Calling all girls

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Tohoru Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
As the title says above I need all girls 1st to 5th, who are willing to be charmed by me Tohoru Koshiba. It will be nothing serious. More like I sweep you off your feet make out with you and leave you wanting more. Girls that have boyfriends you are also welcome. I would love to get caught stealing a kiss from you and than fighting your boyfriend. Maybe around the middle of Tohoru's fourth year if there is a girl that can handle Tohoru's playboy way of life he might settle down. Who knows. So ladies don't be shy. :D

I can offer you Imogen Day.

She doesn't have a boyfriend as she just recently got out of one. She'd very easily be charmed and she'd be easily swept off her feet.
She's really a very nice person, she works hard and loves to have fun.
Yes would you like to set up the topic or shall I? I think we should set it up for them to meet in the common room any which way.

Thats fine,
Could you start it please, I'm just finishing something else off, and it'll just take a few more minutes of my time.
I have sent you a pm. Come on ladies I know Hogwarts has more young ladies dying to be swept off there feet by the smooth taking Koshiba.
I have Angela. She and her boyfriend are going through a rough patch so i wont put it past him to fight Tohoru. Angela is a shy girl and seems to flirt, so that could bring some of the reason he kissed her or charmed her =D Maybe we could start this over the 'summer' or during her second year? It's up to you!!
He could attempt to charm Luna or Cassandra and fail miserably if you ever want him knocked down a peg or two.

Lunas too much inlove with Angus and Cassandra just can't be charmed by a playboy xD Tis the Zhefarovich genes.
I think I want to go after Luna that was Edens last name before she changed it to Koshiba and so that would give Tohoru a reason to pull out all the stops on this girl and maybe get into a fight with the boyfriend.
Mm.. All this because of Eden? Rofl. Or do you have an ulterior motive.
Tohoru Koshiba said:
I think I want to go after Luna that was Edens last name before she changed it to Koshiba and so that would give Tohoru a reason to pull out all the stops on this girl and maybe get into a fight with the boyfriend.
I'll talk to Camilla about it :D
Chase calm down I promise I will steal Eden from you once you leave Hogwarts. Also come on ladies. I know Hogwarts has tons of girls that want to be swept off there feet and told pretty little lies.
I have Kienne Granger who was recovering from a disastrous Memory Charm..She is a 4th year same house as you
Now now. You will not be stealing my Fiance. Keep dreaming. D:
That sounds lovely. I will be sure to treat her very sweetly. Kienne that is a pretty name.
Tohoru Koshiba said:
That sounds lovely. I will be sure to treat her very sweetly. Kienne that is a pretty name.
Kienne's other account..So you will set a thread??Me not good at blind starts..
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