- Messages
- 154
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
- Age
- 13
(PLOT ID #87341/ #115234/ ID#121205)
Cancer: As a Cancer born on July 20th, you are well known for a positive outlook and emotional sensitivity. You have a special talent for making the best out of situations and getting the best out of those around you. You have an intuitive gift for understanding the feelings and thoughts of others. Instead of using that gift for manipulation, you chose to be empathetic and uplifting. Similarly, in bad situations, you are most likely the person to bring optimism to the group. Your friends and family greatly appreciate these qualities, making you a highly sought after companion.ELEMENT
Water: The Cancer's paired element is water and out of all the zodiac signs, you have the most fundamental relationship with water. Seeing as emotions can be as rocky as the seas, it's no wonder that water is directly connected with feelings. In times when you experience forceful waves of emotion, you gain valuable experience that you apply to understanding others. Further embrace of the positive qualities of water will help you grow into an even more compassionate and empathetic person. As with any positive, there are also negatives, so be weary of the dangers of becoming moody and overly emotional.PLANET
Moon: Your sign is ruled by the moon, but because you are born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also experience a good helping of Neptune's power. There is no doubt that themoon has influenced your sensitivity and intuition, but you may be surprised to realize that it is Neptune that is responsible for your bursts of creativity, imagination and spiritualism. The result of your planetary influence is a kind, romantic soul; one of a dreamer. You are enthralled with possibilities and often take refuge in the realm of fantasy. In terms of life and love, this results in unrealistic expectations, but it also leads to very creative outcomes. Although you find much comfort in close relationships, take care to set aside time to develop on your own. Although your imagination is one of your greatest allies, it can also be your greatest enemy if you find yourself constantly outside the bounds of the here and now.
A Border Collies: An highsensitive animal, it's their job to be alert and fast when there are changes.BOGGART

Camille Livia Carter (birthname Davenport)
NAME MEANING:- Camille (Ca-mi-le) Camille is an French name of orgin and means ''perfect''.
- Livia (Lee-vi-aa) Livia is a girl’s name of Latin origin, meaning “blue”
- Carter (Car-ter) Carter is a name of Irish, English and Scottish extraction. The origin of the surname Carter is mostly occupational, deriving from someone who used a wagon or cart to transport goods from place to place.
- Davenport (Da-ve-nport) Davenport is a habitational name from a place in Cheshire named Davenport.
NICKNAME/ALIASCamille her name sometimes is shorted as Cami, by the people close to her. She doesn't have other nicknames.
BLOODSTATUSShe's an halfblood witch. Both of her biological parents are magical, but have muggles in their family.
PLACE OF BIRTHCamille was born in Cambridge, England. Just like her biological sister June. And also grew up there until she got adopted by the Carters.
CURRENT RESIDENCECamille currently lives in Wellington, New Zealand with her new family. Near Brightstone.
NATIONALITYHer biological father is born in England and her biological mother in Sweden, which makes her part Swedish and part English. Camille can only speak English.

CHILDHOODCamille is the youngest child from Bryon and Agnes Davenport. She was born in Cambridge, England. In the birthcountry of her father. To her father having another daughter and having no sons was an disappointment, since he wanted an boy and son to continue the legacy of the family with the stronger gender. Since Camille was the youngest she was caught in between the fights of her parents with her older siblings. Camille didn't got a lot of attention from her father, was kind of ignored because he was too busy with the rest of her siblings and he could tell that Camille was too soft. Camille was an easy child though for her parents. She listened to what she had to do and was not outspoken, but was very sensitive to the tension in the house. From young age already that had influence on how she felt. Camille usually got the attention from her mother who she had an ok relationship with. From her siblings she got the best relationship with Lauren and June. They both cared for her and looked out for her, but Camille got influenced by both and was caught in between sometimes. Camille was raised very strictly since she could hear and see what happend in the house with her older sibling Lauren. Her parents set that as an example. But it was kind of traumatic for Camille at such an young age, but also normal since that was what she knew. After her parents were punished for their crimes, Camille was sad because they were still her parents. She didn't understood what happend. But when she got adopted by Landon Carter and his wife and moved to New Zealand she experianced love in a way she never gotten and was glad that Lauren was with her. She than learned that her education by her biologic parents was not normal. Though she missed June and felt sad she didn't came along.


Tiera Skovbye
HAIRCamille has got long blonde hair. She has some curls in it and usually wears it down. Sometimes she straighten it or make an ponytail or braid. She likes her hair long.
EYESHer eyes are blue of colour. She has big bright eyes.
HEIGHTCamille is small and short. She would prefer if she would be taller.
PIERCINGSShe got both her ears pierced when she was six years old.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is right.
CLOTHING STYLECamille her clothing style is kind of old fashioned. But she also likes to wear dresses or dress for an nice event. She is raised that way by her mother. Her looks is not the most important thing to her. So she can wear dresses, but also t-shirts and jeans mostly.

