Open Catching the Sun

Nicole Fisk

💮 Gladrag's Asst. 💮 Your Average Witch 💮
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Ajax)
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2037 (26)
Open after Maiya posts with Jenna

Exams were right around the corner and while Nicole knew she should be focusing on studying, she was a little desperate for a break. She was glad the weather was warming up, and it was too gorgeous outside to stay inside too long. Bringing her books outside, she and Jenna were sitting under the shade of an old oak tree on the lawn, Nicole taking a moment to kick her shoes off and stretching out in the grass. "So have you thought about the Yule ball at all?" She asked Jenna, her school work forgotten for the moment while she relaxed. The best part about exams being so soon was that the ball and holidays were also right around the corner too.
Jenna was so much happy when she finaly spend time with her best friend Nicol. She missed that nicely slytherin wich and she was glad that she can today spend time with her. -Not sure, but i will go the ball but i wear the same blue dress- Jenna was a little sad becouse she didn't by new dress for ball. -I realy miss you. How are doing with your study?- She asked.
Nicole was relieved to hear Jenna was going, at least if she went alone she could hang out with Jenna. "Oh it's a pretty dress at least," She told Jenna encouragingly. "I don't mind going with friends and stuff but I had hoped someone might have asked me to go this year again," She said, dropping down onto her back with a sigh. Admittedly last year she had been the one asking Lysander to go, but she'd hoped this year someone would ask her. Like Ajax had to Valentine's dance. "Do you think I should ask someone to go? I don't have a dress either. But I have been studying, which is more important right?" She said with a laugh, covering her face and hoping Jenna assumed it was from the sun in her eyes and not embarrassment.
"You realy think? I love that dress to!" Jenna smiled Nicol and she was right about that dress. "I know what you mean. I hoped Wendall will be asked about the ball but he go with Lysander.!" Jenna was right now a little disapointed and she know that she and Wendall was only friends. "If you somoune like then you should ask and go the ball. Simon Thorne ask me go the ball and i say yes. But dont vorie, just friends!" She again smiled and hoped that somtimes she get a date. Why was so hard with boys?
"Yes, of course, you look awesome in blue," Nicole said with a wistful sigh. She didn't think she could pull off wearing the same dress twice herself, especially since her look last year hadn't been all that great in the first place. "I'm not surprised, those two are pretty inseparable," Nicole said with a laugh, thinking about Lysander and Wendall. She'd thought Jenna might have been over Wendall by now, she could do so much better anyway, but maybe Jenna still liked him. Nicole had to pause though when Jenna announced that she did in fact already have another date. "What? No way! Who's Simon? Is he older? Tell me about him," She said, turning her full attention on Jenna. Even if it was just friends, Nicole wanted to know everything.
"Thanky, Nicol! You look to good every corol!" She gave her complimante and when she hear about Lysander and Wendall and how they look. Jenna change her face a little and looked sad mayby she needed give up and forgot about him and how long she will be try?She didn't know what to do." Simont Thorne, he is 4th year but we go as good friend and nothing more. I just can't i still forgot Wendall. " She told Nicol.
Nicole ducked her head when Jenna returned her compliment waving it off and blushing. She tried to focus on hearing about Jenna's new date instead of arguing about whether or not she looked awful in yellow, eager to hear more about this Simon guy. "Ohh he's older, that's so cool," She cooed, trying not to be jealous that Jenna found it easy to make friends with older students, let alone go to the dances with one. "Just friend so you said, okay okay," She said coyly, deciding not to tease Jenna about it in case she brought up Wendall or Ajax. "Ugh, forget Wendall, he's such a dork anyway. I know you liked him but you can do better," Nicole said firmly, wrapping an arm around Jenna's shoulder in a loose hug.
"I meen realy just friends becouse i don't ready the date and i so vorie about that becouse i don't wanna make full my self!" Jenna voried voice told her and she don't liked how she spoked about Wendall. She spend the time with him more and she and Wendall have pinky promise about butterbie. "Please, don't say that about him. He is not a dork and he is special and kind. I spend time wiht him and he is a grate person! I know if we not be together but i would be happy stay friends." Jenna was deffend @Wendall Layton and she know that sometimes friendship things is hard but no one deserv that words.
Nicole nodded as Jenna expressed her worries about making a fool of herself. That was definitely something she understood. "Yeah, I get that. Why is dating so scary," She said with a sigh, dropping her chin into her hands. "At least you have a date to the dance though. Something to look forward to!" Nicole added, trying not to sound as envious as she felt.

She was a bit surprised when Jenna defended Wendall, but Nicole just nodded, not wanting to fight with Jenna. "Okay, sorry. I'm glad you two are friends again at least," She said, patting Jenna on the shoulder. She still wished Jenna wasn't so hung up on such a nerdy kid like Wendall, but she wasn't going to bad mouth him if it made Jenna upset. At least not out loud.
Jenna agreed with Jenna about dating and dating was so scared. "I think i need look good and i will do something with my hear. I will be see you the dance?" She wanted spend time with her best friend in the ball to.

"Thanky! It's okey! We still be slumberparty?What need bring?" Jenna asked Nicol and soon will be weekend.
"I'm sure you'll look great," Nicole assured Jenna, pausing to fuss with Jenna's hair a little speculatively when she mentioned doing something. Jenna's hair always fell in such pretty waves and framed her face so nicely, Nicole always felt like she had to work so hard not to just look like hers was a poofy mess. She sighed, brushing her own hair flat and folding her hands in her lap when Jenna asked about the dance. "Yeah, probably!" She said brightly. If there was one thing sadder than going to the ball alone, it would probably be not going at all. "I'll probably hang out with Iris or Emma or something."

She was relieved when Jenna turned the subject to the upcoming holidays, and the sleep-over they had planned at Nicole's house. "Oh, just bring like, your pj's and maybe a spare pillow I think? Ohh and let me know any lollies and snacks and stuff you want. I'm gonna make dad take me shopping for junk food before you get there," She said excitedly, eager to have some friends over and probably stay up all night. "I might ask Iris to bring her ouija board thing, though it's kinda scary."
''Why not me?'' Jenna looked to Nicol strange and she was always spend with her time to? What happened and she wanted know why not with her to? She hoped that Jenna was not bad friend. ''I hope, i not bad friend!'' Jenna told her.

She was thinking about something sweets and what she will be bring them to. '' I like chips, choclets frogs but i take some snacks to.'' Jenna told Nicol with a warm smile. ''Ghost story,that grate!'' Jenna smiled.

@Nicole Fisk

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