Calling all Purebloods

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Ylva Kvalheim

Well-Known Member
Well hi, kids ^^

So, I know a few of you have a pureblood families floating around doing their thing. Eventually I'll get there too, but I'm still working on Ylva's Family Tree. Which brings me to my request.
You know the Kvalheim's, always killing off their husbands...
Basically I just need people of this category:
Aged 20-100
Yep, that's right! I'm just filching off other people's family tree's. Come on, every Pureblood family's got a few. Random relatives that don't even exist as characters but are there as fillers. Basically, on the Kvalheim family tree, these men will have married a Kvalheim woman and consequently died. I need as many of these guys are possible (the women got around a bit).

Don't worry! The men are safe and sound, just dead. It has nothing to do with your current characters in the slightest. Basically my ancestors have killed one or two of your ancestors. Oh, and I don't mind if you have more than one of these people. The more, the merrier. So please do write below, because frankly those charries aren't going to move again (and neither are mine), so it's just for show really.

Thank you, my dears! :hug:
I have Mikhail Zchechaf for you. He would be 64 now :)
You, madam, are awesome ^^

I'll have to PM you (eventually when I stop being lazy and actually pretty-up the tree) and get a small picture of him :hug:
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