Chair Stacking Contest Pt. 2: Defending My Title

Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
Even thought he promised his parents that this year would be much different, Asaiah found himself in the same old position as he did last year. All he wanted to do was have fun and since it was early in the semester surely nothing could go wrong, right? Now that he was in possession of his owl again Asaiah made sure to Axel that he was still wanted by the twelve year old boy, so he wrote a note to Eleanor, telling her to meet him in the abandoned classroom later that day to have fun and gave it to his owl to deliver it for him instead of doing it himself.

Asaiah had arrived earlier than he had planned to to make sure that everything he needed was still present, and luckily it was. As he waited for Eleanor to arrive Asaiah seated himself onto one of the many chairs in the classroom, hoping that she would like what he had planned.
Eleanor couldn't believe that she was already in her second year at Hogwarts. She regretted taking advantage of it so much and wished that she had done many more things, despite how much longer she had left at Hogwarts to do all of that. Her second year hopefully wasn't going to be too hard and she was just glad that she had some good friends that could help her along the way. One friend from her first year in particular sent her a letter one morning to her dormitory and Eleanor opened it excitedly, hoping that it wasn't anything bad. As her eyes scanned the page and read each word, Eleanor could feel a smirk appearing on her face. She couldn't wait to have some more fun with her friend. Their last encounter was one of the best she ever had and there was no way she'd ever miss out on an opportunity for more.

Eleanor left her dormitory later that day to meet Asaiah. She made sure she had plenty of time to get there in case she managed to get lost again and found Asaiah already there sitting on one of the chairs. "Hey!" she exclaimed, looking at all of the chairs around the room. "I don't have any food if that's what you're wondering. Why are we here anyway? We should totally make this our secret hide out! Not many other people seem to come in here anyway." She sat herself on another chair across from Asaiah, wondering if he just wanted to talk or if he really wanted to do something fun. Whatever it was, Eleanor would gladly participate.
As the Slytherin waited for his Hufflepuff friend to arrive, he counted the chairs that were needed for the chair stacking race they were going to held when she would arrive. Asaiah counted a total of one-hundred-and-ten chairs to stack for them, though he was sure they probably wouldn't use half of them. Asaiah was pretty siked to meet her again after their last encouter had been pretty fun, and it even was going to be better than their last one since he would give Eleanor another shot to win (Even if she hadn't fallen from her chair, he still would've won in his opinion.). The Slytherin took a bag of Bertie Botts out of the inside-pocket of his green and silver robes and waited with opening it untill she would arrive.

When Eleanor was finally in the abandoned classroom, a bright smile appeared on the boy's face. ''Hi!'' Asaiah exclaimed happily. ''Don't worry I brought some.'' he said as he waved the bag of Bertie Botts in the air. He was happy to see that the Hufflepuff in front of him seemed to be excited for whatever he had planned to do. ''Well, I thought it'd be nice to give you a revanche.'' Asaiah pointed at the chairs on the left side of them classroom. ''Not that you will win this time because I am the Chair Stacking King of Hogwarts.'' With a smirk on his face Asaiah waited for Eleanor to react, hoping she would be in for another chair stacking contest.
Eleanor couldn't believe how everything was turning out. She jumped up and down on the spot when Asaiah brought out a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and waved them around in the air. She quickly took them off of him without trying to be impolite and shoved two in her mouth at once. Coincidentally, one was watermelon flavour but the other happened to be earwax and so she pulled a face of disgust as she tasted it, not really liking the taste in her mouth. "Earwax." she told the Slytherin with a giggle as she quickly swallowed it, hoping that the taste wasn't going to be in her mouth forever. It would go away eventually and she only hoped that would be soon.

