
Lydia Drage

Researching the dark arts- for science
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
13.5" Fir with Core of Basilisk Skin
September 13, 2025 (31)
Lydia had stopped by the Third Floor to swing in and say hello to Misha, but he seemed to be away right now. She noticed that the other office door was ajar. Since she was already here, she decided she should introduce herself to the new Charms professor. When Lydia had joined over a year ago, the professors who had gone out of their way to make her feel welcome had made all the difference.

Knocking on the doorframe, Lydia said, “Hello? I hope I’m not interrupting.”

@Professor Mallory Corrins
Mallory was still feeling very nervous. She hadn't been in crowds like this before. Decorating her office to make it feel like home helped. She had a dark oak desk, potted lady slipper orchids in two hanging potted plants on each end of her desk, and Russian Sage in a planter box along the edge of her desk. She had a large, rich brown leather chair behind her desk and a matching leather sofa dotted with soft throw pillows and a lilac blanket folded over the back of it.

The wall to the left and right were bookshelves, overflowing with Mallory's personal book collection. And behind her desk were pictures of her home, her family. The main piece, the biggest picture, was one of her entire family, her parents sat on the couch with her, her brother, and her sister standing perfectly dressed behind them. She knew it looked fake, they were all perfectly posed, perfectly painted, but it was the only picture she had of her brother and she missed him dearly.

She had just sat down to go over her lesson plans again when she heard a knock at her door. She looked up. "Yes, come in," she set her quill down, tucking her hair behind her ear.
Lydia was relieved when the occupant said she could enter. Pushing down the awkwardness she always felt with initial greetings, Lydia opened the door and smiled at the other witch. “Hi, Professor Corrins, I just wanted to say hello, and welcome.” She stepped past the threshold, not sure how far to invite herself in. “Lydia Drage. I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for the younger years.” She was impressed with how well-decorated and organized the office was; her own was sparse in comparison.
Mallory blinked, not used to the formal term. "Oh, oh, Mallory is fine," She reassured the other woman, her Russian accent subtler. "It's nice to meet you, Professor Drage, please come in," she asked, motioning for Professor Drage to enter the room.
“Likewise. And please, call me Lydia.” It was awkward to refer to other professors by their title, so Lydia was happy to be on a first-name basis straightaway. She tentatively took one of the empty seats. “Seems like you’re already settled in,” Lydia said, “how are you liking the school so far?”
Mallory smiled as Lydia came inside and settled. She moved over to her teapot as it had begun to whistle, and looked over to the other woman. "It is very welcoming, really, and it is rather fulfilling to teach the children," She admitted, smiling at Lydia. "Would you care for some tea?"
Lydia’s smile broadened when Mallory offered her a cup of steaming hot deliciousness. “Tea sounds lovely,” she said. Lydia didn’t mention that tea basically ran through her veins. No use scaring off the new professor. She looked up to the portraits in the room. “Are you close with your family?” she asked. It occurred to Lydia that she had no family photos in her office, nothing of her siblings or her parents or the extended family that she loved. She would need to change that. Even her grandfather had family photos in his dark, oppressive office.
Mallory smiled and set about making two cups of tea, moving over with a tray and setting it on the couch between them, adding a little bit of honey to her cup. She sat up, stirring her tea, and glanced to the photo as Lydia asked. "I am close to my sister," she answered after a moment of thought. "And I used to be close to my brother," she smiled a little sadly, looking to Mallory. "Do you have any family?" She asked.
“A sister, and two brothers,” Lydia said, smiling back at Mallory. She left out the half-brother she’d recently found out about and wanted nothing to do with, and her parents. Her smile fell a little when Mallory mentioned the brother she used to be close with, but she kept her composure; after all, she understood. “I’ve got a pretty big extended family. Never a dull moment.” She looked up at the portraits again. “You wouldn’t believe it if you saw my office, though. I think I need to get a move on with some pictures.”
Mallory nodded, sipping her tea. "Large families must be nice," She smiled. She had enjoyed her time with her siblings, when they were younger. They had enjoyed themselves, mostly. She chuckled softly at Lydia's comment. "Oh, only if you want. I just thought- I spend so much time here. I might as well make it comfortable. What's your office like?" She asked, curious about her new friend.

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