Calling all Girlses!

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Ksaafa Lowart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
8 1/2" Totara wand with weka wing membrane core
Hello! :D

Ksaafa and Cale are 13 year old home- and muggle-schooled twins. They don't know a whole lot about the wizarding world, but they love magic :cool: and they love girls :wub: (except their sisters: :glare: they're just annoying).

Kelseypants (who RPs Cale) and I want to have an RP where they play a prank on a girl in Makutu Mall, then both end up crushing on her. :p The girl will preferably be 12 or 13.

That's all we decided. The rest is open. If you think you would like to be a part of this RP, let us know by replying here! :woot:

Oh, we really don't mind if you're not interested in either of the twins :shy: But if you are, that's fine too. We haven't RP'd much with these guys yet, so we're excited to see what happens! :shifty:
I can over you izzy Shale..shes a shy but bubblely girl understanding and allways one step ahead. So what do you think ..if not i dont mind :D

I have lily Fossil.
2nd year Slytherin.

She'd really hate the two of them for the prank, cause she hates everyone, and cause they pranked her, so she'd be really pissy towards them, then when she realises that they have crushes on her, she'll toy with them both and then maybe not being able to pick between them.
Something along those lines, is what I'm thinking.

A little bit about Lily.
She mean.
She doesn't trust very easily.
She prefers the muggle world to the wizarding world.
She loves to dance, loves fashion.
She is a very big liar but is attempting to be more honest.
If you need to know anything more, ask.

I think this would be perfect for Jasmin. She wouldn't mind getting a prank played on her...she would probably try and get them back :r

She's slightly tomboy-ish and always up for a good laugh. If either of the boys starting crushing on her she would be pretty oblivious to it because she doesn't really know anything about boys :p Although I could see her being pretty friendly with both of them.

She's a squib so she isn't able to do any magic (obviously) and she's in the family group so we can RP anytime if you want to that is :D
Hmmm... interesting!

It will probably be easier with Jasmin, seeing as we could RP whenever, but the others sound good too. I can imagine the boys having no idea how to cope with Lily/Livia. I haven't come across Izzy before (weird, cos I have two 2nd year Puffs), but also sounds interesting. Kelseypants and I shall confer and get back to you.
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