Capture The Moment

Alexander Fontaine

Abused | Victoire ♥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Alexander Carter often spent a lot of time in the seemingly abandoned classroom on the second floor of the enormous castle. There was a lot to consider and a lot of studying that he had to do since he was in his fifth year at Hogwarts now. There was a whole lot that he had to know, and he had been learning Occlumency with to the help of Professor Styx. It was perhaps the most difficult thing that he had ever attempted to learn in all of his years. He shrugged, because he knew that it would be worth it in the end and when it was over he could be considered a powerful person because of it.

Not that Alex really wanted to be that kind of person, he had just read about it during one of his excursions to the library and he had thought that it seemed to be a pretty fantastic piece of magic to learn. He smiled at the thought of it, it really seemed like it would be something that would be worth it for him in the long run. He had thought about Victoire lately, as well. He saw her around the school sometimes with her boyfriend Jean, he thought that they were together at least... just thinking about the two of them together caused Alex's heart to hurt. He loved her, and he probably would for a long time. Alex turned around quickly when he saw someone enter the room that he was in, quickly falling to the floor and attempting to hide
Following what had been a fairly good conversation with Jean, and a calm in her own mind about it, the Gryffindor prefect was feeling a little more at ease with most things in her life. She was a sixth year, half way through the year, still pulling good grades but also doing what she would think was relatively well in her love life. Though the troubles she and Jean had would never really be solved in any version of the world, that stayed at the back of her mind as she focused much more heavily and how good the privacy felt, on how nice it was to just sit with him and do homework, even if it sounded pretty awful. Victoire liked where she was, though her mind often cast to the future, to where she would be in two years, to what job she wanted, and really nothing ever sprang to mind, she knew she wanted to work in the ministry, she didn't want to be a healer and admittedly an Auror definitely wasn't something she wanted to do, but she had plenty more options open to her.

The teen was looking for a quiet place to study, Gryffindor quidditch practice was happening and though she generally opted for Jean's dorm, he wouldn't be there and she didn't particularly feel like being in the room alone, her own dorm was pretty boring, and Victoire really didn't want to be in the prefects common room where she might run into Lucien. All in all, Victoire had ended up deciding to go to the usually empty and quiet, but as soon as she stepped into the room, she heard a crash and noticed someone was pretending to hide, she approached them carefully, and then noticed that it wasn't just someone, it was a person she knew, "Alex?" she asked carefully, things between them had been unsurprisingly rocky and she'd been distancing herself from him a lot, but now she was faced with him and she felt like all she could be was nice since they had once been friends, "Are you alright there?"
Alex cursed under his breath when he realised that he hadn't been quick enough in hiding from Victoire when she had entered the room. He had hoped that he would be able to avoid here because he knew that things would be awkward ever since what had happened between them at the Yule Ball. Alex was in love with the fine specimen infront of him, and he knew that those feelings would never ever go away. It didn't matter to him that she was probably taken, because Alex would never try anything like that.. he wasn't the kind of person to ever try and break up another couple in order to get what he wanted. That was wrong, and he knew that. He just stood up from where he was hiding, and gave her a half smile. "Hey, you."

Alex wished that he would be able to re-do the entire night of the Yule Ball, because maybe if he had been able to do things right then he would be the one who was with her. He didn't even know if she was with Jean, and he knew that he was probably one of the last people that would find out about it. He just shrugged at her, he didn't know how he was meant to explain to someone that he was trying to avoid them because he was scared of how they would react to being around him. He didn't want to find with Victoire, because he knew that he would never be able to maintain being angry at her. He didn't know how to be angry at her to begin with. He just took a seat at one of the desks near him, and looked down at his hands. He had no idea what to do.
Victoire was a little nervous around Alex, mostly because of what he had once meant to her, a good friend, someone she had helped a lot in trying to get him up to speed with everything they were studying at school, but after everything that happened they had a much more tentative friendship, every since he'd blurted it out at the Yuleball in her mind ruining the night itself she had just slowly gotten over it, slowly come to terms with all that had happened. it helped that now she was with Jean, and though they couldn't tell anyone about it, she was pretty sure of where he own feelings lay and that was all that was important. She kept her gaze on him, especially as he seemed to not be having a great day, what with the hiding and not just being out in the open, the teen gave him a warm smile as he greeted her, and she went to sit down in the chair in front of him, she wanted to fix things between them, perhaps it was easier for her to do now because she was pretty settled in her love life and didn't have to worry that much.

