Charms 4:5

Lyra could see that a lot of her students preferred practical work, most students in the school did, but unfortunately, sometimes they had to have lectures instead and take notes. "Alright, settle down." she announced, waiting for the fourth years to settle themselves before standing and smoothing out her robes. "Today we will be talking today about the Drought Charm and the Bubble-Head Charm. The incantation and wand movement for these are written in your textbooks so if you've read about these then you should already know what they are." So far they seemed to be doing all their reading and would know what the uses and properties were if they had, but she would review it none-the-less for those who had undoubtedly forgotten or, more likely, just put it off or not wanted to do it.

Lyra began to pace slowly in front of the class. "To begin with, we have the Drought Charm, which means to dry up. This charm is used to dry up puddles and small ponds, spills and messes." she smiled before continuing on. "There are, however, still some limitations, this spell doesn't work on large-scaled bodies of water like seas and lakes.”

Lyra paused in the front of the room, running a hand over her robes. “Another useful water-related charm is the Bubble-Head charm. Who can tell me what this does?" she asked, calling on a student. "Very good, two points. This charm creates an air bubble around your head, allowing you to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time. It will cover the casters’ nose and mouth and acts as a shield to the water so that the oxygen contained inside it is used to breathe. Do be careful, it is a timed spell, as you can only breathe the same oxygen for so long, and it is not impenetrable, so you must be careful not to pop it." It was a dangerous game to play but all magic had to be used carefully.

"Take note of these charms, and then you are free to go," she smiled warmly at them all, finishing the lesson a little early. "If you would like some extra study material, I have a few study guides for this class that could help with your upcoming exams," she added before taking a seat back at her desk.
Lucy enjoyed charms quite a bit, despite how her mood had been lately. She wasn't looking forward to exams nor the break that was to be had afterwards. Maybe she was old enough to get away for a bit from home, she thought to herself.

Lucy settled into class, getting out her supplies and taking notes as the professor spoke. She was growing on Lucy actually. Lucy raised her hand to answer the question about the bubble-head charm. "It makes a bubble of air around your head, so you can breathe where it's hard like underwater," she said. Lucy kept taking notes, though some of it was stuff that had been in their textbooks, and before she knew it the lesson was up. Lucy guessed she'd have to practice the spells on her own time, though she wasn't exactly keen to test her bubble-head charm underwater. That was a little scary - except maybe she'd actually be able to find the giant eel in the lake if she did try it.
Teddy took notes during the lecture on the Drought Charm and Bubblehead Charm. He had already skimmed through the material, but what really caught his attention was Lucy raising her hand to answer the question. She nailed it, but all Teddy could think about was how distant she seemed lately.

He sighed inwardly, feeling that familiar twist in his gut. Lucy hated him now, or at least that's what it felt like. Maybe he deserved it, but seeing her calmly answer questions and act like he didn't exist stung more than he'd admit. Teddy finished up his notes as the lesson was wrapped up. Once he was ready he packed up his things and left the classroom.
Millie listened attentively as Aunt Lyra began the lesson, knowing that today's lecture would be an important theory lesson, which she preferred. As the professor reviewed the Drought Charm, Millie took careful notes, underlining the key points about its limitations on large bodies of water. She appreciated the straightforward nature of the charm, recognizing its potential usefulness in everyday situations, like managing spills or small messes. The idea of practical applications always helped her stay engaged, even in lectures.

When the topic shifted to the Bubble-Head Charm, Millie felt a spark of interest. She had read about it before, but hearing the details from Aunt Lyra made the charm feel more real, especially the cautionary note about its limitations and the potential dangers of relying on it underwater. Millie noted down everything, already imagining scenarios where the charm could come in handy. As the lesson ended earlier than usual, she decided she would take advantage of the extra study materials offered, wanting to be well-prepared for any future practical exercises or exams.
Veronica listened closely as Aunt Lyra began the lesson, understanding that while practical work was more engaging, there were times when lectures and note-taking were essential, she knew Millie would enjoy the lesson. As Aunt Lyra discussed the Drought Charm, Veronica jotted down key points, noting how this spell could be useful for drying up small bodies of water like puddles or spills, but was ineffective on larger ones like lakes or seas. She appreciated the practicality of the Drought Charm, imagining various situations where it could be handy, particularly in cleaning up messes or dealing with minor water-related mishaps.

When Aunt Lyra shifted to the Bubble-Head Charm, Veronica focused on the safety aspects highlighted by her aunt. She wrote down the details about its use for underwater breathing, the limits of the charm's oxygen supply, and the importance of avoiding the bubble's rupture. The reminder about the spell's limitations made her think about the careful balance needed when using magic—how even seemingly simple spells required awareness and caution. As the lesson concluded early, Veronica decided to pick up one of the study guides offered and left the classroom feeling both informed and ready to study further.

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