Capes at the ready

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Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Putting the finishing touches to his costume Thomas slipped his mask on over his face. Behind his mask he smirk as he observed himself in the mirror – although it was hard due to the gauze over his eye slots but the costume wouldn't have worked without it. Noticing the time he decided her should make his way down to the Great Hall for the Halloween Ball. He happily made his way down the stairs, his thoughts on his girlfriend, he had tried to find out what she was going to go as this year but she wasn't budging, well two can play at that game he thought to himself as he hadn't told her either. But it wasn't like he would be found easily, his make was the perfect disguise, he was going to have some fun with Isabella tonight.

Entering the Great Hall he heard the Headmistress talking in the background but didn't really listen – this was his third Halloween Ball, it was probably the same as the last two – he was far too business looking for Isabella, it was much harder as he didn't know what she would be wearing and the gauze was going to be a pain all night. Maybe after he found Isabella he would take it off? Going over to the refreshments table he decided to stay there for a bit, he obviously couldn't eat, but it would be easier to watch the people and find Isabella that way.
It was another Halloween and once again Isabella was gussying herself up in her dorm room that now only housed three. She and Nia seemed to be the only ones attending yet again, the two of them seemed to be the only ones who loved to be social and attend school events and Isabella couldn't be more grateful for her blonde-haired best friend. As long as she had her she knew she'd never be alone.

This year Isabella had decided to go as 'Wonder Woman' a female superhero, one of the few there were. She'd gotten the idea from her cousin Zaire who was sort of a secret nerd at heart. In front of all his mates he came off as this cool Pureblood elitist, but secretly he obsessed over the Muggle things like comic books and video games. Isabella was reminded of two Halloweens ago when she had hung out with quite a few people, but mostly she remenbered hanging out with the then-sixth-year Jaken Styx. He had dressed up as a video game character and the two had gotten talking of her cousin's fondness for video games back then, she even remembered stating that next time she visited her cousin she'd take an interest in his games. Well, Isabella hadn't been to Zaire's house lately, but he had been to hers the previous year for her mothers funeral, and he had brought along a few of his comics, some of which she had read with Isaac while locked up in her room, and thus introducing her to Wonder Woman. Now that she thought about it, she wouldn't doubt if Zaire had chosen that specific comic to cheer her up at that time.

Isabella's costume was rather small, little fabric and lots of skin. Around her forehead was the golden headband with a red star in the middle and her brunette locks were in loose curls falling over her bare shoulders. As she left the dungeons with Nia and entered the terrificly decorated Great Hall, Isabella looked around her nervously, tugging at the red cape she decided to wear in an attempt to conceal a bit more of herself. As she and Nia talked and hung out, Isabella realized that she wasn't the only one who was scantily clad this Halloween, in fact it seemed most girls were wearing very little clothing; Isabella had thought that she would have the smallest costume revealing the most skin, but Andromeda Fiorelli far surpassed her. This thought comforted Isabella and now she wasn't so shy and insecure to flaunt herself in her costume as she walked over to the refreshments table for a drink.

As she took her first sip of pumpkin juice Isabella's chocolate brown eyes continually looked around her in search of her boyfriend but was having an extremely difficult time because 1) there was a mass of students in disguise and 2) she had no idea what he would be dressed up as so he could be any of the masked students!

[P.S. I hope you don't mind that I used Nia in all this]
Not at all. It was cute ^_^ Just as long as you don't mind the lamest topic name in the history of topic names? :lol:

As Thomas observed the mass of students in the Great Hall he couldn't help but notice how revealing some of the girls were being this year. But he didn't let his eyes stay on them for too long, he had his own girl to look out for and even if she was covered from head to toe he wouldn't mind - he knew she would be beautiful no matter what she wore (although some skin wouldn't hurt). As he continued to scan the Great Hall he started to grow worried as to why Isabella hadn't showed up yet, or had she. Figuring he just hadn't seen her yet he started to move about the perimeter of the dance floor, looking at he mass of students to try and find his girlfriend.

As he made his way around half of it he stopped again for a minute to look all around him. Some of the costumes were quite amazing this year, he felt sorry for the judges. Although some of the costumes were completely obvious there was some, he noticed, that were somewhat obsecure - expecially to witches and wizards. Things like video game characters and comic book characters - like his own for example. He tried to see how many he could name, Princess Zelda, Samus, Cat Woman, Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman? Thomas' eyes shot right back to the brunette beauty he saw in the rather revealing Wonder Woman costume. Like most teenage boys Wonder Woman was their perfect woman but it couldn't be? It is! His heartbeat racing as he approached the girl. A smile broke out behind his mask, it was Isabella.

Before he approached her her stopped for a moment to calm himself, and to remind himself that tonight was about fun. He wondered how long he could fool Isabella. The mask wasn't going to help, he already learned that at the Valentines Ball. Clearing his throat he decided he was give his french accent some use, he had it, why let it go to waste. Approaching Isabella (thankful of his mask as he couldn't contain the smirk on his face) he taped her lightly on her shoulder, "Excuse me ma'am. Care to dance?" he asked, his french accent coming through perfectly.
[Lol it's not lame!]

