Closed Career Event: Misha's Table

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha was trying his best to feel presentable for this, he wanted nothing more than to help these students. He had written out a few bits and pieces of notes, things about charms about experimental charms. About his work there, and why he had then wanted to teach. Misha was ready, knowing his first student would be sitting down with him soon. The student being Demetrius, a good student.
Demetrius was a bit nervous. He wasn't really used to one-on-ones with the professors. He knew what he wanted to do, he only hoped he could keep up his now good grades. Arriving at his first table, Demetrius took a seat, rubbing his hands against his trousers to get rid of the nervous sweat. It wasn't that big a deal - just a talk - but it was his future and if Demetrius was anything it was determined about his future. "Uh, hi, professor," Demetrius greeted, "I'm kinda interested in magical creatures stuff, but I'm kinda also curious. Did you always know you wanted to be a professor?" Demetrius asked. He wondered how many adults knew straight away what they wanted; a niggling doubt was at the back of Demetrius' mind that he'd chosen the wrong thing, and if he had a second option, he didn't know what he'd go for.
Misha smiled warmly at his student, though couldn't help the slight grimace at what he was actually interested in. But was reassured by the second statement. "Yeah, I did," he said. "Once I'd sat my OWLs, I began helping other students, like tutoring, and realised I really liked it, and I really liked charms, so I knew that was what I wanted to do. It can be a challenge, but teaching is exceedingly rewarding," he told him with a warm tone, Misha had been a teacher for most of his adult life, and didn't regret a thing. "Are you thinking about teaching?"
Demetrius was surprised at Professor Haden's answer. He really sounded like he knew what he was doing, almost from the get-go. Then he was asked if he wanted to get into teaching. That gave Demetrius pause. He hadn't really thought about it - but he wondered if he'd be any good at it. "Yeah, uh, I haven't really thought about that. I never used to think I was a people person, but, well, I've gotten better at it." Demetrius felt a bit weird being honest, he fidgeted awkwardly as he spoke, but there was no point in being untruthful. "'Cause, you kinda have to have people skills to be a teacher, right?" Demetrius asked, fairly certain of the answer.
Misha nodded. "You know, you're about to go into seventh year, I could speak to Professor Corrins, and see if you could shadow a Charms class, maybe help out, give you a bit of a chance to see what it's like when you stand in front of a bunch of kids?" Misha was immediately offering it, sure that this would of some use if he wasn't entirely sure, but when it was something that interested him. "You kinda do, but, Professor Styx is a teacher, and has been one for longer than I have, so it's not the worst thing if people aren't your strong suit," Misha knew that it was difficult at the beginning to find that balance, but it came with time, as you learned the skill, but not having it, and not learning it didn't make you incapable of doing it.
"You know, that might be kinda neat," Demetrius said, surprised by the offer, and a little intimidated. But at the same time, it sounded like something he could try out. "Yeah, I'll give that a go, if that's alright." Demetrius decided to take the opportunity - he wouldn't be getting another like that necessarily, and he may as well make the most of it. His lips twitched at the comment about Professor Styx. Demetrius knew from first-hand experience what Professor Haden meant.
Misha gave a smile. "Let me speak to her, and then I'll owl you, if she doesn't have the time, you can always sit in on a fifth year class of mine, but fifth years tend to be better behaved," he said. "Being in a classroom, but not as a student, as a shadow can be interesting, and a good way to try and see if it's something you actually like." Misha said. He was also pleased that Demetrius seemed pretty content with the comment made about Professor Styx.
Chaos thought that this career prep thing might be the way to go for seeing what he might need. He did not even know what he might want to do in the future. Power was something he sought. And, now, he got to talk to his charms professor about possible choices in careers, so he went over when it was his turn, and asked, "What sort of options are there for those that are talented in Charms?"
Misha said goodbye to the first student and then glanced at the next. Chaos Zhefarovich was not a boy he knew well, this was the first year the boy had been in his class. He worked well and hard. "Charms is a really versatile subject. Especially talents folk with charms end up in experimental charms, which really is a body of workers attempting to do new things with charms, create spells. It can be dangerous in the way that unstable magic is," Misha said. "But charms is also good for being an Auror, a healer or an unspeakable, but is also useful if you want to manage a home, or a shop or a restaurant," Misha said with a smile. He knew this was a career event, but that didn't mean it wasn't a good way of reminding people of all options.
Chaos nodded along with what Professor Haden said, with how charms would be in many careers. It was good for being an auror, a healer, unspeakable and just about everywhere else. "That makes it that much harder to choose a career. I thought about being an Unspeakable. It is nice to know charms would be useful there. Do you know any other ministry positions that would require charms?" Chaos knew how useful charms were, and he would do what he needed to stay on top of things in that course.
Misha gave a little smile, "It might be easier for me to give you a list of the ones that don't, really," Misha said before, then writing down a whole list of what careers tended to need charms and what they would require, whenever he could remember it. "We don't have a lot more time, but if you want to chat over it more, just let me know," Misha told him with a smile as he slid the list over.

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