Closed Calculated Observations

Vikram Bakshi

~Cool~ Calm~ Collected~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 14 Inch Unyielding Holly Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Vikram had considered his options carefully. He wanted to make some friends outside of his house, and outside of Winnie. He knew that choosing from his own dorm would have the potential to backfire. While he wanted to be on good terms with his housemates, he also didn't think a best friend he shared a room with would last- too much exposure and all. After a bit of thought, he'd decided to attempt a hufflepuff. He'd had a few classes with them, and they seemed a good bunch. At least this year was. He walked down to lunch, and with it being a day he wasn't eating with Winnie, he decided to veer to the Hufflepuff table. He sat across from a boy in his year, with a friendly smile on his face. "Hello. Jonah, yes?" He questioned.
Jonah hadn't really been having the best time of it since starting Hogwarts. In fact, one could even say he was having the worst time. Everything had just gone so wrong since starting school that now, he wasn't sure how to go about things. It hadn't helped either that he was pretty sure he was failing his classes. And he wasn't even sure who to turn to for help because before, he'd always go to Eli when he was having trouble understanding things. But, he can't go to Eli now because Eli was always so angry with him that Jonah didn't know how to do anything but to just stay out of his way. He didn't even have that many friends, he had Felix, and Will, and Nox, and maybe Lumos but Lumos didn't look like he wanted to hang out with Jonah so he wasn't actually sure there. And because he didn't have that many friends, when they're all somehow all busy like today, he was left sitting awkwardly alone for lunch. Well, until a random boy sat across from him. A classmate that Jonah unfortunately cannot remember the name of. "Uh... Yeah? Hi," he said with a smile. "Sorry, but I'm bad with names. We have class together yeah?"
Vikram smiled softly. "My name is Vikram," He introduced, offering out his hand. "We do indeed. I was hoping perhaps we could be friends," He offered, thinking that being straightforward was his best bet. "Perhaps we could spend a bit of time together, see how we get on?" He gave an easy smile.

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