Isabella was bobbing her head to the music playfully while still on the lookout for her boyfriend. She was starting to regret not telling each other their costumes because finding him was proving to be very difficult, or at the very least they could've planned to meet in a certain location, that way she could've kept her costume a secret but at least know where he was. As Isabella rolled her eyes internally to herself and took another sip of her pumpkin juice, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Isabella immediately grew excited, thinking and hoping it was her boyfriend, but when she turned around she was greeted with a masked man. As he asked her to dance, Isabella raised an eyebrow up in skepticism, unable to recognize the accent, that also happened to be slightly muffled by the mask, as well as making the eyes impossible to see. Isabella cocked her head to the side, annoyed that she couldn't make out who it was and said, "No thanks, I'm waiting for someone," and turned around again, completely uninterested in the stranger, who ever he was. It hadn't occurred to her that Thomas' costume would be a full body costume so she had been searching for his face among the crowd the whole time, looking over those who were completely disguised.
Thomas bit on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out loud, which of course would have given him away. But he was happy at how Isabella responded to the strangers request for a dance, not that he had any fears afterall. But due to how his last relationship ended (even though it was his fault) and how his current one started, he had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind to be careful. Once again he was calm and collected so he went in for an other dive, knowing he would be killed for it later one, but that was later this was now. "But please you must honor me with one dance. Obviously your partner doesn't care if he had kept you waiting." he said again in his french accent. "We can't have the most beautiful girl tonight wasting her beauty here." he said, somewhat wishing his eyes were visible so he could wink playfully.
Isabella rolled her eyes as the boy began talking again, though he couldn't see because she had her back to him. She turned around to face him, a small smile placed on her face as he continued, saying that her partner didn't care about her and that her beauty was being wasted. Isabella's had to bite down on her lower lip to stop herself from chuckling at the stranger's continual attempts to woo her. Something about the way he said his lines, or rather the words he chose, reminded her vaguely of Thomas, and she was reminded of the time when they had been masked here in this very hall for the Valentine's Ball. Still, she had to keep her guard up because even if he vaguely reminded her of Thomas, didn't mean he was and she didn't want her boyfriend to see her flirting with someone else when she was eagerly waiting for him. "And maybe you should stop wasting your time because I already told you no thanks," she replied with a fake sickly sweet voice with a matching smile, the edges of her lips curled up in a small smirk.
Thomas was loving every moment of this, he knew he would probably have to pay for it later on, but for now it was too much fun. Hearing Isabella's next response he had a strange feeling of pride at how Isabella was turning down the boys request of a dance. He wouldn't mind though if she had danced with the him - even if he really was a stranger as Thomas wasn't really the jealous type, but it was a nice feeling. Letting out an exaggerated sigh he turned to walk away, as if he had given up, but quickly lifted his mask off and turned, as quick a shot, and kissed Isabella. He wrapped his arm around the small of her back, pushing her down slightly, but he had a firm hold on her. He smiled into the kiss, wondering if Isabella had seen his face after he took off his mask, or was he still a complete stranger to her.
It wasn't as if Isabella was opposed to dancing with someone else on occasion, she didn't think there was anything wrong with dancing with an occasional stranger even if she had a boyfriend, in fact she remembered dancing with Thomas at the Valentine's Ball when she had a boyfriend and that was when she hadn't known it was him beneath the mask! But it was the way in which the person asked or spoke to her that determined her answer. The guy beneath the Spiderman mask had asked nicely, politely even, but after she had politely reclined, he persisted in a manner which she hadn't like so that was the reason she was continually rejecting him.

Isabella smiled to herself as the boy seemed to have given up, and was glad so that now she could refocus her attention on scanning the crowd. Isabella barely had time to put her cup of pumpkin juice down on the table when suddenly the boy took off his mask in a flash and forced a kiss upon her. Isabella was stunned to the point of immobility, allowing him to push her down slightly but after she had regained herself she opened her eyes they widened once she recognized who it was. Right away she relaxed into his touch and put her hands through his curly hair as she finally began kissing him back. Afterward she pushed herself up and stood up straight, breaking away from him though he still had his hands around her.

"Thomas!" she squealed, hitting him hard on his arm in false annoyance, merely playful. He had tricked and fooled her and it had worked. "Thanks, jerk!" she said to him through her laughter as she hit him again, her cheeks red with embarrassment as well as flushed from the kiss he had given her.
Thomas smirked as he felt Isabella start to kiss back, she better know it's me or so she has some explaining to do he thought jokingly to himself but he knew his girlfriend well enough by now to know she knew it was him kissing her. He give into the kiss more now, having Isabella return it made it all the better. He felt Isabella stand up again and broke away from him. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction, exactly what he was hoping for. "Heeey, what was that for?" he said playfully as Isabella hit his arm, even though he knew perfectly well what it was for. "I'm no jerk. You know you loved it." he said with a wink.

With his arms still loosely around his girlfriend he increased the distance between them so he could get a proper look at her costume. "But I meant what I said you look beautiful tonight, hot even." he said looking up to her again. "I didn't know you were a fan of muggle comic books." he said questioningly.

Lame >.<
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