Can i have a chance?

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby had moved school yet again. She'd only been back at Hogwarts for three months after leaving Durmstrang, but this time it was her own decision. In her position, she new this would be the more responsible choice, and she would be able to spend more time with her family, even if it did mean her career was being jepodized.
She didn't know anyone else at Beauxbatons, although had a clue that when one of her old friends left Hogwarts, he had come here. Libby had been suprized at Beauxbatons. She'd heard about it from Leah, a family friend, who was in exactly the same position as she is just a couple of years ago. She'd also heard about the students here from the Triwizard tornament. Looking round the school, it reminded her of something out of a fairytale book. She felt just as she did at the start of joining Durmstrang. So out of place and wanting to find the people she knew.

It was colder now in France. Avarice Vanity, however did not feel the cold
as much as the others in her year. She was Scottish, and winters tended to
be colder. Still, Ava stuck to the inside of the school, for most of the time.
She had no need to venture out. Avarice had explored the entire outdoors
over and over. There was nothing more for her to find. This annoyed the blonde
as she always had time to kill. Avarice, had spent her day in her dorm room,
working on an essay for potions, when she had grown too bored of the essay
and decided to walk around. To clear her head, and reformulate her thoughts
about what she was writing about. Avarice did this. It was something her dorm
mates, and friends had grown used to. Ava, since she was alone, decided to
take a moment to look over herself in the mirror. Her shoulder length blonde hair
hung in small ringlets, and her fringe was held back with a small clasp. "Decent"
Ava muttered under her breath in French. Now, that she was happy with her
appearance, she left her dorm room. Ava had a pen in her hand, a muggle pen,
one which she played with with her hands. It was a way that Ava was able to
stay focused and concentrate.

As Ava walked around randomly, she was greeted by a friend, who started gushing
about what she was going to be wearing to Ava's birthday gathering, that was happening
at her home, at the very beginning of the christmas holidays. Avarice, the girl talk.
Nodding every so often, to appear a little more interested than she really was. It was
not that Ava did not love helping her friends, whatever the situation, but the blonde
had not been walking around to get into chit chat. Her mind was on the essay. Thinking
about what she'd written, and had still to write. It was as they walked down one of the
corridors that Avarice noticed a girl, New, she assumed, since Ava had never seen her
before. Not that Ava knew everyone, but the girl looked a little lost, and that was a
sigh of a new person. It was as Avarice and her friend were walking towards her that
Ava's pen slipped from her fingers and fell to the floor. Concentration broken. Avarice bid
her friend farewell, and then bent down to pick up her pen. Once she had it back in her
grasp, Avarice decided she would speak to the girl. Avarice was not a shy girl. Nor was
she an outrageous stereotypical blonde. Most people thought her quite odd, since she
had blonde hair, but brown eyes. Not a usual common pair, but it worked for Avarice.
Ava walked over to the girl and smiled. "Hi, I'm Avarice Vanity. Are you new to Beaux
Avarice asked with friendly smile, in french. She assumed the girl could
speak french.

Notes: First proper post with this character, sorry if it's a little terrible.
Wearing: This Minus the outdoor stuff. Just minus the gloves and hat, and replace the coat with a cardigan.
Libby heard a french accent, spoken by as she turned, a blonde girl who'd come over to see if she was okay. She was glad her father had taught her french so many years before, it helped when you had to move around alot. She replied back, using the same language that had been presented to her. "I'm fine thank you. Everything just feels a little, new you know? Yes, i'm new, i only joined the school earlier this month. I transfered from Hogwarts, aalthough i attended Durmstrang last year too. I'm Liberty Corvus. 6th year" she smiled, thinking how much more friendly the beauxbaton students seemed to be than the Durmstrang. She knew France would be the best place for her family. "I don't want to keep you if you have anything important to do, but if you could shouw me how to get to the library, that would be really helpful" she said, occasionally slipping back into English. Knowing four languages in five years certainly could get confusing.

