Cafe Culture

Primavera Cardosi

elitist & proud | CFO Cardosi Inc.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Rigid Walnut Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Primavera had a lot of fun whenever she was in Paris, mostly remaining in the magical parts because why would she ever end up anywhere else, that was silly. Prim was happy because she could wonder the magical streets of the magical part of the world, she had plans to have dinner with Astaroth later and so, she needed a dress to wear for that, but the durmstrang student had someone to meet up with first. Despite the different schools they had attend Prim had remained friends with liesl during that time. They didn't get many occasions to meet, but given that Primavera was in her part of the world, she had sent the girl a letter to meet with her at a very traditional French cafe. Prim wasn't often early to these sorts of things but today she definitely was. The girl had already spent most of the morning wondering the shops finding nothing and had eventually grown tired of the fruitless search, and had made her way to the cafe. The teen noticed her friend when she entered the cafe, Prim stood up brushing down the skirt and waving the girl over politely. Liesl as a fellow pureblood was one of the few people that Prim really counted as a friend, she could deal with the mixed bloods but anything else and that was when Prim lost interest and caring for the person. She greeted Liesl in the usual french manner, kissing her on the cheeks before sitting herself back down and summoning a waiter to get them coffee, "So, how was the end of term at Beauxbatons, Liesl?" Prim asked her, with an interested tone though it contained the same harshness her tone usually did.
It was only 2 p.m and so many things had been accomplished by Liesl Huberta. She had done her jogging routin, weight training, and a little bit of stretch. Liesl started her days early, she would wake up at 5 in the morning and jump to the shower before continuing with her activities. This being said, there would be no reason for Liesl to be embarrassed in showing off her toned body at a hot summer day. She had received an owl from her fellow pureblood, a young lady that she was very font of; Primavera Cardosi. She couldn't wait to tell her about the other Cardosi that she had met not too long ago. With a to go blueberry cheese cake in her hand Liesl made her way toward the designated meeting place of the two girls. She pushed the glass door and entered the cafe only to see Primvera greeting her. She waved her hand and gave her a girly hug before giving her a kiss on each cheeks. "Prim, you look gorgeous" Primavera had always known how to dress well, she was actually one of Liesl's inspiration when it came to sense of fashion. "It really isn't that special though I must say I might've met your brother or at least one of your relatives. Vitale Cardosi?" Vitale was interesting, he was quiet and mysterious and this interested her even more. "Do tell me about Durmstrang, any new worthless filthy people?" what she meant was muggleborn.
Prim smiled at the compliment but did not return one. No sense in it in Prim's mind. But she was glad when she could once again take her seat, and looked at Liesl as she began to talk about one of her cousins, Vitale, "He is a cousin of mine, not my brother" she replied, wondering how and why Liesl had met him and wondering if perhaps Vitale had been looking for a partner, as far as she recalled Vitale was quite a bit younger than Liesl, "How did you run into him?" the girl asked with a curious tone, she didn't really think it was anything to worry about, Vitale would be a good person for a Huberta if that was what Vitale wanted, but she was naturally curious about it, wondering about what the boy was doing. At the next question Primavera laughed lightly, "I keep telling you Liesl, come to Durmstrang because durmstrang doesn't accept dirty muggleborn blood," Prim told her with ease and she just smiled at her, "We still have the occasional half blood which is just as bad, but at least they have a little magic in their family," she continued, it was why she pressed durmstrang so much, especially to her pureblood friends, "I have been shopping all morning for a dress for Astaroth, and I can't find a thing, tell me you've seen some good collections?" Primavera move the conversation along easily, since her primary issue currently was the inability to find this dress, the perfect dress for the evening.
Liesl placed her cake on the little table between the two pureblood, it was ridiculously small that she had to place it near the edge of the stinking table. "Oh I went to a cafe and met him out of the blue" such a coincidental event, Liesl didn't even mean to meet one of the pureblood family members. But then, he wasn't defiled and that made her happy. "Oh but France is lovely, the culture, food, building" Liesl fell in love with France since she was only three. Her and her older sister Clemence were lucky enough to enroll in the school that was dominated by veelas, not that she liked those creature but at least she was studying in such a beautiful country. "Speaking of Astaroth, you remember my cousin, Jaime? He had been talking about Andy non stop, so annoying" Liesl started gossiping. Liesl wasn't sure if Prim knew who Andy was, she was definitely related to Astaroth. Liesl was one of those girls who would want to know everything about everyone. "Clemence told me about the upcoming clothes that they're producing, a lot of flower motives she said" since her sister was a model, she knew a lot about the industry, what a perfect print for the perfect season!
There was still a small frown upon her face when she told her about meeting him at a cafe, she was rather hopeful that Liesl would know what she was doing and that her cousin wouldn't break this girl's heart or anything, but at the very least she was a pureblood and her cousin hadn't picked too badly "What did you think of him?" she asked carefully. Purebloods were better, so she was happy that both parties had picked someone worthy of their respective blood. She took the small cup of coffee and took a small sip from it. The culture of France was maybe better, but the education of durmstrang was far better, it was just the better school, Prim did the dark arts, she was good at the dark arts. The girl shrugged a little, "Is he now?" she asked with a curious tone, purebloods getting together was a thing that Prim was happy to have happen, it was good, but she hadn't yet met much of Astaroth's family, a few of them because of the connection that the two pureblood families had, just not that much. She was a little more interested in the clothing, "Flowers," she hummed, she didn't know if she particularly liked it but it was interesting, certainly something to look out for, "I might look for that then," she was willing to try, "You'll shop with me today right?"
