Closed Chaotic Friendships

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
It was finally break time, and honestly, Marley had already missed her friends. It had only been a week or so since the break began, but she had missed them dearly. So she decided to invite Amodeus and Teddy over to her house. She was surprised her dad had said yes. Marley spent most of the day helping her dad clean the house as well as preparing snacks for her friends. It felt like it had been forever since she had last seen her friends. Marley had been in the middle of looking at the different movie options they could watch when she suddenly heard knocking on the front door. "I'll get it!" Marley shouted excitedly as she raced towards the door. "I'm coming!" Marley giggles. It wasn't too long before she was at the door and opened it to see who it was.
Teddy's break from Hogwarts was going very well, he had been doted on by his parents who were savouring every moment of his presence after his absence at school. The food had been as good as Hogwarts best feast and they were taking him snowboarding at the end of this week. Teddy was having a great time.

Teddy was spending time with Amodeus and Marley at Marley's house today. Arriving together, Teddy nodded towards the front door and grinned at Amodeus. "I think this is the one," Teddy said warmly, encouraging his friend with a playful nudge. "Go on, you knock."
Amodeus was absolutely having the best time ever. They hadn't even gotten to Marleys house yet, but he was already excited for it. Spending time with Marley and Teddy was always the best thing ever, especially if Dom could join them too. There were only the three of them this time though, but that was totally fine with him. He laughed lightly at Teddy's words. "It is," He agreed immediately. "We found our cats under the porch as kittens," He whispered, smiling brightly. He knocked as Teddy prompted and threw up his arms happily when Marley answered. "Hi Marley!!" He greeted brightly, before sticking his head in a little. "HI MR. MARLEYS DAD!" He called out to her dad, knowing he was probably around somewhere.
Marley cheered when she saw her friends, happy that they had finally arrived. "Hi, guys!!! Come in! I'm so excited for you guys to be here!" Marley said with a smile, as she guided her friends into her home. Though she giggled at Amodeus greeting her dad. She was so excited to spend time with her friends. Even though she knew she'd still see them at school again, it was always so great to see her friends during the break. "What did you guys wanna do? We have movies, board games, we can do anything you want" Marley says with a smile.
Teddy looked at the space under the porch and smirked, "That's cute!" he replied, his attention shifting to the door as Marley answered. "Marley! Yay we're excited too, how have you been?" Teddy kicked his shoes off at the doo and followed everyone inside. He looked around curiously, Teddy had never really been inside a proper muggle house before. "I don't mind, I'm happy with whatever you both want to do."
Amodeus smiled, skipping in. "We should go to your room, build a giant fort, and watch movies," He declared, looking to Teddy. "You should see her room, it's sooooo cool," He whispered with a playful wink.
Marley giggled at Amodeus' suggestion. "Okay! Let's go to my room then! Follow meee!" Marley cheered before quickly making her way up the stairs to her room. She loved her room very much. It was spacious enough for her and a lot of the things she liked. "This is my room, please make yourself comfy!" Marley says with a giggle, as she gestures to her room. "Okay, I'll be right back and grab some blankets and pillows we can make a fort!" Marley says excitedly as she runs out of the room to grab some of the stuff they need for their fort.

here is a small pinterest board of an idea of what her room is like
Teddy followed his friends up the stairs feeling a bundle of nerves that he couldn't quite pinpoint. Maybe it was because he'd never been inside a girls bedroom before and had no idea what to expect. Teddy imagined to be greeted by an entire wall covered in posters of rainbow-maned unicorns and overwhelming girlishness fumes. But when he got there, Marley's room was actually really cool. He sighed in relief, feeling instantly more comfortable, "Wow Marley, your bedroom is really nice." He said, "Do you need a hand bringing the stuff?" He offered kindly.
Deus skipped into Marleys room, humming happily, and immediately set to work setting up things so that they could hang up the blankets. He and Marley had built plenty of forts in here, so he knew exactly where to go and what he was doing. "Mr Marleys dad usually brings most of them," He offered up to Teddy.
"It's okay Teddy!" Marley called out to her friend, as she grabbed a few of the blankets and pillows with the help of her dad. It wasn't long before Marley and her dad had brought a whole heap of blankets and pillows into her room. She gave her dad a quick thanks, before turning back to her friends. "Where did ya wanna start?"
Teddy's watched the growing mountain of blankets and pillows on the floor. When Marley asked where to begin, Teddy instantly replied with "Like this!" Without further ado, he swan-dived onto the mound of fluffy pillows and soft blankets.
Amodeus needed absolutely no prompting- he took a running start and leaped in after Teddy, squealing and giggling loudly as he was enveloped in the massive stack of blankets and pillows. He wiggled, trying to find a place to pop his head back out from.
Marley giggled as she watched her friends suddenly jump into the huge pile of pillows and blankets. She then followed suit after Amodeus. "Cannonball!" Marley calls out, a bunch of giggles coming out of her mouth as she too lands on the pile of pillows and blankets

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