The smile upon Avarice's face grew, as the girl looked up at her
and replied to her. Avarice liked the first meeting of two people.
It was a slightly odd thing to like, but Avarice was always happy
to meet knew people. Avarice, also continued to smile as the girl
spoke french. At least she had no gotten the language wrong. Ava
nodded as the girl spoke. It seemed like she'd been around a lot.
Almost all the magical Schools that Avarice had heard about, she
had been to. Ava just noted to herself. She wondered why the girl
would move around so often. It would be surely hard to settle each
and every time. "Wow, you travel a lot. I'm been at Beauxbatons
from day 1 of my magical education. I'm 6th year, just like you."

Avarice replied quickly in french. Avarice pushed a strand of blonde
hair away from her face. While smiling politely at the girl. It was as she
continued speaking that Avarice really realised that the girl was probably
english. Ava could speak english. She had spent part of her life in
Scotland. She was fluent. But, since she was in Beauxbatons, Avarice
preferred speaking french. "Sure, I don't have anywhere to be. What
brings you to Beauxbatons then?"
Ava asked in French, taking a
step back from the girl, and pointing in the direction they would
walk in. "Beauxbatons has to be pretty different from Durmstrang and
Hogwarts. I like to think that Beauxbatons students are above all else
the most elegant and graceful of all the magical schools. But, even I'm
not that elegant or graceful. The library is not to far."
Libby smiled as she found out Avarice had been here her whole magical education, and it made it slightly easier to trust the girl. Libby wasn't French, nor English. However those were preferrable to libby as her natural italian words were almost becoming lost on her these days. "I moved to Beauxbatons because i would be closer to my family" she realized she'd have to explain a bit more. Her heart began to race. She was never wuite sure what to expect when talking to new people about her "situation". "I got married at the begining of this year." she started, watching her reactions. "I'm pregnant. I have been since by 17th birthday. I thought coming out here would be a better environment for our child" she said. Talking to Avarice definatly gave Libby a postive view on the area. She hoped her son or daughter, once they'd learnt of their abilities (as they were to be raised as a muggle) would attend somewhere like this, and prehaps not go down the road Libby had fallen last year.

Avarice just nodded along as they walked, and Liberty spoke.
Avarice was near her family in France. Her sister were spread
out a little more than she was, but Avarice didn't mind that.
They were as close as sisters could be, and were happy to
spend time apart. Avarice was very happy to spend time away
from her sisters. They had achieved a lot more than she had.
Avarice knew herself to be the stupid one of the three. But that
was why she worked even harder. Avarice was a little surprised
when the girl said, that she was a) married and b) pregnant. Over
of course, as Avarice was polite, and knew how to hold herself.
Her face gave only a little away at the shock she felt inside. Ava
couldn't imagine being married or pregnant. She just couldn't imagine
having to deal with both of those things while still being in school.
It was why she chose to not have a boyfriend. Though the offers
were many. "Wow, congratulations. On getting married and the baby.
You must be so happy. A child is a real gift."
Avarice said in
french, her word genuine. She tried to not sound as though she was
judging her, if Avarice was honest, she couldn't imagine what would
possess a 17 year old to become pregnant and get married. But Ava
wouldn't show it. She knew that it would probably be hard on the girl.
Already. "I myself can't imagine being married or pregnant. I
don't even have a boyfriend, by choice. Do you know if it's a boy
or a girl? I heard the mothers can tell. And just know, if any girl, or
boy gives you any bother about being pregnant, I'll deal with them."

