebastian, you must have other things to do. Other places to be, I do not want to take up all your time".
"So I've heard" Sebastian said as she indicated that his accent was strange. He obviously didn't think so, but knew that most people, especially those from outside of Massachusetts, thought the same way that Trilby did. "What's Salem like?...It's great" he said as a smile swept over his face while he looked at Trilby, who was smiling back. "Especially around Halloween...the town really comes alive then because everyone even the muggles celebrate."

When Trilby asked whether he had other things to do, Sebastian nearly laughed out loud. Pretending to thumb through a calendar, Sebastian said sarcastically "Hmm...I think I can fit you in for a little while longer Trilby in between eating lunch and the nap I was about to take after." Trilby was the only person he had spoken for longer than it took to ask for directions to wherever he was headed and, even though he came across as a loner who didn't really need anyone, Sebastian really wanted a friend.
"Really? Even the muggles? I have heard that but have never seen it. That must be strange. Is it true that little girls dress up like witches but wear fake green noses and things?" this amused her greatly. She had often heard others talking about the muggle halloween rituals of course but as she herself lived in a wizarding village outside of Marseilles, this type of thing was very new to her.

Laughing at his banter she walked on a head of him but turned around to face him, walking back wards towards the Great Hall.
"Then come on and lets get something to eat. Gnome bashing always makes me hungry".
Sebastian nodded and rolled his eyes, "Even the muggles...In some ways, I think they celebrate even more than we do. They just do it for different reasons. Sometimes even the adults will wear those green noses when they are witches. And the brooms they carry around are ridiculous...they would never get off the ground." He smiled, knowing that he would be missing the halloween celebrations this year in Salem.

"Let's go." Sebastian said as he rubbed his stomach which had begun to growl, "I'm starving too."
She laughed trying to picture the scene but fell terribly short, a vivid imagination was not her forte at all.
"We do have a party here, a fancy dress party. Perhaps you will attend?" she looked at him eagerly, it would be nice to actually have someone to talk to at these events. Looking at his stomach as he rubbed it Trilby smiled again.

"Better get us fed then, battling vicious gnomes is very hunger inducing"
Sebastian shrugged as he walked with her to get some lunch. "Oh, I dunno...I'm not really the party type." The truth was that Sebastian really didn't go to parties because he didn't know how to dance, but he was too embarrassed to tell Trilby that. She looked so eager though that he felt bad and quickly added, "I might check it out though. Are you planning to go?"
Trilby smiled kindly at him as he spoke before sighing gently.
"I have only gone once and that was in my first year, it started as loads of fun but the girls you saw back there took great pains to humiliate me for my choice of costume. It was a witch but as muggles see us. It wasn't anything fantastic but neither was it anything for them to make fun of me but I was very young then and took it all to heart and never attended another one. I planned on going this year only as I am now a prefect and must do my duty as well as try to have some fun" Tribly looked about her as they entered the Great Hall, the tables were all but filled so she chose one near enough to where they were.

Sitting down she waited for him before speaking again, but she did so in a hushed voice.
"To tell you the truth... I can't, I can't dance. Isn't that awful. I am a sixteen year old girl who has never learnt how to dance properly".
Sebastian listened to Trilby, at first suprised that the girls in the school had made fun of her for her costume. It seemed like an innocent enough thing to do and she certainly shouldn't have been made fun of for it. Then, he realized who she was talking about. The girls she mentioned seemed to thrive on making fun of others and Sebastian couldn't help but thank his lucky stars that he hadn't befriended any of them yet.

He sat down at the table and was about to pull a plate toward himself when Trilby admitted that she couldn't dance. He shook his head and chuckled, but then realized that Trilby might think he was laughing at her. "I"m not laughing at you by the way" he began and then lowered his voice to a whisper as he leaned closer to her, "but, I can't dance either. Isn't that weird?" He sat back and pulled a plate toward him. "Maybe we can learn together or something, though I'll warn you...I have two left feet" he added with another chuckle.
Trilby's gaze shot up to his when he began to laugh and she felt deeply offended as if convinced she had misplaced any trust she had put in him. But he soon reassured her that he was indeed not laughing at her but with her as he couldn't dance either.

Her eyes widened with this realization until she laughed too and leaned in towards him as well.
"Perhaps if we make a 'Two left Feet dance club' we won't feel so bad" she told him conspiratorially, "If you don't mind me treading on your feet every few minutes then I think us learning how to dance together is a wonderful idea".
Sebastian laughed right out loud at Trilby's suggestion. "I love'll just have to forgive me. I'm much bigger than you and when I step on your feet, I'm sure it'll hurt like hell." Sebastian took a bite of food and then put his fork down. "I can't believe we're gonna do this" he said with a shake of his head.
Trilby loved his enthusiasm for the idea and smiled along with him.
"At least we'll be ready well in advance for the Yule Ball" realizing that it may have sounded as if she were hoping he would take her, she blushed and lowered her head to concentrate on her food. Moving it around on her plate with gusto.
Sebastian turned red and coughed on the juice he was drinking as he heard Trilby talking about the Yule ball. It was so far away and he hadn't even been thinking about that. Thinking that a change of subject was in order, Sebastian asked, "So...what electives are you taking? I've got Care of Magical Creatures next...hope it's interesting."
She glanced up at him as he deftly changed the subject and could not help but smile.
"I have this also" she told him, it would seem they would be thrown together once more and she found she did not mind in the slightest. A friendship was forming here, she could feel it as surely as she could taste the food in her mouth and she was happy. Trilby didn't have too many friendships to boast about.

"It is always interesting" another smile as she glanced at her watch, "Sebastian" her lilting French accent danced across the table to him.
"I must go and freshen up and collect my relative books for this class. I will see you there?" Sliding gracefully from the seat she gave him a gentle wave as she made her way out of the hall and up to her dormitory.

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