Closed Butterflies Flutter By

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree had looked up this butterfly place that Jenna had wanted to go to and then arranged to meet her there. He would be a good boyfriend and spoil her on her birthday, he had planned this - already bought tickets - and was hoping to take her to dinner after. He was sure that eating afterwards would be on the table. He had her present and was waiting for jenna to appear. He’d dressed a little formally for the occasion, but Jenna deserved to be treated well on her birthday, and he would be a bad boyfriend if he didn’t go all out to ensure that this happened.
Jenna was try good look today for her birthday. She know was a little wintery. She wear a wintery dress and Jenna was good look today and she was ready go to meet Daintree. Jenna was voried about ask him about the trip with her family. Mayby that was to fast? She will tomorow go to Australia but she was ready tell him and who know that he mayby say yes our no but we will se. Jenna arrived and she see Daintree. "Hey! Thanks for comming!" She was glad see him and Jenna kissed him to his cheek.
Daintree looked up and smiled as he spotted jenna. He leaned into the kiss she placed on his cheek and then gave a charming smile, ”Happy Birthday Jenna, “ he revealed the present he had gotten her, which was exactly what she said that she wanted. It was a little white teddy bear that held an enchanted pink rose, ensure the rose would never die. ”Just like you asked,” he said holding it out to her. There was a little card too, but it was just a fairly generic birthday card. He hoped that she liked the present and that it was a present that she still actually wanted.
"Thanky, Daintree!" He today was realy good looking and she was happy see him for her birthday. "It's perfect and thanky so much!" Jenna walked him closed and hug him.
Daintree smiled as she said it was perfect, he wrapped his arms around her in the hug and as she pulled away moved to give her a quick kiss on the lips. She would be able to say no and turn her head if she wanted to, but it would be quick. After, he smiled and put out his arm to her, and took out the tickets, ”Right, shall we, my dear?” he said with as charming a tone as he could manage. Keen to just get started.
Jenna didn't wanted started cry for Daintree lovely present. She take deep breathe and looked him. Hug was nice and Jenna relized that she missed him and that was a good thing? How relontiships need to be. Jenna don't wanted end kiss but if he wanted go, that she will be folowed him. "Of course, but i need to tell you something. I tomorow evening fly Australia Sidney, with my family. Do you wanna come with me and sty the hotel?" She asked nervosly voice and Jenna hoped that he say yes.
Daintree smiled at her and nodded. He followed with her into the butterflies and nodded as she said it. ”Sure, okay I can be there,” he would need to talk to his dad but he couldn’t see that being much of a problem. His family had money, that wouldn’t be an issue. ”What sorts of things are you looking to do in Sydney?” he asked, he never been to Sydney this would his first time there. ”Have you been to Sydney before?”
This was Jenna's first time at the Botanical Garden. She couldn't believe she would ever be here and with a loved one.
Jenna enjoyed this great walk and entered the Botanical Garden. You could feel the pleasant warmth because the butterflies liked to live in the heat. Jenna grinned in a smile, seeing someone fly by. "Look, there fly one!" Hufflepuff girl told him wiht cherfuly voice. " I'd like to see Sydney Harbor and then head to Hyde Park. Sidney is like a dream to everyone, i think!" Jenna was so excited now and Daintree be with her. "I be there first time and i want walked and look Sidney. Drink coffe to hotel and spend time with you" She blushed.
Daintree had been to the botanical gardens before but it had been a long while. Admittedly he would’ve never gone there himself, it was not a place he would go unless he was with someone like Jenna. ”Wow,” he responded as one flew by them. It was nice to look at but he wasn't blown away by the butterflies. But this was Jenna’s birthday and he had to be a good boyfriend. ”I don’t know if I’d say it was a dream, I like New Zealand,” He didn’t see the great appeal of travelling far, New Zealand was just fine. ”but, I think it’ll be good to see Sydney, go to the harbour,” he echoed as she had mostly said the same. ”it’ll be nice to be with you somewhere new, we can explore it together,”
"New Zealand is grate to!" Jenna smiled and Daintree was sweet and she was afraid if she get feelings for him and she was afraid get hur but Daintree was to nice to her and Jenna was understand that he liked her to much. Jenna blushed when she her Daintree words and walked him closer and kiss him to lips.
Daintree was a little confused as she stepped towards him, but it was quickly washed away when she leaned in and kissed him. It was a surprise, he hadn’t really been expecting it, but it of course was not unwelcome. He leaned in and kissed her back, trying to not overly deepen the kiss if she didn’t want to. But he eventually pulled away and just smiled at Jenna, ”What was that for?” he asked with a little smile.
"I wanted say thanky for nice day and for everything" Jenna blushed and she didn't know if he was happy with her. She needed know if he was happy for her words.
Daintree smiled at her, ”You don’t need to thank me, that’s what a good boyfriend does,” he told her, ”But you are welcome, you deserve all of it,” Daintree told her, he went to take her hand and squeezed it lightly. ”Thank you for being so nice, and good to me too,” he told her back.
"I know, but i realy like you Daintree and i wanted tell you. I am a little afraid ruined something" Jenna told him and she realy liked Daintree and she was scared feel later bad if she do something wrong. But now she enyoi her birthday with him. Jenna take his hand slowly and smiled to him. "That girlfriends do!", She kissed him cheek and started walk lookt to butterflies.
Daintree gave a little frown, ”How could you ruin something?” he said, ”You were being nice,” He let his hand lace with hers as they continued along watching the butterflies. ”Which one is your favourite?” he asked. He knew that she liked dragons, but perhaps these things too were something she really liked. There were so many varying colours she had to have one that was her favourite.
"You realy think? I hope my first time, i doing grate" Jenna blushed when he take her and and she felt her stumic butterflies. "I like this one with blue wing and you?" She looked the butterflie and her birthday was first time so perfect.
Daintree nodded, there was no wrong way to be in a relationship, ”well, this isn’t my first, and I think you’re doing great,” Daintree said. He looked at the butterfly she was pointing at and then looked about for one he liked. ”That orange and black one is pretty neat,” He said. ”But it might be one of the moths, I was never a butterfly guy.” he joked lightly with her.
"How was with Tres? I'm sorry, i just currios?" Jenna didn't know what they was together. "I understand but you are realy good boyfriend" Hufflepuff girl bllushed Daintree and say him a compliment.
Daintree gave a little frown as she asked about Tres. That had been an entirely different relationship, Jenna and Tres were two different people, incomparable really. ”Well, it was different, you and Tres aren’t the same people. Tres likes shopping and dinner, so that’s what we did, you like coffee shops and butterflies,” He told her. Giving a little shrug, ”Thanks, you’re a good girlfriend, you don’t need to think about Tres,”
"Oh, i just voried somtimes see her shop our something else. I don't wanna get fight with her if she mayby thinks, it's my fault" She take deep breath and she was just scared of her anger. "That me" She blushed Daintree and he was right about her a lot. "I will try, I'm sorry, Daintree"! She apologize him.

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