Charms 4:3

Lyra was sure the fourth years would enjoy the lesson today, as there were two spells they’d be learning. She herself was a little weary of this lesson herself, already dreading the headache she would have after class. She would probably need a little alone time. She grinned as her students began to enter the room. “Welcome, lovelies! Today we’ll be covering the amplifying and the quietening charms.” She said with a cheerful voice. “These are complete opposites and quite effective in countering each other. When you use the Amplifying Charm, you can use the Quietening one to even out the effects, to save you using Finite.”

She walked slowly through the class. “Shouting and using the Amplifying Charm applies the same stress to your vocal cords. When you use the charm for long periods, your voice will be quite hoarse,” She explained, with a gentle smile. “The Quietening Charm is comparable to that of a whisper, and one under the effects of this spell would barely be heard." She explained.

“There’s no wand movement for this, you just need to point your wand at your target. However, let's see who did the reading and knows the incantations.” She looked over the class, choosing a student. “What is the incantation for the Amplifying Charm?” She asked. She smiled at the answer. “Very good. Five points. And what is the incantation for the Quietening charm?” She asked the class, choosing another student.

“Very good. Five points for you, too. Now, let’s go over the pronunciation of each spell as a class, I want to make sure you all have a good grasp of how to say these spells. Repeat after me. We'll begin with Sonorus for the Amplifying Charm, ‘soh-NOHR-us’, wonderful, and the Quietening Charm, Quietus, ‘KWIY-uh-tus’ Excellent job." She clasped her hands, smiling at the students. “Alright, go ahead and partner up and spend the rest of the class practicing these spells. I’ll be right here should you require any assistance.” She assured them, moving back to her desk. She sat on the edge as she watched their progress.
Callie walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She looked to the professor as the woman got started, telling them the two spells which they would be covering in this lesson. She took her notes and wrote down a little of what the professor told them about both of the spell. She didn’t know what the incantations were, or didn’t know them confidently enough to be able to say what they were. The hufflepuff then took ehr wand and began practicing the two spells, she was saying them correctly, given that the professor had gone over the two spells enough, and then cast them. She started with the quietening charm, and got that pretty easily, and then with the amplifying charm, which she also got pretty easily. She practiced them over and over until the lesson was wrapped up and she was able to leave the room.
Enoch walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. His gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the room as the woman got started. He nodded at what they’d be covering, and took his quill. He began writing a few of the things down which the professor was saying, but it wasn’t so he’d know them, it was mostly for something to do. He repeated the incantations low, not too loudly as everyone else did, and didn’t bother to raise his hand at all. Instead just let others do that. Then the professor let them do the spells. He took his wand and practiced it. He didn’t like either spell, but he practiced them, he managed to get both of the spells, but he didn’t enough the lesson much at all. He was glad when it was wrapped up and he was able to leave the room.
Elodie was tired that week, having been busy arguing with her wand. Somehow even in fourth year, she was struggling to control her wand. It was overly powerful half the time, or just refusing to listen to her. She really needed to ask a Professor for help, but part of her wanted to try and figure it out on her own. Dreading her lessons a bit, Elodie walked to class and took her seat.

She bit back a sigh as they said they were working on some charms. She knew this would be... messy. She tried to study for a bit, but soon enough she had to move to the edge of the class. She took a deep breath, and after a few tries, she managed the first spell. Her 'hello' was so loud it hurt her ears. She winced, and it took her a few tries to get it reversed.

She sighed, relieved. She moved on to try and focus on the opposite spell. It worked sooner- but too well, her voice so quiet she couldn't get her wand to listen. Burning with embarrasment, she went to the Professor to get it reversed.
Ten took a seat in the Charms classroom more excited than she had been for a good while now that she was officially Professor Carter's assistant. She no longer minded that she'd been kicked out of the Wild Path club because now she had something so much better anyway. She was thinking about what she was going to plant next when Professor Potter told of them what they'd be doing that day, and Ten couldn't help but wonder whether she'd ever need the charm to make her voice louder. Ever since she was small she'd been told she had a loud voice, and her inability to whisper meant she struggled to be anything but.

"Quietus," Ten said as the professor chose students to answer the questions. She'd need that one more than she needed the alternatives. Finding a partner, Ten proceeded to practice the spells until it was easy to flick between the two as needed. At the end of the lesson she packed up her things and headed out the classroom.
Teddy was comfortably settled into Charms class when his hand shot up to answer the question. He rarely missed a chance to show off, and this was an opportunity. “Sonorus,” he answered confidently, smiling when Professor Potter awarded him five points. He smiled when Ten answered the other question.

As the class began practicing, Teddy partnered up with Audrey, ready to practice and already imagining how they might prank each other with these spells later. At the end of the lesson, Teddy packed up his belongings and left with his friends.
Lucy stepped into the classroom feeling quite tired. Quidditch practice was catching up with her - that or she had a cold that hadn't manifested proper symptoms yet, she didn't know. She just knew she wasn't feeling one hundred percent up to class but she'd gone along anyway to try her best.

The charms did look interesting, and Lucy paid attention as much as she could. When it was time to pair up, she did so, practicing the two charms. She did surprisingly well at it, though she didn't find all the noise levels faintly irritating.
Millie made her way into Professor Potter’s classroom for the latest lesson as prepared as she could be from just the reading. She hadn’t dared to practice the spells themselves but based on the increased volume of voices in the Ravenclaw common room, some of her housemates had. She took her seat and listened as the professor explained to them the amplifying and quietening which included the incantations. Two Gryffindors answered the questions regarding the incantations and Millie made a note of what they both said before shifting her attention back to Professor Potter.

Once they were instructed to partner up Millie grabbed her sister and they spent the rest of the lesson going back and forth practicing the two spells. Millie didn’t much like the sound of her voice under the effect of the amplifying charm, which wasn’t surprising, she wasn’t one for raising her voice. Once the lesson was over Millie packed away her notes and her wand and made her way out of the classroom.
Veronica made her way into Professor Potter’s classroom for another charms lesson. She was enjoying the temporary professor so far and thought it was a shame she wouldn’t be around the school for much longer, even if Veronica would have a different professor in her fifth year regardless, he could see why her dad held Professor Potter in such and at least if she was no longer her professor she could go back to just being Aunt Lyra.

She took her seat in the classroom and listened as Professor Potter talked to them about the amplifying and quietening charm, she asked the class to provide the incantations which some of them did, Veronica made a note of them so she would remember. Once they were finished going through the spells they were instructed to pair up and practice. Veronica paired up with Millie and they spent the rest of the lesson going through them, going back and forth trying both spells on themselves and each other. Once the lesson was over Veronica put away her notes and her wand and made her way out of the classroom.
Dominic still had a few weeks of the semester left, and so he was looking forward to whatever his classes had in store for him. He had been trying to keep up with everything, especially with his responsibility on the quidditch team and the extra classes. It was proving to be difficult, and all Dominic could do was try his best not to stress out about it too much. He often contemplated heading to the library to find some meditation books, but it just stressed him out even more as he supposed he could have been using his time to do better things. Trying to keep all of the thoughts out of his mind, Dominic made his way to his classes.

Dominic entered the charms classroom, looking forward to this class as he wondered what new spell they would be learning. As he took his seat, the professor announced that they would be learning the amplifying and the quietening charms. He practiced the incantations with the rest of the class and then paired up with a classmate to give both of the spells a try. He didn't see the point in either one when one could simply just raise their voice or lower their voice. He managed to get both spells pretty easily however and was satisfied with the lesson when he left the classroom once dismissed.

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