Closed Catching Up

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree was feeling a little off, his life was a little off kilter and he was trying to get his motivation to work back and his motivation to do anything but it was hard pressed. So when he’d walked tiredly into the great hall, feeling no motivation towards the day and spotted a friend sitting at the ravenclaw table. Rather than sit at the slytherin table he walked over to her and sat down in front of her. ”You don’t mind right Emily?” he asked but he was already helping himself to food and drink at the table.
Emily was pleased with how things had gone with Sydney. She was sitting at the table, idly munching on bacon while reading her book. She hardly glanced up when she heard Daintree speak. "Good morning, Dain," she greeted instead, finishing the paragraph she was on before placing her bookmark back in the pages and shutting the book. "How are you?"
Daintree gave a tight smile to his friend and continued to get different food and drink on his plate. It wasn’t too difficult, there was lots around him. He gave a little nod and shrug before saying, ”Fine yeah, you?” he asked. He knew his tone was perhaps on the sharper side, less refined than he attempted to be, but it wasn’t too bad. Just visibly that he wasn’t making it better. ”How was your valentines?” he asked, his tone noticeably better.
Emily quirked a brow. Well, someone was grumpy. She smiled a bit. "Fine." She replied easily. She shrugged as he asked about her valentine's. "Alright. I'm seeing someone now," She told him, taking a sip of her drink. "How was yours?" She returned the question.
Daintree gave a little smile but was mostly surprised to hear that Emily was seeing someone. "Whose the luck person?" he asked curious about it, he didn't keep up to date with most people's love lifes, it was just fairly difficult to keep up with people. he gave a little shrug, "I spent it with Jarica, we had a good time," He took some coffee and poured himself a drink.
Emily smiled softly, propping her chin in her hand. "Sydney," She replied with a fond smile. Her brow raised as he mentioned his own valentines. "Oh? You and Jarica, hm?" She asked with a coy smile, curious. It had been a minute since she and Dain had sat down to talk. She wandered idly if it meant that he was interested in Jarica romantically.
Daintree frowned a little, "Sydney, like Sydney Townsend? SDA leader, slytherin, our year Sydney?" he asked, he wasn't even sure that Sydney dated, he knew she had to but he had no idea about her and Emily. "How did that happen?" He was very curious about how it happened. "Jarica and I are friends," he said, assuring Emily of that.
Emily smiled warmly, chuckling. "Is there another Sydney?" She asked, picking up her drink and sipping on it. "I sent her a pink rose. She confronted me. We kissed. We're dating." She explained easily. She raised a brow as he said that Jarica was only a friend. "Alright then," She agreed easily. "If not her then, do you have someone you fancy?" She asked. "Just curious." She smiled softly at him.
Daintree couldn't wrap his head around her and Sydney...just Sydney, cynical, unhappy Sydney. "Wow, I'm not surprised she confronted you," at leas that was very typical Sydney so it felt more in character but he was still surprised. "Well, hopefully it goes well..," he wasn't sure that was the right thing to say to someone to wish them well on their relationship but it was the words that came out of his mouth. "Me?" he shook his head, "I'm taking a break from all that," he said and truly there wasn't anyone he fancied.
Emily chuckled, brushing her hair back. "We'll see," she agreed lightly. She took a bite of her food, listening as he said he was taking a break from all that. "That's fair," she murmured, sipping her drink. "Can I ask where you stand with that?" She asked him. "You're a good looking guy, popular, you could probably have anyone you want." She told him, propping her chin in her hand. "Is there a particular reason? If you don't mind me asking, of course,"
Daintree shrugged a little at her question. "What's the point in just being with someone just because you can?" was his answer, though he phrased it as a question, and it was clear he was uncertain about it too. Mostly he was uncertain because he had always done that. he'd been in relationship partly because he liked the other person fine and because it was what he was probably supposed to do. "I've just not found the right person yet," he added, thinking that was perhaps the better thing to say than possibly really face and admit that his feelings thus far had been a little false.
Emily laughed lightly, but not in a mean way. She smiled. "That's very logical of you," she replied, taking a bite of her food. She changed the subject then. "Anyway, Dain, what are you up to today?" She asked. "We should do something. It's been a bit since we've hung out properly." She mused, going through her mind for things they might be able to do.
