Noelle Maxwell

ᴅᴀᴅᴀ 5-7 🔱 ᴘʟᴜᴍ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴅ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Silver Lime Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Noelle was just going over some lesson notes left by Professor Styx when he heard a meow. He looked up to the empty classroom with an open door to see who or what it was. Nothing. He resumed his work and decided to keep the old exam sheets the man had for the sixth year for the next semester when there it was again, this time a bit louder. He looked around before standing up and making his way to the door to look outside. He knew students could get to have cats in the castle and they easily wander around. There was nobody there and not even a cat in sight. He turned to get back to his desk only to find the culprit on his desk. He smiled, approaching the feline. "Hello there. Are you lost?", he cooed. It was a Sphynx cat, not uncommon but definitely a first here in the castle. He scratched its ear making it purr when he noticed the tag. "Hello, Maxim! Aren't you a beauty?" He flipped the tag to see the back and there it was engraved in neat letters. M. Corrins. Noelle tried to remember who it was until he remembered the Charms professor. The man picked the cat up and made his way to the third floor. "Come on, Maxim. Professor Corrins might be looking for you.", he talked to the cat and continued talking to it until they reached the office door. He shifted his hold on Maxim to knock on the door, hoping the professor was just inside.

@Professor Mallory Corrins
Mallory was settled into her seat, going over lesson notes. The cats were sleeping soundly under a blanket on the shelf. She was reading through her notes from last year when a knock sounded on her door. Setting her tea down, Mallory waved a hand to open it. "Hello, come on in-" She started, looking up. She blinked as she saw the man standing there with Maxim. "What on earth-" Mallory spoke, her Russian accent a little less pronounced but still there. She stood, waving her hand at the blanket covering Amara. Unsurprisingly, she was alone.

Sighing, Mallory walked over to the man. "Why you little sneak, I didn't even see you'd left." She held out her hands for the cat, smiling at the man holding him. "Thank you. Would you like to come in?" She asked. He looked like one of the new Professors.
Noelle was just contented with stroking the cat when the door opened. He expected a woman to be behind the door but she was just seated and when she looked up, he could not blame her for being surprised. He could not even stop himself from voicing a light chuckle. He took a step forward closer to the door to meet her halfway and place the sneaky cat on her outstretched arms. "He was definitely a sneak. I didn't even notice where he was until he climbed to my desk.", he commented. At her offer, he gave a small nod. "I hope I was not disturbing you from anything.", he said apologetically. "I just thought you might be worried looking for him. If I had known, I would have been happy to keep him company for a while.", he explained, glancing at the other sphynx cat sound asleep.
Mallory chuckled, waving the door shut behind the man before moving to set Maxim back down with his sister. She chuckled at his words. "While Maxim would love the attention, it isn't safe for the little rascal to be wondering around the school like that." The cat gave her an almost exasperated look and sat with his sister, licking his paw and rubbing it over his ear. Mallory turned back to the man with a smile. "My name is Mallory. Would you like some tea?" She asked, walking over to her tea set. She set some water boiling, thinking she wanted a refill herself anyway.
Noelle chuckled at what the woman said. "Well, I'll make sure he's out of trouble, that is, if I come across him before trouble does.", he said. At the woman's introduction and tea offer, he nodded. "Nice to meet you, Mallory. I'm Noelle. Tea is lovely, thank you." He looked around her office, loving how it looked as open and bright as his was.
Mallory chuckled. "Oh, Maxim is trouble all by himself. He's been quite the handful for Amara since he joined our little family," She returned to her desk with her tea tray. "Would you like a seat?" She asked, pouring them both a cup before settling into her chair again. "Noelle. You just took over Styx's position teaching the upper years defense against the dark arts, correct?" She asked, clarifying what she thought she knew.
Noelle laughed along at what Mallory said. "I guess Maxim knows he's the baby.", he pointed out with a chuckle. He nodded, taking a seat and murmuring his thanks once she set a cup in front of him. It smelled great as he took a sip from the cup. At her question, he nodded. "Yes, I did. It just felt unreal that I would be taking over my mentor's classes.", he said thoughtfully. He wondered if he was the youngest teacher on staff. He would still laugh whenever he remembered the weird glances of the students because of young he looked compared to his colleagues.
Mallory chuckled. "And he plays it well," She cradled her cup in her hands, savoring the warmth. "You were close to Styx?" She asked, surprised. "He was never really... the most welcoming," She laughed lightly. "How old are you, Noelle?" She asked him another question, thinking it could be an easy ice breaker. She was used to being one of the youngest staff at the school. They should band together.
Noelle chuckled, nodding in agreement. He breathed in the aroma of the coffee when Mallory asked another question. "Styx?", he shook his head. "I consider all my teachers my mentors.", he explained. He laughed at her next comment. "Now, that's true. I don't really think he even has a favorite student or a close colleague.", he added. "I...uh, I'm close to twenty.", he replied. "I graduated from here three years ago, went to Cardiff for uni and some private lessons."
Mallory sipped her drink, chuckling at his comment. She nodded at is words. "Oh, I'm only twenty five myself, so we're fairly close in age." She traced her finger over the rim of her teacup. Now that she thought of it, she recalled a letter she'd gotten from one of her cousins. "Noelle, yes?" She clarified. "I do believe..." She set her tea down, shifting through her mail and pulling out a letter. She found the line she was looking for and slid it over. "This would be in reference to you, yes?" She asked with a small smile. It was a letter from Sapphire, one of the rare ones, and the line pointed out was rather simple. Don't let that idiot Noelle do anything stupid, would you? Wither he likes it or not he's got my sunshine and two newborns waiting for him and I need you to make sure he doesn't do anything monumentally stupid while he's there.
Noelle was surprised although he shouldn't be. Mallory looked just a bit older than him but he was careful not to assume. He hummed in agreement, unable to speak as he was sipping his coffee. Suddenly, she confirmed his name, and the next he knew, she was shifting through her mail, pulled out one, and slid it across the table. He was hesitant to read as it was not his in the first place but the smile and Mallory's last sentence caught his attention. He slowly picked it up and was surprised to see familiar penmanship. "Sapphire.", he chuckled. He skimmed the contents until he found what she was referring to. He could not help but burst out laughing, his ears starting to redden. "Yep, she meant me alright.", he commented, putting down the paper back on the table, now neatly folded. "How's she related to you then?", he asked though he already had an inkling.
Mallory smiled, sipping her tea and watching as he skimmed the letter. She chuckled lightly at his question. "Cousin, actually. Our mothers were sisters. The twins, my siblings and I, and then of course Kira and her siblings." She sipped her tea. "Do you know Sapphire very well, Noelle?" She asked in an attempt to get to know the man.
Noelle nodded in understanding. He knew Sapphire's family was big but he did not expect to be colleagues with the Slytherin's cousin. At her question, the Puff's mind instinctively drifted to that one school break that he had to clear his throat to hide his embarrassment. That was way in the past, Sapphire and he was in the best friendship that he could have expected. "Y-yeah. I could say I know her well but your cousin was always full of surprises.", he said with a small laugh. It was entirely true.

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