- Shy: Nervous or timid in the company of other people.
- Caring: Displaying kindness and concern for others.
- Hypersensitive: Having extreme physical sensitivity to particular substances or conditions.
- Creative: Relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.
LIKESCamille likes animals, friends, being outdoor, forests, painting, drawing, reading, the sun, swimming, hugs and play games.
QUOTE" When people around me feel good. I do too."
DISLIKESShe doesn't like angry people, being ignored, speak in front of a big group, being the centre of attention, being bullied, hurting people, small spaces, sad people and dark places.
SECRETSCamille doesn't like secrets and she hasn't got any at this moment.
GOALSCamille doesn't really have idea's of goals she want to achieve. But her biggest desire at the moment is to be together with her sisters again. So June coming to live with them too.
FEARSShe fears to lose any of the family members around her. And to be punished by her parents being locked up in a dark room for betraying them and enjoying her new family.
STRENGTHSCamille is very caring for the people around her. She wants people to feel good and has attention to their feelings. Whenever someone is in trouble or needs help she will offer it. Because of how kind she is. She is also creative although she doesn't think of that herself. Camille likes drawing and painting, it makes her mind calm. She has creative idea's and can create something nice out of nothing. She is also a good observer and likes to watch people and learn a lot about people. She can remember a lot of details from an situation.
WEAKNESSESCamille can be very shy and will forget to care for herself and stand up for herself. She is afraid of what people think of her if she speaks up. She can bring herself down by thinking negative about herself. Because of the fact that is ignored a lot by her father she is used to playing such an role and it gives her some rest because that is what she is known and what is safe. She is hypersensitive and that is more an burden for herself sometimes since she is very sensitive to tensions in a room or with a group of people. When someone is feeling down, she will mirror that easily. Her mind is very busy because of that, since she is always on her guard for other people and feels for them if they are not well. Than Camille is easily distracted and forgets about her own progress.
PERSONALITYCamille is a very sweet girl who will look out for others more than for herself. She has a big heart and is known for being hypersensitive with for herself is not always an pleasure. She is sensitive to atmospheres in rooms or small groups. And that really changes her state of mind. Camille loves animals and being outdoor. When she is outside she feels very happy and likes to explore there. She has social skills, but can be shy at first. So that is why she likes to observe people to see how people act. She often tries to be someone she is not to be liked more and is gullible to what people tell her. Because of her youth with her biological parents she is scared of angry and violent people and freezes when she see's or hears something happening. She doesn't like bullies and is afraid of them. Camille would be open for helping people if she feels comfertable around them, or when she is scared or push her she would also.

Sweets, The forest and honey.
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf she would look into the mirror she would see her adoptive family and biological parents with June, Lauren and Gabriella happily together.
Yet to be added
- Wood: Alder: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
- Core: Unicorn Hair: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
- Inches: 12 1/2, A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Camille was relieved to be sorted in Hufflepuff, she wanted to be close to Landon and had an preference for this house, because it seemed like an nice house to be in from what she had heard. And her sister Lauren was also sorted in it. She did find it hard to picture how June must feel and worried about that.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES- Wild Patch (Joined in 2th Year)
FAVORITE PROFESSORHer favorite Professor is her father Landon Carter and her cousin Professor Noel Waldgrave.
FAVORITE CLASSHer favorite class is Herbology.
LEAST FAVORITE CLASSHer least favorite class is Flying class and Defence Against The Dark Arts.
OCCUPATIONStudent at Hogwarts New Zealand


![]() MOTHER Agnes Greta Davenport BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Employee Gringotts | ![]() FATHER Bryant Maxim Davenport BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Laid off | ![]() SISTER Gabriella Clarice Davenport BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Dating EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Employee Norwegian MOM |
SISTER Lauren Elin Davenport BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Hufflepuff OCCUPATION None | ![]() SISTER June Agnes Davenport BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Student |
Camille didn't got an good relationship with her father. He never really looked out for her, or gave her attention. Since she was the last chance on a boy, but another dissapointment. He didn't saw her as an person who would live up to his expectations. With her mother she got an ok relationship. She did got taken care by her mother in some ways, but was also left alone a lot with books around her to focus on studying and getting knowledge. Camille was mostly scared of her father and made herself invincible, locking herself in her room. Camille does miss her mother sometimes.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SIBLINGS With most of her sister she got an good relationship. Since she is the youngest she did got a lot of attention from them and they all wanted her to go into a direction they wanted. So she was mostly caught in the middle often. With Gabriella she has an nornal relationship and see's her as her big sister and stays in touch with her and visits at her place. With Lauren she has the best relationship at the moment, since they both live together. Camille also has been feeling really bad for her sister about all she went through. With June Camille did got an good relationship when they were all still living together and looked up to her in a way. But after the trial from their parents that went in another direction as she went along with getting adopted by the Carter's. Camille does missed June and feels bad for her.
RELATIONSHIP WITH ADOPTED FAMILYCamille has an good relationship with her new adopted family. She actually really feels loved and safe. It was what she never experianced so it was really getting used to. She needed some time to come out of her shell, but likes Landon and Georgiana. And also their children.
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