Closed Casual Questions

Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (26)
Tyler didn't have any classes with Bada this semester, so he had to be a bit smarter to run into her casually. He knew the fifth year Transfiguration class let out around now, and simply made sure he was on the fifth floor corridor as the students left the classroom to walk to their next class. It took Tyler a moment to spot the Hufflepuff, but once he did it wasn't difficult to casually fall into step with her. He smiled, trying his best to be charming without looking like he was trying too hard. "Hey, Bada. Where are you off to now?" He asked her, glancing around to make sure others were moving along and not lingering nearby. If he was going to ask this, he didn't want it to be overheard by anyone who might mock him for it. The act of asking a girl out was definitely embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as hanging out at the Yule Ball on his own would be. Bada was pretty, good in classes, and a prefect. She was definitely the right person to ask, and he was vaguely aware that his parents would approve of the choice as well. Though he wasn't planning on actually telling them about it.
Bada knew her schedule and she had most minutes in a day planned at least the night beforehand. So when she left her Transfiguration class she was surprised to see Tyler standing outside. She hadn't stopped to talk to him thinking he must be waiting for someone else. But then he fell into step with her and asked her a question. She was a little surprised, he hadn't ever really tried to approach her before. Though Bada did not mind it very much, Tyler was comforting to her. Someone she saw and it reminded her of her family and her life in Korea before her parents moved their family to New Zealand. Back then she was glad to have not started school yet, Cullen had to transfer magical schools and learn English at the same time. She lucked out a bit more than her older brother. She glanced down that the list on the top of her books. Could she managed to fit some time in with Tyler now? She was rather curious to see what he wanted having to go out of his way to speak to her now. "I was going to drop my books off in the dorm and then head to do some work in the rose garden for the wild patch club," she replied glancing up at him.
Tyler did his best to look interested in her answer, even though it was pretty mundane and a little bit boring. He remembered her telling him she was joining clubs at the start of the year, and it seemed like she was taking her participation in them seriously. Tyler personally had little love for the Wild Patch Club. It had always seemed like a silly and girly club to him, but he guessed it wasn't so strange that Bada would like it. She was a girl, after all. "I see. I could walk you to the Hufflepuff common room?" He asked her, though it was only one floor below. So he didn't have a long time to ponder over the other question he wanted to ask. "If you don't mind." He held out his hands. "Could even carry your books." He said, keeping his voice light in case she would find it a strange offer. Then he could still say it was a joke.
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Bada hadn't ever been approached by someone other than a younger student asking questions before. So it was weird to her that He had been waiting outside the classroom, it seemed lie he wanted to talk maybe they could be friends after all. She could teach him some Korean to speak at home or something. Or at least help him study for exams at the end of the year. "Of course," she said as a reply to him walking to her the Common Room. A little disappointed he hadn't mentioned the Rose Garden as well. It'd be nice to be able to go down there with someone. She knew couples did and she didn't think he was going to be that interested in her. It would make her parents very happy to have found a guy here in New Zealand that was also Korean. She looked down at her books feeling her stomach flutter a little. She wasn't sure oh much/if any K-Dramas he had ever seen but this was starting to turn into a scene straight from one. She nodded her head and passed her books over into Tyler's arms trying to keep her face from turning red as the passed by other students. "What are you up to?" She asked in return to his first question, only to do a mental head smack realizing how she sounded a bit suspicious of him.
Tyler was glad Bada didn't turn down his offer to walk her back to her common room, that would have been embarrassing. He took the books from her, though he did wonder why she had been carrying them instead of putting them in a bag. But at least he could now look chivalrous, which he hoped she would appreciate. But her question made him frown slightly. It sounded like she guessed there was a reason he was talking to her and being nice, and he had hoped she would just assume he was being kind. But maybe he could still make it work. "I'm not really up to anything." He said hesitantly. "But I was hoping to ask you something, if that's what you meant." He added, smiling at her a little shyly. "I... was hoping if you'd come to the ball with me, as my date." He asked her, hoping that she would say yes. He had imagined asking her in a more private spot, but this seemed like a good time, if she already wondered what he was up to.

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