Open "Catastrophic" Accident

Conan Burke

irish ☘️ | shell collector 🐚 band-aid hands 🩹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
17 (08/2046)
Conan was on his way to the lake to do his usual search for shells for his shell collection. He was quite proud of his shell collection and had started his collection when he was quite young. He had a lot of shoe boxes filled with different shells in them. His mum made him bring only one box of his favourite shells, which was quite hard for Conan to decide. He was very dedicated to his collection.

As he was making his way excitedly through the entrance hall to make his way to the lake, he didn't see a little dip on one of the parts of the floor and tripped on the dip. He had been carrying the shoe box of shells, and as he fell, the box started flying, and the lid came off the box. Making all the contents, his precious shells, in the box fall out and spread everywhere across the entrance hall. Luckily, he wasn't hurt or anything, but he was devastated that his shells were everywhere. He quickly shuffled everywhere to get the shells when he heard a 'crunch' nearby. His eyes went wide, and he knew that someone had stepped on one of his shells.
Emery had taken to walking through the halls of Hogwarts while reading a book. Usually one about gobstones, as it was what he was most interested in. He'd found a few nice, small books he could hold in one hand as he walked through the corridors of Hogwarts. It occasionally got him bumped into someone, but it usually wasn't too bad. Emery had managed to develop an annoyed glare that at least got most younger students moving on instead of confronting him. Emery wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings as he walked into the entrance hall from the Great Hall, so he didn't see any of the shells. He only looked up when he felt something break under his shoe, he blinked, then spotted a boy with a box of shells nearby. Clearly, he had dropped them. "Oh." He said, glancing down at his foot again.
Conan didn't know what to do in this situation. His shells were everywhere, and there were so many, that it was going to take a while to clean up. The sound of someone stepping on a shell hadn't helped either; he turned around to where the sound had come from. The boy didn't look much older than he did, and he clearly wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. But right now, he couldn't be mad at someone stepping on a part of his collection. Conan was mad at himself for not paying attention to where he was going. Conan continued to collect all the shells that had spilled everywhere hurriedly. "I-It's okay, don't worry about it- My fault," Conan said dismissively to the boy, who had stood on one of the shells, even if the boy wasn't going to say anything. He hadn't noticed yet that the shell that had been stepped on was one of his favourite shells.

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