Closed Change of Heart

Rene Tofilau

Way Too Tall | Trying to Stand Out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gwen) (Bi
09/41 (19)
René had been having second thoughts about Quidditch since joining the team. Not that he didn't like playing, and it wasn't just because they'd lost their first game either. He was just less and less sure about playing as a chaser. When Sully did, he made it look so cool and effortless. But when René did it he felt ungainly and awkward, limbs too long and like he was going to fall off his broom any minute while trying to hold a quaffle.

He'd slipped out of the common room and into the student lounge, half hoping to find his brother to asking him about it, though it was more of a relief when he couldn't spot Sully among the other students there. René wasn't exactly sure how Sully might take him bailing on the position after Sully had spent the entire holidays trying to teach him everything.

He sighed, ready to give up on the thought for now when he spotted Charlie in the corner, probably writing or something. He always seemed to be writing. But René hesitated. If there was anyone he knew who more about Quidditch, it was probably Charlie. Maybe he'd be able to tell if René was actually any good or something. "Hey, Charlie, are you busy?" René asked, squeezing himself into the seat opposite Charlie and folding up his long legs. "I wanted to ask you some Quidditch stuff."
Charlie was busy revising the final draft of his article for the monthly. He had settled in the common room, Kohaku settled in his hood. He was just putting the final touches on it when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up, blinking before smiling softly. "Rene, hey," he greeted. He gathered his parchments and set them aside. "No, it's alright. What's up?" He asked, folding his hands in front of him and giving his roommate his full attention. Charlie liked talking about sports.
René was relieved when Charlie set his writing aside without a fuss, though now it meant he actually needed to mention what had been on his mind. "I just figured like, you know a lot about this stuff, aye..." He started, splaying his palms on the tabletop for a moment. "Do you think I'm a good chaser? Like, should I keep at it? My brother taught me how to play and he's really good and stuff but," René shrugged, unsure how to put his concerns into words without sounding like he was fishing for compliments. "I don't want to quit or anything," he added hurriedly, raising his hands before folding them in his lap. "But maybe I could be better at something else? Is there an easier position maybe? I don't know." René scrubbed a hand over his hair, giving Charlie a sheepish look. But Charlie was smart, maybe he could parse something out of that.
Charlie nodded mutely. He did now about these things, he had studied sports for years. His brows raised as he heard the question. He was silent a moment, waiting for his roommate to finish talking. He was quiet a moment more, considering Rene's question. "Well..." he spoke slowly. "If you really want to change... Have you considered a beaters positon? It's more... personal training than team training and it's easier to progress when you aren't trying to coordinate your skills with those of two other people at the same time," he offered. "I have to admit, you are a good chaser. But if you want something else..." He studied Rene, looking for a reaction.
René tried not to fidget while he waited for Charlie to mull it over. It wasn't exactly like he was expecting Charlie to tell him he was hopeless at Quidditch or anything, but there was enough uncertainty that Charlie's silence felt like ages. He smiled when Charlie said he was a good chaser as well though, puffing his chest out proudly. "My brother taught me everything I know," he said proudly. "Beater.. Like Connor and Tilly?" René said as he took a turn to mull it over himself.

René had been getting better on a broom, but the idea of losing one hand to holding a bat the whole time was a little daunting. He wasn't the most coordinated, but at least he supposed a beater wasn't trying to catch and throw things while on a broom. And one hand was better than none. René was kind of warming to the idea. Connor and Tilly were pretty cool. Even if Tilly kinda scared him. He was sort of built like Tilly too as well. "Yeah, maybe... Do they get hit a lot though?" His Quidditch uniform had some padding on it, but René still felt oddly naked playing sport without a mouthguard or something. Sully had assured him they could just charm his teeth back in if some got knocked out but René still didn't find that very comforting.

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