Catching Up

Scorpius shrugged and gave her a boyish smile, "I don't know that's why I was so confused," he replied. Then when she asked if he had a job he shook his head no, he hadn't even thought of looking for one. Perhaps I should, for Luna, he thought to himself. "Is it fun at Madam Malkins?" he asked her, curious as always. He didn't see how folding and hanging up robes would be so fun but smiled at her anyway.
Taylor laughed. "Fair enough." Deciding there wasnt really much left to look at now that the sun had set she leant against the wall and faced Scorpius with her arms crossed. "Yeah its pretty good. I work with Toni." She added absently. "You know i actually managed to get a 'kind of' compliment out of her." She smirked, remembering when she had told Scorpius she was going to attempt to get on her good side.
"Really?" Scorpius said with an eyebrow raised as she said she worked with Toni. When she said she even got a 'kind of' compliment out of her he laughed and gave Taylor an amused look. "Really?" he repeated with more enthusiasm. "What was it?" he asked interested in the answer.
"Yeah, they hired two people, me and Toni." She said with a slight nod. Taylor smirked at Scorpius's reaction. "She said i was not bad for a Gryffindor. Although i think thats as good as im going to get. Still, its closer to my goal than i asumed i would get." She said thoughtfully, with a slight chuckle. She scratched her nose, crossing her eyes to focus, before looking back at Knight, with another laugh.
Scorpius laughed when he heard the compliment. "Coming from Toni, that's definitely a compliment," he said through his laughs. He didn't know what was so bad with Toni the way everyone else made her out to be, he thought she was a nice girl. Then he thought of working again and wondered out loud, "I wonder if any places would be hiring before Christmas..."
Taylor giggled. "Yeah i guess so." Toni was alright she supposed. There was alot more to her than Taylor could see. People hated her because of the way she acted, but Taylor could tell that wasnt the real her. Even if it was, that wasnt all of her. "I think everyone got who they needed for when the first year came, but you might get lucky." She gave him a friendly smile.
Scorpius shrugged and said, "When it comes time for presents I'll just owl my mother for some galleons," he said with a grin on his face. "Speaking of which, what're you going to get me?" he said jokingly. He really didn't expect Taylor to get him a present though he thought of getting her one since she was fantastic.
Taylor gave Knight her own grin. "I'll have to think about that, I havnt given Christmas much thought really." She thought about what she could get Scorpius, she definatly would get him something though. She didnt have many close friends at the school, but he was definatly one of them. "What would you like for Christmas?" She made sure to say it firmly, so he wouldnt disagree with her decision to get him something.
"Yeah Christmas seems like a long while away, Halloween hasn't even passed yet!" he said with a small laugh. "Speaking of which, what are you going to be for Halloween?" he asked her playfully. When she asked what he wanted for Christmas he shook his head vigorously and said, "No no no, you don't have to get me anything." He said it just as sternly so she would know that he didn't need anything from her.
"I love Halloween." She said with a childlike attitude. "I dont know yet." She thought about it, last year she had been a pirate captain. She really hadnt thought about a lot of things. "How about you?" She smirked. "I will be getting you something and there isnt anything you can do to stop me." She smiled brightly and tilted her head to the side stubbornly.
Scorpius nodded his head enthusiastically to agree with Taylor about loving Halloween. "Oh I know what my costume is going to be," he said with a mischievous smile, "but I'm not telling you so it'll be a secret," he said with a twinkle in his grey eyes. When she said she'd get him something no matter what he laughed and copied her. "Fine then, I guess that means you'll be getting something from me as well," he said, with a fake snobbish tone. "Only, you'll have to help me out because I'd be terrible at picking gifts for girls," he added honestly. Then he thought of Luna and what he should get her and he started to worry.
Taylor mocked outrage. "You have to tell me?!" She smirked cheekily. Taylor laughed, "Lets just both agree to get each other something. I wouldnt know what to get you either." She chuckled. Taylor turned and gave a quick glance out of the window, it was dark now, but the view was still able to look amazing. "Cant get any better than this view." She said absently, before leaning back against the wall.
"You'll see on Halloween," he teased her with a smirk. He sighed exaggeratingly but grinned. "Deal," he said to her. "You could just give me a hug and I'd be okay with that," he said playfully. When she mentioned the view he turned back to look at it, he had been looking at her the whole time so he hadn't noticed the sun go down so fast. "Yeah, I love the night sky," he commented absentmindedly.
She smirked back at him. "Fine." She laughed and shook her head. "My hugs arent that great. I want to get you something. You've been a good mate to me sinse we started school." She gave him a warm smile. She followed Knights gaze out the window. "Night is my favourite time of day. Theres something peaceful about the light of the moon layering the darkness." She said softly.
"Of course your hugs are great!" he said to her with a smile. He actually didn't recall ever hugging her, but he supposed getting one for Christmas would be worth it then. "You've been a good friend to me too," he smiled at her warmly. He was glad that she was able to handle him having a girlfriend a lot easier than Hoshi or Jenna. "You're one of the coolest girls I know," he said to her with a grin. "Now I just have to think of a cool present for you."

As she spoke of the night sky and the moon he nodded his head slowly. "I rather prefer when the moon isn't out and it's just the stars illuminating the light," he commented quietly. For some reason he liked the stars more than the moon, but he had a feeling it had to do with his name.
Taylor welcomed the blush that met her cheeks. "Aww thanks." She flushed. "Right back at you. Couldnt have asked for a friend more fantastic" She winked.

The open window was allowing a night breeze to blow through, brushing her hair occationally. She thought about Knights answer and stood next to him again to face the view. "You i guess your right, but i do love the moon." She stated glacing up at it, bright and almost full in the sky and a small smile reaching her face.
Scorpius smirked when Taylor used their inside joke once more and said, "You're fantastic too Taylor, just so you know," and winked at her in a friendly way.

He stared back out up to the sky once more and stared at the moon with her. "Is it just me or does it seem abnormally large?" he asked with a small smile on his face.
She smiled. Knowing Scorpius had a girlfriend had only willed her crush away and she was actually thankful for it. She really didnt want to be crushing on anyone while at school. At least not yet anyway, she hardly knew anyone.

The night sky was amazing and the two of them stood in silence for a moment admiring it. "I guess it does." She laughed softly. Another silence washed over them, but it was a peaceful one.

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