🌹 Rose Giving By Any Other Name

Briony Mettlestone

🦋 Chasing Butterflies 🦋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
14 (03/49)
Yellow Rose for @Rosalind Montgomery

It was kind of sad to head back to the Wild Patch today and see it without the riot of roses that had been growing there the past few weeks but Briony tried to remind herself they'd be harvested for a good cause. And that she had a mission of her own for being here anyway. She didn't know Rosalind super well but she was more comfortable talking to other Wild Patch members than she was random students in the halls so she was glad to spot Rosalind here, hopping her way over to her carefully across the garden beds.

"Rosalind, hi, have I ever told you how pretty your name is? Is like rose but fancy. Very Shakespearean, right?" Briony said, holding a hand up to her messy flower crown that she'd made for today as it tried to slip down her face again. "Oh, wait, I have a rose for you, I should open with that first," she said with a blithe smile, grabbing for the yellow rose in her basket.
Rosalind hadn't volunteered to hand out roses, but she had had a hand in growing them. Roses were one of Rosalind's favourite flowers, and she had enjoyed growing them as much as she had enjoyed helping grow the ones at home. She was tidying up a bit from the harvesting when she was interrupted by another girl - one she'd seen around, Briony was her name, Rosalind was pretty sure. "Oh, thank you. I like your name too," she said as Briony complimented her name. "My mum was a fan of Shakespeare," Rosalind admitted, knowing her name had come from her favourite play. "Oh, I have a rose?" Rosalind questioned, waiting for the rose to come out. She probably should've sent some of her own but she'd gotten so caught up in organising she'd forgotten that was a possibility. And then it had been too late.
Briony smiled as Rosalind returned the compliment; it wasn't a classical or as elegant as a name like Rosalind, but Briony still liked her own name. "Oh that's cool, I don't know a lot of the plays, they're kind of hard to read, but I always liked that one with the fairies, uh, Midsummer Night's Dream?" Briony said, pulling the yellow rose and its note out and handing it over to Rosalind. "Here, sorry I only got given yellow ones to deliver, but it's still pretty."

Ευτυχισμένη μέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου!*

*Happy Valentine’s!

Rosalind nodded. "I tried to read Shakespeare once or twice, maybe. I don't understand what's going on but it seems fun?" Rosalind offered. She wasn't going to write off her namesake, but she really thought Shakespeare was a bit obtuse. She smiled when she received the rose, and looking at her note, her smile widened. She liked Magne a lot and hoped he was doing okay in his classes. She could only imagine the struggle. She momentarily forgot Briony was even there as she reflected on the matter.

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