As Asaiah explained to Eleanor what was going to happen, Eleanor couldn't help but squeal out of excitement and could already see herself winning the next match of the chair stacking contest. She was glad that they both had enjoyed her little game last time and was very excited to see how everything will unfold this time. "We'll see about that 'Chair Stacking King of Hogwarts'. I happen to be the Ultimate Chair Stacking Queen of Hogwarts which is just ten times better than you." she told him playfully, already feeling herself getting into character. There was no way that Asaiah would win and so she put on her brave face as she took herself over to the pile of chairs, waiting for Asaiah to start the game.
Asaiah smiled as he saw his friend literally jumping up and down when he grabbed the bag of candy out of his pocket. It was nice to see that she was in a good mood because today would be awesome. His smile widened when Eleanor mentioned that one of the flavours she put in her mouth was earwax. Asaiah grabbed them back from his friend and shoved a few into the palm of his hand. ''Let's hope I don't have earwax.'' the Slytherin said with a smile and then shoved them all at once into his mouth. He immediately regretted doing this because the moment he started chewing on them he could tast something similair to spinach and sprouts filling his mouth. Asaiah opened his mouth and spit the remains on the ground, wishing he had brought a bottle of water with him.

Asaiah watched as Eleanor walked over to one pile of the chairs and said, ''Well then, 'Ultimate Chair Stacking Queen of Hogwarts' you should've won last time if you're ten times better than I am.'' whilst walking to to other pile in the classroom, grinning brightly. If she was expecting to win this time she was dead wrong because Asaiah wouldn't let that happen in a million years. ''There is still time to back out if you want to, Eleanor.'' he said teasingly. ''No? In that case, on the count of three.'' Asaiah let his eyes slide to the girl one more time before counting, just in case she did want to back out, but that probably wasn't going to happen. ''One.. Two.. Three!'' The Slytherin immediately grabbed the first chair and put in onto another. Even though there was a chance that Asaiah wouldn't win this time, he was sure that is was going to be a lot of fun.
Eleanor watched with anticipation as Asaiah took his own handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and shoved them all into his mouth at once. It was slightly revolting seeing chewed up remains of the jellybeans on the floor mixed with saliva but Eleanor laughed nonetheless, finding it quite funny that she was able to eat the disgusting earwax flavour without vomiting and he was not. There was only one winner in the room and Eleanor was already very confident that it was her, despite her slight slip up last time. She was sure she was going to beat him now nevertheless and firmly shook her head at the Slytherin when he asked if she wanted to drop out. She had given up her free time for him and even tasted an unusual flavour of candy so she could do this and she knew that only a coward would ever want to drop out of doing something so fun.

As soon as Asaiah announced that the both of them could start, Eleanor quickly took her first chair and stacked it right on top, knowing for a fact that she was doing better as soon as she started. One after the other, she stacked them all and kept the momentum going until the pile happened to get so tall that she could not reach them again. This was the place where she had messed up before and she made sure to grab one of the spare chairs on the side and carefully placed it next to her pile, keeping a watchful eye on her friend's progress whilst doing so. She held onto the back of the chair and even took off her shoes as she climbed up, knowing very well that she was going to win this time. It was quite a workout but she still managed to be able to squat every time and used her muscles to lift up each chair. There was definitely no time for hesitating as she was sure Asaiah was doing pretty well himself.
Almost immediately after the boy announced that they could start stacking their chairs, Asaiah hurredly grabbed his first chair and stacked it on top of the other chair. Last time he had been watching how Eleanor was doing and it had almost cost him to lose if she hadn't slipped, so promised himself not to look how far his friend was doing whilst their contest was going on. Asaiah kept stacking the chairs until it almost impossible for him to stack another one on top of it. Rather than grabbing another chair like he had done in their previous contest, the Slytherin boy took out his wand and pointed the tip at the chair, softly muttering, ''Wingardium Leviosa.'' underneath his breath. As the chair suddenly levitated in the air, Asaiah tried his best not the screw things up by hitting his already pile of stacked chairs. He managed to stack the levitated chair succesfully on top of the pile and smiled, happy that it works. Eventually the Slytherin couldn't help but to glance at Eleanor's pile. He chuckled when she used the same method she had used before to stack them. He also noticed that he was a few chairs behind her so without hesitation turned his head at a new chair and levitated it by saying the spell.
As the competition progressed, the piles seemed like they were almost hitting the roof and by now Eleanor was standing on three chairs instead of one, concentrating more on keeping herself up on the chairs than the stability of her pile. As she heard Asaiah cast the incantation for the levitation charm, Eleanor pursed her lips, remembering last game where she had said no magic. She kept her lips sealed though. After all, he was the host of this game now and perhaps that meant the rules were changed? In that case, Eleanor suddenly had an idea and retrieved her wand from her robes before pointing it at the chair that she was next to pick up. Casting the featherlight charm, she was quite surprised at how much lighter it felt in her hands and used it to her advantage as she lifted it over her head and on top of the pile. The Hufflepuff continued to do this to every next chair, finding it much easier for her tired arms.