Avarice continued. She knew that she hardly knew the girl. But Ava
had been brought up to be kind to others. She was deadly loyal. And
so even though they had just met, Avarice knew that she'd at least
have to make sure no one bothered her. "I hardly want you to be
stressed. I heard that's bad."
Libby smiled at Avarice. They'd only just met but she was already showing loyalty. "Thanks" she replied, "I won't know if it's a boy or a girl until December." she started, "I think it might be a boy though." she added. She wasn't sure what made her say that, but Libby herself had never been a particulary girly person. If she had a son, she would think, at least at the moment, he would fit in with her and Alex's chosen lifestyle more than a daughter would too. "Everyone's been really nice about it" she added. "I didn't really get pregnant by choice" she gave Avarice a glance of you-know-what-i-mean. "We'd been engaged for a while, but after the pregnancy we decided to get married then. I guess it was easier than waiting" she said, remembering the wedding when her family all found out because of Larissa's drunk mouth.. "I apprieciate you helping me" Libby smiled to the blonde girl. "I only know one other student that attends Beauxbatons, and he was a Gryffindor last year. What do you want to do when you leave school?" she asked, partly for curiousity, partly because Libby didn't know what she wanted to do.

Avarice just nodded to the girl. Ava was the type to want to know as
early as she could about something. Anything. But she guessed being
pregnant was a completely different matter. You had to wait. Patience
was needed. Avarice knew that she was in no way ready to have a kid
in the next 5 or 6, even 7 years. Ava, knew that each person was slightly
different. And it wasn't like Avarice had a boyfriend that she would be
able to get pregnant from. Avarice had no real interest in boys. Her mind
was more focused on the work she was doing in school. "Well, again,
Congratulations on the marriage. I hope it works out for you."
said sincerely. Though her own thoughts on marriage were slightly different.
She wished Liberty all the best. But Avarice did not think Marrying someone
meant they were happier. Or that they had a better chance of lasting. But,
Avarice would give the benefit of the doubt to Liberty and her husband.
"At least you know someone. People at Beauxbatons are nice enough
once you get to know them, but some can be utter b!tches. You just need
to get to know them."
Avarice said somewhat absentmindedly. Almost
like she'd said it before. "You know what, I don't really know. I might go
to University. Muggle University. But, I want to be a healer, so, as long as
I achieve that in the end I'll be happy. But I've been changing my mind every
year or so, so ask me that again, when I actually leave school."
said with a small laugh. "What about you? Apart from raising the baby,
Any plans?"
She knew what she meant when she said some students couldn't always be assumed to be as nice as others. It was like that will all schools. "Well, when i was much younger, i wanted to be a professional quidditch player. A keeper" she looked at Avarice, wondering if she enjoyed quidditch. "I played for the team last year in Durmstrang, although i never managed to get onto the Hufflepuff team. I wanted to try out this year, but i was pregnant then i moved here" she explained. "I then decided i wanted to be an Astronomy professor back at Hogwarts, but ive never been very good achemically so i guess i won't be good enough for that" she shrugged. "My husband just bought us a pub. Sold out appartment without telling me as well. We live upstairs. He says they're not really connected, and that raising a child will be fine there. Sure, ill go along with his dream. We plan to raise the child as a muggle until they're old enough to know. So i guess ill be out of the magic buisness for a while. Beauxbatons is the only connection i'll have for a long time" she said looking round the castle, examining it.

Avarice had never really considered what she would do, if she
was in any situation remotely close to LIberty's. It was odd, as
she never had come across anyone who had to think about, not
that was until now. It was clear to Avarice, that while Liberty
would most likely be happy about being pregnant. And married,
there would be a number of downsides. A number of things that
would limit a person. Ava knew that she would most likely not
be able to do that. She wasn't sure, she would be willing to
sacrifice her life. But then, she wasn't in the situation, so had
no real grounds to go on. Only the mind set she had not being
those things. "Well, I'm glad you've chosen to come to
Beauxbatons. And, I think, having a pub is not a terrible thing.
It would probably give you a greater sense of community. I
used to live in Scotland. A friend of my dad's owned a pub, and
with the right crowd, it's was a great place."
Avarice said
with an encouraging smile. "The child will be very lucky. With
or without magic. The library, is just down here."
continued pointing forward as they walked.​

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