catching up on reading

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa was in the library trying to catch up on her reading, but it was getting really hard to do, didn't people understand that you were supposed to be quiet in the library? Frustrated she slammed her book shut got up and began walking towards the forest, maybe she could get some peace in there. Once she was there she kept walking until she found a clearing and sat down against a large rock. Pleased that no one was out here she opened her book and began reading again.
Ares was sitting in a tree thinking when he saw someone enter the forest and sit down on a nearby rock. He grinned as he recognized the girl. He grinned and dropped so he was hanging onto the tree branch with his legs and his head was about two meters away from her. "Well hello there" he said with a grin.
Arisa was getting to a very boring part in her book and was considering going back to the castle when someone dropped out of a near by tree, "Oh hey Ares" she said with a smile before closing her book and setting it down, "What are you doing in the forest, you know its against the rules right" she added jokingly.
Ares gasped "Really?" he asked wide-eyed "Someone shouldve told me that... On my second day day at hogwarts!" he said with a grin."Never took you as a rule breaker" he teased. Inside though he was kindve shocked to find one of Neitas friends inside the jungle.
Arisa laughed and rolled her eyes at Ares, "Really? Me not a rule breaker?" Arisa asked, "you obviously don't know me at all" she said standing up and sitting on top of the rock. She looked at Ares, Well he seems like he'd be good for a fun time Arisa thought. Neita and Ares seemed nothing alike to be cousins, then again her and her brother weren't very similar either.
Ares froze as Arisa said he didnt know her at all if he thought she wasnt a rule breaker, But she's Neitas best friend! he thought Perhaps I dont know Neita that well, he realized. And it suddenly hit him that everthing he thought he knew about Neita he just kind've assumed.

He sighed pulled himself back onto the branch then dropped onto the ground and walked over to Arisa. "I dont know you at all then." Ares answered honestly "Enlighten me?" he asked, as he was suddenly curious to as what this girl was really like.
Arisa looked up at the sky as Ares stood there frozen, whats up with him? she wondered looking over to him with a confused look on her face. Arisa looked down at her clothes to make sure there was nothing wrong with her. Everything was perfect... Just then Ares sighed and she looked over to him again, "Enlighten you? Well there was last valentines day, sneaking out after curfew, being in the forest..." stealing one of your friends boyfriend.... hey where is Wednesday? you Haven't seen her since you told her, "nothing really, I guess I am a good girl after all" Arisa said with a sigh.
Ares thought back to Valentines day where had he been? Ahhh hiding out in my dorm he remembered. But when I asked Neita how the Ball was she said she didnt really go, she was with Arisa. He gave Arisa a small smile "You wouldnt happen to be talking about this valentines would you?" he asked in a friendly but curious tone.

He noticed Arisa seemed disapointed as she sighed and said she guessed she was a good girl. He thought for a moment "I dont think your a 'good' girl" he told Arisa "They're too boring... Perhaps your just not the completly out of control rebel?" he suggested.
"No, last year, during the prefects play... I was the one who set off the rockets" Arisa replied ti his question. She smiled at Ares when he suggested she wasn't a good girl, just not completely out of control, "I guess so" she said looking over to him. Arisa hopped off the rock and went over to pick some flowers that were growing near by, they were small pink and white ones, they looked far to gentle to be growing in the forbidden forest...
Ares eye widened he hadnt been here for Valentines, but he had heard about the incident. "Wow!! That is actually quite impressive!" he exclaimed. This girl is almost as good as Hoshi he thought but she gets bonus points for not leading me on he grinned "Grasshopper, you will go far in life!" he joked placing his fingertips together.
Arisa laughed at Ares's face, "I know I know, very impressive" she said bowing. Arisa walked over to Ares, "So what does the infamous Ares Taylor do for fun?" she asked with a raised eye brow.
Ares smirked at being called infamous "Well because I rarely go for the big kill, getting caught is a drag..." he expained "I simply, paint the dungeons, put snakes and spiders into girls school bags, transfigure peoples quills into needles when their not looking (watching them go crazy looking for their quills is amusing!!) and scare people with levitated objects" he explained "I had this one AWESOME idea, big guns! but it didnt work out.."
Arisa's eyes widened slightly at everything Ares did, "that sounds like so much fun!" she exclaimed.

(( sorry for the lame reply, can't really think of what to write tonight -_- ))
Ares rolled his eyes "Really? I disapoint most people" not believing a word Arisa had said.
Arisa rolled her eyes right back, "well most people need to pull the sticks out of there asses and learn how to take a joke" she replied smartly. All this time Arisa had been weaving the flowers together to make a daisy chain, once she was down she placed it on top of Ares head, "there you go, very pretty" she said looking at the pink head band he now wore.
"Ohhhh" Ares said in a sickly sweet voice "I've always wanted one of them" He grinned "Bet it'll increase my chances with the ladies wont it?"
Arisa laughed at Ares, "Of course, what lady dosnt want a guy with a pink flowery head band" Arisa replied sticking out her tongue.
Ares evil eyed Arisa "Im sure I'll have every guy drooling" he said sarcastically.
"Regular boy magnet" she said with a laugh before taking the flowers off his head, "there you go, all better?" she asked with a smirk.
Ares smirked "Damn, go figure!!" he said shaking his head sadly "Im given the power to attract all the women in the world and just like that, its taken away!"
"Oh but from what I hear you have no trouble getting the ladies," Arisa replied looking at him through narrow eyes.
Ares frowned, although he had gotten such a reputation as a flirt, he knew it was all stupid, first of all he was trying to show Hoshi he could still have fun with other girls, but more than that he was just trying to move on. He bit his lip, he knew that he was hurting some girls in the process but he just wanted to feel that there were people out there that wouldn't mind being with him, that even though the one person he liked, couldn't seem to care less about him. "Its not how it sounds..." he muttered
"Its not how it sounds..."

"Really? enlighten me" Arisa replied trying not to sound harsh, Ares really did seem upset.

(( sorry, lame -_- ))
Ares frowned at the hint of sarcasm in Arisa's voice. "Never mind," he muttered "Its exactly how it sounds, Im a pathetic user"
"No, I don't really believe that, please tell me" she said in a soft voice, she felt bad now for making him upset, "I'm sorry" she added.

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