Liesl blushed when Prim asked her about Vitale, she sure liked that guy but she didn't know if their relationship would go any further or even anywhere though she wished that something would happen between them both. "I..." she stopped and shook her head as a smile appeared on her face. "He's a good guy" she blushed even more. Liesl placed her hand on her pink cheek, it was darn hot. "Stop it, Primavera Cardosi!" she playfully tapped Prim's hand. Liesl wasn't like her sister, Clemence who dated a lot of guys. Liesl had her mind focused on herself and quidditch, so for her to have a feeling for Vitale was something... Extraordinary. "What do you expect? It's always flowers and pastel colors on spring and vintage on autumn" the fashion industry never changed. When Prim asked Liesl whether or not she would go shopping with her, Liesl's eyes grew wider as she began to gasped. "I swear I'll feed you to the hungry beasts if you don't let me shop with you today!" Possessive much? Perhaps it was just a joke.
She had feeling that she wouldn't get much out of her, since Prim herself would not be overly forthcoming with information about her and Astaroth when they had first started being friends and when she had developed that crush on him. So, the reaction from Liesl was one that she had expected. The teen would've like to know more but she wouldn't force it out of the girl, and she knew that it was just a pointless thing to even try. Rather just just focused upon the latter half of what she said about fashion, Prim didn't pay too much attention to the trends, she just liked to look at the clothes when they were in the store and buy the things that she liked and that suited her, but currently she just didn't like much of it, it just all of it to her seemed terrible and none of it she thought was worth of her. Perhaps though with another set of eyes it would be far easier, "Well good because I didn't want to have to drag you with me," the girl lightly joked, though there was an element of seriousness to what she was saying, "Do you need to buy anything while we're out? Maybe get that lovely figure of yours into some stunning gowns, Beauxbatons have balls after all don't they?"
Deep inside, Liesl was disappointed that Prim didn't ask further about Vitale. Frankly, the girl wanted to talk more about this boy, she knew she could trust Prim. But even if Prim blurted it all out to Vitale then it shouldn't really matter, after all they've expressed their fondness toward each other on their very first meeting. "Alright girly, Vitale was charming. Though he is a couple of years younger than me, he's advanced in his age. He complimented me but I don't know if he still remembers me. Who am I beside the girl he met in a cafe anyway?" Liesl didn't want to get her hopes up, Prim should know her cousin better than Liesl. "Sweet Merlin! I'm eyeing on this really cute stiletto, it's pink and shimmery! It'll suit spring perfectly!" Liesl excitedly showed Prim the picture of the shoes, tilting it from one side to the other as it sparkled. "What kind of dress are you looking for?" see if Liesl had seen something similar to the description of it.
Astaroth Zhefarovich made his way through some of the shops, with a small bag in his hand. He had traveled in here in hope to find something suitable, and only headed in the direction of a restaurant with one thing in hand. It was hardly satisfying. Astaroth was just relieved not to have Virgil around him. Virgil's demented nature was twice as much as his own. Sometimes, one could only handle so much when it came right down to it. The seventh year stopped walking when he heard a voice that was similar to that of his girlfriend. His silver eyes turned in the direction of where it sounded, and it was indeed, Primavera. He couldn't help but approach the girl, and his girlfriend. The girl he didn't know was showing his girlfriend a picture of shoes, which had to be the ugliest thing that he had ever seen. He scoffed, "Those are so last year." He raised an eyebrow and smirked. He had never met the younger girl, but assumed that since she was in Primavera's presence, then she would have to be pure-blood, or close to it.
Primavera smiled at her, a slightly strained smile at her, she didn't know about enough about Vitale to really say anything, but she had the impression like everyone else within those families, within her family, just the way they picked someone and usually stuck with it, and Liesl was not the sort of person who could be easily forgotten, "Sweetie, look at you, he could never forget that," The durmstrang girl told her with a polite smile. She looked at the picture that the girl was showing her and grimaced slightly, it definitely wasn't her style of shoe, she didn't like how much it sparkled, and though the shape and style was nice, it was the colour that she didn't like. Prim looked up as an exceedingly familiar voice spoke. She stood up to greet him, "Astaroth," Prim greeted placing a kiss upon his lips, "What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be getting an outfit for tonight that would be a surprise," the girl scolded him lightly with a light expression, which indicated that she didn't really mean it, "Astaroth, this is Liesl Huberta, Liesl this is Astaroth Zhefarovich," Prim introduced pointing between the two, using the surnames to indicate that they were both purebloods, "Do you want to join us?"
