cautiously optimistic about plots

Hello! I figured I would actually try to RP for once (and inevitably get overwhelmed and forget RPs again). Keeping it fairly small, just probably two or three per person max atm. Please don't be offended if I turn some down! Just trying to manage capacity around work and things. I've got some students I probably want some things for a bit more but others I would certainly be happy to do things with!

You'd think after being here so long I'd be okay at actually managing RPs but alas here we are...

Yuelia Rossingol - Slytherin 7th Year
She's the weird goth girl I originally wanted to do a lot more with but totally fell off the wagon keeping up with her. She's very awkward and timid unless she has a wand in her hand. 6th year was a rough one because she both got her heart broken and accidentally severely injured a prefect, an incident which may well have spread around. She's probably going to join the arts club, continue duelling, and I'm up for anything with her really. Romance (boys 6th-7th year only), friendships, enemies, you name it.

Oswald Brambleheart - Hufflepuff 5th Year
I really haven't done a lot with him but I'd like to. He's a chaser on the Quidditch team though he's abysmal at it, fluked his way to a dueling tournament win, enjoys carving and sculpture, and also is about the height of a first year. Would be keen for some friendships, maybe some crushes he can develop (girls only, unrequited or requited, either or), angst about his short stature/goblin heritage, anything.

Miranda Dawes - Ravenclaw 3rd Year
This is the big one I've got this year. Miranda has some new authority and a bit of a taste for gossip. She's usually extremely nice and complimentary, at least tries to be, but there's a bit of a buried mean streak (inherited from her HoM professor mother) that I'd like her to start cultivating. Doesn't fit in with her roommates very well, has issues with her mother being one of her teachers, hint of power, being's a difficult time. She's not going to be as foolish as to print gossip in the paper again, but doesn't mean she might not print some that isn't directly involved with the school paper...

Ideally I'd like her to start small, get gradually a bit nastier and nastier until she eventually hits a break point where she realises that being a mean girl actually doesn't feel good at all anymore and have to make amends. Realise that she doesn't have to force herself to be ultra nice all the time but that it does feel a bit better to be kind than horrid. To that end, anyone who'd be willing to be involved in gossip I'd love to plot with, as well as just some more interactions, especially with the paper. Anyone who wants to push her along her mean girl path is welcome too. :r

Ruth Thorne - Slytherin 1st Year
She's my newest, I'm still working her out a bit but I think she's going to come off pretty laid back. She's pretty lazy, but she's clever and more perceptive than she lets on. Just doesn't want to get any sort of expectations placed on her. But she's certainly friendly if perhaps a tiny bit manipulative. Down for anything with her, friends mostly, especially anyone who wants to just try out new things and see what happens. Ruth wants to find something that's hers but doesn't want to put too much effort in in case it doesn't work out, so she's really up for anything (half-heartedly).

Michael Watson - Ravenclaw 7th Year
Honestly he's always just keeping on keeping on. Sad about his girlfriend graduating, busy with Quidditch, prefect duties, NEWTs etc. Down for stuff with him but it's not a major priority.

Dahlia Doherty - Gryffindor 6th Year
She would be in the top part but for my lack of muse for her. Sorry Dahlia. She likes acting and performing so if anyone's interested in anything with that? Could use a boyfriend or a girlfriend? shrugging motions

Audrey Beauchamp - Ravenclaw 4th Year
I'm always down for stuff with Audrey, she's probably just less in need than the others. But I'm happy for anything with her. She could use a boy to kiss at one of the dances maybe?

Ignatius Wolffort - Slytherin 2nd Year
Same boat as Dahlia I fear, though watch this space I'm hoping to do something with him down the track. He's a terrible seeker and an uppity, snivelling brat, not quite as desperate to go home to mummy in 2nd year but still is a little bit.

If anyone's interested in having a penpal, I have at Beauxbatons Niniane Archambeau (6th) and Celestine Gauthier (3rd) and at Ilvermorny Hadrian Murphy (5th, Wampus). They mostly just play Quidditch but out of them Celestine at least has some more thought, she likes singing and fashion and will probably become an opera diva after graduation. Just throwing them in if anyone wants some letter threads/to have a stranger to talk to for fun. Would definitely be keen (especially for Celestine, but any are good)!

Aine Thompson - newly graduated
I'm just putting her here for completion's sake because she is my baby and I'm down for things with her, but she's also spending some time in the muggle world and being a normal eighteen year old girl for a bit. Still, if anyone wants to do anything with her, I'm down.

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe - History of Magic (1-4)
One of the grouchier professors with a sarcastic streak. This will be her seventh? year teaching. Absolutely loves out of the box thinking and enthusiasm for learning, will probably be easy to sway on restricted section access if you want it. If anyone wants a teacher to get them in trouble, on the other hand, feel free. Or professors can befriend or butt heads with her, either way!

Professor Lawrence Hale - Divination (3-4)
He's only here for first semester but I'm throwing him in anyway. He's somehow muddling his way through teaching Divination despite his previous job having been as a maths teacher. Would be the type to catch a student out past curfew and pretend not to see it (but suggest they go back to the dorms before someone else catches them).
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Camilla :hug:

I think it could be fun for Miro and Miranda could be fun to rp! They would likely know of each other already being in the same year, and Miro isn't really a mean girl - but could unintentionally give her something to gossip about as he has beef with Summer Irvine, or he could just simply not get along with Miranda in general and they can also have beef (this seems pretty likely knowing Miro). I just think it could be fun to throw them in an RP and see what happens :teehee:

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