"How've you been?" she asked, since she knew a little about his situation and while things had happened it didn't mean that she didn't care any more, just that things had changed, she still cared about him. The teen was smiling in a friendly manner at Alex, trying her best to figure out what to say to him, that would make things better, she didn't assume that he still loved her, he was sure that he didn't love her, not after everything. She wanted to know how he was doing in his classes, if he needed any extra help with the classes he was taking, if he just wanted a friend, but she'd actively distanced herself from him, and didn't know if in doing that she might've ruined the friendship, "How are classes?" she asked him with an encouraging tone hoping that he would actually reply to her instead of just sitting like the were, a little awkwardly.
Even though Alex knew that he felt at home around Victoire, he felt at the same time that he would rather be anywhere else but here right now. He knew that it would deeply offend her if he got up and left, though, so Alex would absolutely never think of doing that to her. There was only one thing in the whole world that he hated more then nothing that he had screwed up his chances with Victoire, and that was any time that he had to see her sad. Even though her heart likely belonged to another, there was nothing worse then having to watch the person that he loved be unhappy.

Alex just gave her a weak smile. He was deeply uncomfortable right now, but he wasn't going to let her know that it was because he couldn't bear to be around her right now. It wasn't that he resented her or anything like that, not really, because he knew that he could never resent her. Alex had a lot of things go through his head whenever he was with her, but they most certainly weren't all good things. "I've been alright, just keeping myself busy." He said with a smile. "Classes are better now, I've been getting pretty much perfect grades." He said proudly. "It's all thanks to you, really." He noted.
Victoire knew that things between them would always be difficult, she didn't think for a moment that they would be simple, but the prefect was definitely hoping that they would be able to work things out, but she felt fairly certain that in the beginning things between them would just be as they were, which would be awkward. She had no idea how else to fix it, and had not idea how best to try and help him, to her it was just something that would be a part of her life and with things more settled elsewhere that she might be able to just enjoy his company once more. It would be difficult, there would be a little element of them that would just always be the elephant in the room, and it was better to ignore than deal with it, or so she firmly believed. As the conversation moved on, which Victoire hadn't thought would be possible but she felt fairly relieved that it had.

The Gryffindor listened as he spoke, she knew that the boy was more than smart enough, more than capable of all of the things he was now doing and it was just that he had finally been given the opportunity and guidance to what he was doing and it had worked out fine. And she smiled easily at the boy, nodding, "Oh I can't take any of the credit," the prefect gave a small encouraging smile at him, sure that it was all to do with him, "It's all you Alex, I'm proud of you," she added with a small smile, since she really did think that all of his success was entirely down to him, and how hard he always worked. There was nothing in her that had thought him incapable of what he had done, and she was so pleased for him being able to get such good grades in his classes, "If you ever want to study again, I wouldn't mind that," she told him, although she spent a lot of her time studying with Jean in his dorm room, to keep up appearances it wouldn't be a terrible thing to be seen studying with him, and after all, she did want to mend their friendship.
Alex wished that Victoire would just accept the compliment he was trying to give her. He didn't understand why she was always so insistent on not taking it. Alex would have never been able to catch up on any of the classes that he had without her. Not if his parents would ever have anything to say about it, that is, because they never seemed to care about him or his education. Sighing profusely, he just gave her a shrug. He knew that it wouldn't have been possible without her, and he would always be thankful for the things that he had helped with her.

For the time being, though, Alex couldn't handle being around her: it was such a painful endeavor to be around someone you loved and know that they didn't love you back. Alex didn't really want to be here anymore, but at the same time he didn't want to be here anymore. Sighing once again, he stood up and gave her a small hug, and then left without saying a word. He couldn't bear to see her face when he left, so he didn't look back even a little bit.

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