Daintree was pleased after her comment that she dropped it. But she asked what he was doing with the day. "I've no plans," he said before nodding, "It would be good," he hadn't been reaching out to too many people since he'd back from his holiday intentionally. "Anything you had in mind to do?" he knew it would depend on what she said if he would actually want to do.
Emily thought over his question. "Well, I have new stories I could read you." She offered. "Or we could study, I'm not sure if you're super studious this year," she tapped her fingers lightly on the table, thinking. "What are you wanting to do?" She asked, turning her eyes back to him.
Daintree raised his eyebrow at the first bit, "Aren't we now a little old for storytime?" he said, but it did seem like it could be quite fun. He wasn't really that interested in studying so of the two options it was the better one, the one he was far more interested in. "Nah, stories sound fine, tell away," he said, not really wanting to come up with anything, he'd probably just suggest something boring or quidditch related. The latter of which she was surely against.
Emily laughed lightly at his question. "You're never too old for stories," she told him. "Stories get more complex and exciting as you get older," she teased, winking playfully. When he approved, she realized he wanted to hear one now. She nodded, accepting the challenge. She took a bite of her food as she thought over which story to tell. Probably a shorter one since they were still eating. She settled into her seat, launching into a story about a haunted music box that had trapped the spirit of a drowned girl.
Daintree shrugged slightly, he didn't think they did really and thought they were still too old, but in the magical world there was less to do so, story telling was just something they could do. He just grabbed more coffee and sipped the drink mostly as she spoke. When she finished he gave a little round of applause for her, "So is that a story you just know? Or is that one you made up?" he wouldn't mind either way.
Emily laughed lightly and gave a mock bow, with a flourish of her hand. "Made up on the spot," she told him. "I'm taking over the family bookstore eventually. Stories are kinda my thing," she laughed lightly. "What's your thing? Just Quidditch?" she asked, curious to know more about her friend.
Daintree gave a little nod, quite impressed by it. "Will you not like write stories?" the boy asked, he thought it wouldn't make sense for her to run a story when she could just write up her stories. Maybe she wasn't interested in writing them down. He shrugged, "I don't know, quidditch would be easiest really," he said. He'd always been good at sports but before magic he might've just done game creation or something, but now he had no idea. "I've time to decide,"
Emily thought over his question. "I might write a bit on the side, but I'm content with running the bookstore," she mused. "I'm not too fussed about being grand or anything. I might write down stories if I have one on my mind, but I don't think I'll go out of my way for it," she replied easily. She smiled at his comment. "Well, one more year, yeah?" She asked.
Daintree wasn't sure why she'd be content with running the bookstore when she could just write. Perhaps it was that he always believed in doing the most minimal amount of work, and would do that in everything but quidditch. He shrugged, "Yeah, but you don't need to know straight out of school. My dad's fairly rich by muggle standards so I might just play some quidditch and live off that money for a bit," he was underplaying it, but just wanted to not have to stress himself out by thinking about it too hard.
Emily chuckled softly. "Well it's not like I'm taking over the bookstore right away, my cousin and I will probably both work there for a while," she tucked her hair behind her ear. "I didn't know you were rich," she commented. "My family does alright but we aren't like rich or anything," she shrugged. She smiled as he mentioned playing Quidditch. "Tell me which team you end up on, so I can come to your games," She folded her hands in front of her and gave him a small smile. "We should keep in touch after school; I enjoy your company,"
Daintree gave a little shrug, "My family is muggle...I don't particularly talk about it," he told her, he wasn't sure he'd talked much about his family, what any of them did or where he was from really to most people. But he wasn't going to start now either. "I'll keep in touch, after all, who else will I go to for my story time," he joked. "Do you wanna go for a walk, just get out of here?" he asked, hoping that the change in scenery would end any possible conversations about his family or anything deeper and they could just move on to doing and then talking about something else.
Emily nodded lightly as he said he didn't really talk about it. She wouldn't push him then. It wasn't her place to invade his privacy. She chuckled as he said he'd keep in touch. "No one good, certainly," she teased him, smiling softly. "A walk sounds nice," she agreed easily. "Anywhere particular in mind?" she asked, finishing the last of her food quickly and downing the rest of her drink before standing.
Daintree nodded as she got up. He did too, "We'll just head outside and see where it takes us," he suggested but he was already beinning to move, glancing at Emily to see if she was following him. He knew a walk would be good and they'd talk about other things and the fresh air would help too.

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