When she was sure that all of the chairs were stacked, Eleanor stepped off her three chairs as carefully as possible and used the levitation charm to add them to the pile, poking her tongue out in concentration as she did so so it didn't knock anything down. "A... Asaiah." she said slowly, not wanting to make any sudden movements in case the stack fell on top of her again. "I did it!" Her face lit up as she looked straight up at her pile. It was slightly bending to the right but they were all up and in one pile which was all that mattered. "Who's the winner now, 'Chair Stacking King of Hogwarts'?" She smirked, quite proud of her achievement.
For a moment Asaiah thought that he was going to win their little chair stacking contest. Although the speed at which he was going eventually wasn't enough for him to win this game. His head fell as soon as Eleanor announced that she had done it, and sighed at his failure while slowly shaking his head, not happy that he lost to a girl. He looked up again when she asked him who the winner was and Asaiah slowly started grinning. The Slytherin put his wand back into the pocket of his green-and-silver robes and said, ''All right, well done Chair Stacking Queen of Hogwarts,'' the kid said with a bow. ''Just remember that we're tied now.'' The fact that the two students were tied in points made Asaiah forget that he had just lost from a girl. There was still a chance for him to win the contest if they would ever do this again. ''Right.. Now we just have to put the chairs back to where they stood, unless you want to to another round to make certain that there will be only one King or Queen in Hogwarts?'' The Slytherin student asked Eleanor, being fine with whatever she choose to do next.
Eleanor smirked when Asaiah complimented her for her efforts and even gave him a small curtsey, knowing very well that they were tied now and that only one more game would determine exactly who the winner was. Despite this, Eleanor shook her head at his offer, scared that if she did accept it then she would lose and it would only ruin her confidence. But before the girl could say anything else, her leaning tower of chairs fell down again with such a loud noise that she was surprised no one had come running in wondering what the commotion was. Eleanor just laughed, knowing that it was just her luck that chairs didn't like to stay in a pile for too long, and knew it would only be a matter of time before Asaiah's would fall down too. After all, the pile was almost touching the ceiling and there was no way it would last too long either. Eleanor found the mess of the chairs around the room quite amusing and was glad that none of them had fallen on top of her. With a sudden idea, Eleanor walked over to a wall and casted the marking charm and watched as her name carved itself into it. "You should carve yours into it too!" she exclaimed to her friend with a smile. "That way this room can really be our own."
The noice that was made by the stack of chairs falling to the ground startled the Slytherin. He was almost sure that some Professor would walk in the classroom any minute now and punish them both for the mess they had made. Luckily for the two of them, no one had heard the noice that was the chairs. Letting out a small sigh of relief Asaiah carefully moved his eyes to his pile of chair as if any sudden movement could make them fall to the ground as well. A minute passed and his pile was still holding up pretty well. ''Phew, lucky for us none of the Professors heard that otherwise we'd be in big problems right now I reckon.'' And the moment he was done talking his pile also caved in. Closing his eyes because of the noice Asaiah could only hope that no one would've heard this as well. Luck really seemed to be on their side because like the previous time, the door stayed closed. Asaiah smiled when he saw Eleanor casting her name in one of the classroom's walls and walked toward her when she offered him to the the same thing. With the brown wand in his hand Asaiah, too, casted the marking charm on the wall and chuckled slightly when his name was being carved into the wall by the spell. ''What now?'' the Slytherin asked his friend. Wondering what they could do next.

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