Closed Capture this moment with an flash

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June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
June made her way into the great hall, her dress moving along with her as she took some steps forwards. Like it danced as she put one feet in front of another. She was pleased with her look, although Halloween wasn't her favorite feast. She did managed to win two prizes before with her costume. But tonight June wanted to look pretty and have an nice costume at the same time. But ofcourse she wouldn't mind another prize. With an bright smile she made her way in further, noticing some outfits which were ridiculous. Someone was dressed as a freaking door?! Why in earth would you ever think that was funny or something which looked good on you? She decided to follow the usual steps and start with an drink and in that way she could directly scan the room and have a laugh at some costumes she saw.
There had been a few costumes that Fraser had thought about coming as, but in the end, he had settled on something easy that wouldn't get in the way of what job he had to do while at the Feast. he had an apprentice now in Apolline, but Fraser was still making sure she was up to it, and didn't necessarily trust that they would get al the pictures they needed if he didn't. But he'd come as James Bond, a black suit, and bowtie. With a pen in his pocket to pretend like it was a recording device or something. He spotted June easily as he was talking pictures. Her costume was nice, she was pretty. So very pretty. He walked over to her. "June!" he greeted, "Can I take your picture?" he asked with a warm expression.
June looked around when suddenly someone called her name and she noticed an familliar and welcoming face of Fraser. And smiled shortly to him as he arrived with his camera as usual, but she saw his costume which was something which kind of wasn't bad looking at all. Just an nice suit, like he went to Yule Ball. But she rather liked this than an door costume for example with someone she spend time with sometimes. It was strange, and she couldn't even remember the first time meeting him anymore when he was just an small kid, just like herself ofcourse. But now he was way taller and all. '' Yes ofcourse, you know I would never refuse.'' The blonde said showing her white teeth. June liked the way Fraser gave her attention, he was one, perhaps the only who always showed respect and made her smile. The blonde moved around so her dressed moved with her and posed for him.
Fraser smiled as she agreed, though he had known that she would, it really was something he liked about her, she was never afraid or uneager to get into the pictures he was taking. He liked too that she posed for the picture, always had a good amount of movement for the picture. he raised his camera and took the picture of her. "Perfect," he complimented, "You look great, the picture will come out amazing."
After her pose she stood still and felt great. This picture could become world famous one day. She knew Fraser could make good pictures, so it sure would come out great. She smiled bright as he complimented her, he could continue with that for sure. He admitted it, half of this school was just jealous of her and wanted to be like her, she knew it for sure. And that made it entertaining for her that people couldn't cope with her greatness. '' Thanks Fraser.'' June responded with an smile. '' Can I see?'' The blonde asked, moving an bit closer with excitement to look at her own face in the photo.
Fraser was adjusting a few settings on the camera, and gave a little smile. He wasn't able to fully show her the picture, but a little of it. "It'll look better once I get it to the red room," Fraser said with a smile. "But you always take a great picture, June," he told her with a smile. It was truly, he'd never taken a picture of June which he hadn't thought she looked amazing in. "You're very photogenic," he added, avoiding calling her beautiful outright.
The blonde came an bit closer to Fraser and his camera, she had no idea what an red room was. But would ask him later on. Or perhaps not, perhaps it wasn't even interesting after all. But making photo's was at least more interesting than Quidditch than perhaps. Which she knew Fraser was all into. But she never really had an interest in the sport. June kept smiling as Fraser kept complimenting her, was it more than usual? The blonde didn't mind. And she went standing next to him an bit close to see the photo well. '' Your not an bad photographer yourself. You really have talent Fraser.'' The blonde said meaning it, but ofcourse an good model was helping a lot. She turned her face towards him and smiled.
Fraser's cheeks reddened a little at the compliment and he gave a little nod. "Thanks June," he replied a little shyly. He looked up at her for a moment and then back at the camera. "I have been thinking if the quidditch stuff doesn't work out, to do this full time," he said, he wasn't even sure what this would be, just that it would be photography related. "Do you have any clue what you'll do after school's over?"
June watched Fraser and had to smile about the way he took the compliment. He wasn't as confident as she was she figured, but he could be. She heard he was now co captain for the quidditch team, and although Quidditch was not interesting to her an title was. And he did more. '' If you want something you should go for it. So if Quidditch is your first interest, just believe in yourself and work hard. Than you will succeed for sure.'' June said she never had watched an game here at Hogwarts before, it didn't got her interest and she rather prepared for her lessons. She added an smile towards it. '' I have some thoughts. But The Ministry of Magic is interesting to me.'' June said, she wanted an high position and figured the ministry of magic was the place for her to start. June noticed she was still very close to Fraser as she looked at her photo once more. '' Can I have this?'' She asked as she looked up to him. watching him in the eye.
Fraser knew that his desire to play quidditch professionally was something he'd try very hard for, and perhaps it would easier with family on the team, and connections that perhaps others didn't have, but he knew too, he had the talent for it. He nodded lightly, and felt somwhat warmed by her confidence in him. "Yeah? I could see you becoming minister one day," he told her with a nod, almost sure that she had the drive and passion for it. "Of course, come by the accio room, like tomorrow, and I'll have it printed for you," he told her.
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