Cat Fight

Asparuh pointed his wand right below the ground the girl was standing on and sent a killing curse, missing her on purpose. "Wouldn't I?" Asparuh smirked, "And next time, I won't miss." Asparuh turned his attention to the woman and still had his wand aimed at the little girl. Asparuh shrugged, "You should have just stunned her." Asparuh was ready to send another killing curse, or even the Fiendfyre. All he needed was a little push.
"I should have, but I didn't. I won't unless absolutely necessary," she added, turning to the girl as a hint not to move. "Now, what business do you have performing Unforgivable Curses in Brightstone Village? As far as I know, the only people who would do such things - in a more secretive manner, of course - are the Death Eaters," Isolde muttered calmly, secretly a little terrified of what this man would do, not only to the girl, but to herself.
Hoping the woman had him distracted long enough, Paige snuck up behind him, completly ignoring the look she gave her and wound up and kicked him as hard as she could....riiight where it hurts ( :D ) As soon as she swung she was out of there, running back behind a crate that she saw.
Asparuh was completely caught off guard when the girl kicked him. Rather, she tried to get him in a the area. However, luckily, his height proved to benefit him. She got him in the thigh, which truly pissed him off. Asparuh sneered, his eyes black as coal. He raised his wand and pointed it at the girl. He growled, "Avada Kedavra!" Seeing that it missed, Asparuh sneered. He glared at the woman, and stood for a moment. He smirked, "I guess you know what I am then." Asparuh pointed his wand at the crate, "Expluso!" It exploded. Knowing that it would distract the professor, he apparated away.
Trying to scream as thousands of splinters pierced her back, Paige fell to the ground writhing in silent pain, hoping the Professer would come and take the bloody crate out of her back.
Isolde gave a small gasp of fright when the crate was exploded, and then quickly turned back to see the man - only he'd gone. Think I'm going to need something stronger than a Butterbeer, Isolde thought, grimly. She ran over to where the crate had just been, and pointed her wand at the girl again. "Finite," she said, ending the silencing spell. "Oh my goodness, sweetie, why did you have to go and do something like that!" She knelt down at the girl's side. "Okay, tell me what happened, and I'll see if I can get you cleaned up."
Grimacing at the needles of pain that were shooting through her back, Paige sat up and said, "Well obviously that DE just exploded the crate on me," Looking around, Paige just noticed he was gone, "And then he went and ran." She said pointing to where he had been standing moments ago.
Isolde winced, as she began working to get the splinters out of the girl. A Death Eater...I must tell Professor King of this. "A couple of questions. First, what is your name, second, I don't believe you're a student, so what are you doing here all alone, and third, have you learnt a lesson about manners?" she asked, raising an eyebrow with the last question. The girl was too rude for her own good.
Paige jumped as the Professer started pulling out the splinters. "No I'm not a student, and I'm here because I felt like coming here today." Paige said as another particually large splinter was removed. "My name is Paige, and I dont see how what I was doing wrong." She said while looking at some of the splinters that were already out.
"You shouldn't have riled a bad tempered old man up, especially if he is, as you say, a Death Eater. One must learn when to speak out and when to remain silent," Isolde said. "My apologies for the pain, I am not trained in healing," she explained. "Now, Paige, I would bring you to the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts, but as you aren't a student, I am afraid I can not. Where are your parents?" she asked, concerned for the girl. "And do you know if anybody else was here?" she asked.
Stiffening up and the mention of her parents, all she could say was "My dad is out on a trip, trying to...well" Paige wiped her eyes with her dirty sleeve and continued "And my mum is dead." She said, showing no more emotion, ashamed that she had shown any at all. "Yes there was some other people here." she said stiffley "There was this Hufflepuff girl, not much older then me, nd we had a bit of a fight and then there was this strange lady who took her away and left me here to deal with the DE." she finished, glaring at the ground.
Isolde looked at the girl, with more sympathy this time. "I'm very sorry to hear that. Tell me where the Hufflepuff girl went, and then we'll see about getting you home, okay?" she said, kindly. It probably wasn't the girl's fault she had a smart mouth, after all.
((Arisa, Isolde gets back to school and her memory gets wiped. :p ))

"Alright. I shall find them a little later. Whereabouts do you live?" she asked, concerned for the girl. She had got most, if not all of the splinters out, and managed to magically clean the wounds, but she figured that Paige needed to go home and rest.

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