Character Help

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17" Maple Wand Essence of a Fire Demon's Soul
Hey everyone, Ramora here!

I have brought to HNZ a new family to start. The Firewalker family. IT's a new revolution in families and they think differently then others. In time of fights and what not the are neutral. They hate both Death Eaters AND Aurors. They believe there needs to be balance in the world. They believe a world can't be all good or all bad. You need a little bit of both.
What I'm getting at is I need some people who are bored or whatever and have some time to put away to be on a new rise of a family. The firewalkers. I have spent a few days on development and even more if that. I have charaters planned out and it's pretty flexibale right now. I am asking of you to take up some characters. You can create them and I'll give you their bio.

Here are some of the characters...

Ashley Firewalker(Ramora's Wife) - Mother of Firewalker

Timothy Firewalker(Ramora's Son) - Keeper of Firewalker

Maria Firewalker(Ramora's Daughter) - Keeper of Firewalker

Ramora II(Timothy's Son) - Heir To Firewalker

Felix Lobestal( Ashley's Brother) - Guardian of Firewalker

Issac Lobestal(Ashley's Brother) - Guardian of Firewalker

The Lobestals aren't acutally part of Ramora's family but are part of Ashley's. They are her half-brothers and are the "Guardians" of the family.

Here is a descrition of the titles....

Mother of Firewalker: Wife to the founder of the family (She keeps all in line)
Keepers: The secret holders of the family.
Heir: The One to Carry out the Family Name
Guardian: Those who protect the family

That's a summary anyways. If there is a specific character from here or if you'd like to create your own firewalker just contact me and we'll see how you can fit into the familt :)
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