Liesl couldn't help but to blush as her sweet smile grew wider hearing what Primavera had to say. It meant a lot to her to know that there might be a chance for Vitale to at least remember her. Her smile disappeared at once, oh how rude was this man! "Excuse me" her voice turned cold like Hayley when she was irked. Her and the eldest of the Huberta siblings were very much alike when it came to being irritated, their voice, facial expression, choice of words. Though he was Prim's boyfriend, fiance, whatever he was, Liesl wasn't happy. She wasn't like the rest of the family who were used to meeting people who would just say things like this. She wanted to rip that boy's smirk out of his face so bad. Being a short tempered young woman, Liesl began to glared at him with anger reflected in her eyes as her hands tightened under the table.
The girl's cold nature didn't faze the Zhefarovich. Having a father like his, it was hard to top that. If possible. He ignored her easily and turned his attention to his girlfriend. His brother had been bragging about his engagement to him all break and frankly he was tired of it. If it was even true because who would want to marry him? Astaroth shrugged his shoulders before pulling out what was in the bag. "Maybe you can find something that will match this. I would have purchased a ring but I can't find anything good here." Extravagant gifts were something that he did often mainly because he could. Plus Prim deserved them. Though her father likely could have bought this for her. By father he meant Collineus. Astaroth had a lot in store for his life other than his career but he was seeking something a little more stable. Ever since their first meeting, it seemed as though life kept throwing them together. Thus why he was here. Just fate. He didn't have the skills to stalk anyone. He left that to the professionals. "I want to expedite our night together but it seems like your little friend doesn't want me here after that joke." The boy was almost seven feet tall so almost everyone was tiny to him.
Prim was a little surprised by both of their reactions though primarily Liesl, she didn't under what could've possible anger the younger girl, there had been a little snideness to Astaroth but nothing more, she should've realised that. So she just looked at her friend with a pointed glare and turned back to Astaroth as he pulled something out of his bag, she opened the bag and the box inside to reveal the truly beautiful ring, "I'll find something to match it," Prim told him, since now she had something to aim for it would be easier overall. She thought it strange that he talked of a ring, of course the plan to marry him was on her mind, but it was perhaps a little soon even for her, although if he'd asked she might've just said no out of the spite of him not doing it sometime romantic and not just in a random cafe in Paris in front of Liesl of all people. She loved the girl like she was family, but she didn't want her present when Astaroth proposed, "It's beautiful Astaroth, thank you," the girl said giving him a little kiss on the cheek, "I'd love for you to join us, and I'm sure Liesl would too, if she would just remember her manners," Prim looked towards the other girl hoping she'd get over what ever it was currently bothering her and get over whatever had caused this change in her mood.
Be obedient, submissive, calm, and mature; these were the qualities that most supremacist pureblood women were expected to have. Liesl was one of those who was rebellious enough to break the code but she was sixteen and her mother expected her to be married soon. Prim had a fiance, Clemence became a Cade, Kyler had got himself a woman, and Liesl? Liesl was all alone, dating her nimbus and snitch. Remembering her parents, Liesl swallowed her feelings and displayed a sweet smile on her face, she didn't want her name to be defiled among the pureblood community, and heck Prim was one of the influential woman among the young ones. "Yes, yes of course" she said as calm as she could. It was hard as h3ll to compose herself, she had completely disliked this older boy yet she had to pretend to have a personal interest with him. Oh life, oh life...
Astaroth gave a curt nod when she said that she would find something to match the gift. He certainly did not know of anything that matches jewelry. He thought that it was similar to the color black, just goes good with everything. That was not his place. He just tossed together something and if it looked stupid, he would trash it. The fashionable sh*t could go to Prim. Astaroth knew better though, to even think about proposing. If anything, he wanted it to be more of an implied engagement, since scenes such as the kneeling and the squealing just made his ears bleed, so to speak. Astaroth snaked his arm around Prim's shoulders as he sat down next to her, keeping his cold eyes on Liesl. He shrugged, "Maybe it is the third wheel thing." Astaroth spoke, mainly to Prim on that one. No one liked being a third wheel. "Do you have a significant other? If not, I could find someone easily. Depends on if you like Bulgarian, American, Russian or Italian." Astaroth was more than willing to help further the spread of the pure-blood race. After all, it seemed like it was starting to rebuild.
Prim smirked when Liesl responded properly to what she'd said, though there was no apology extended to her boyfriend, she would just have to deal with that, one thing was better than nothing and for her to continue to be rude to him. Primavera looked back at her boyfriend and shook her head, "Purebloods must always stick together, and if anything sweetheart, you are the third wheel," she told him, since the meeting of liesl and Prim had not included him, he had been the one to interrupt. At the question she smirked slightly, and looked back at him, "She's interested in a pureblood cousin of mine," she told him, saying it before Liesl had the chance to back out and not say anything, before looking to her, waiting for her to supply the name of who he was. Prim knew that Astaroth wasn't a huge fan of the Cardosi family line, after all she could only assume it was because of the fact that they were an Italian family, a little more laid back and casual, no where near as intense as the Zhefarovich family. But she couldn't say for certain of course, she just knew that Astaroth might not think too highly of whom Liesl was interested in.

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