Chance Meetings

Dean Stephens

Dean had been in town descovering the area with his twin brother Cameron all morning, and they'd sat down on a wall to have a break. "I'm nacked, remind me why I agreed to come?" He said sarcastically to his brother. Then he noticed another boy sat a little further across the wall looking a little lost, "Hey, can I help?" Knowing afterwards that he probably couldn't, seeing as he had only just moved to the area.
Caleb was lost! There was no doubt about it, he was lost, he had lived inthis town a few months now (or longer) but he was lost... again. He had stopped on the wall to rest while he tried to remember which way he had come when he heard a voice calling to him, he looked across to where it was coming from and saw two identicle faces looking back, "Oh uhmm, yeah, I'm abit lost, you don't happen to know where Lilly Lock lives do you?
Cameron nerly hit Dean when he offered to give directions, they had only just moved here themselves, Deeeean! Whyyy?! he thought, and his face showed his thoughts. But when this boy asked about Lilly, this feeling suddenly passed, "Lilly Lock? Yeah we know her, we live with her. Who are you?" He had a sneeking suspition about who he thought he was by things Lilly had told him, he just hoped he was wrong!
Whow, what a coinsidence! Caleb thought, "You live with her?! Wow, well I don't belive in coinsidences..." liar "but I do belive that was something like one!." The shock showed in his face, even though it was covered with his cheeky grin, "I'm Caleb, Caleb Mintkin. I'm a friend of Lilly's" a knowing smile crept across his face, 'knowing' because he knew he was very much less than a friend! "Do you happen to know where she is? I really need to talk to her about something."

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