But, I Want to Read

Noemie Snow

Part-Veela | Class of 2048
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Elm Wand with Veela Hair Core
6/2030 (23)
Noemie Vanity was alone in New Zealand, or well, her mother was at the university giving a set of lectures for the muggle university near the magical area, which had left Noemie to just spend some time in the magical area alone. She had been with her two siblings but they had been left with the nanny in the hotel room, as the oldest, Noemie had been given the opportunity under the careful instructions by her mother and by the second nanny to wander around the magical areas. She had to call if she was in trouble or needed help, but that was about it, other than that Noemie was just left by herself trying to figure out why she needed to be here instead of with her siblings, her brother had been keen to go out to the magical areas, and her younger sister was still too young to know the difference, she could've stayed with them and at least sat in the corner of the room just reading to herself, reading whatever she could get her hands on. The young French girl didn't particularly like New Zealand, but she'd grown used to it, and would grow more used to it as her mother spent more and more time in the country.

Because of her magical blood, Noemie didn't attend muggle school, and this left a lot of time with nothing to do, which was why she found herself in the Park near to the magical school, bored out her mind and wanting to read rather than play. She had gone to the park, purely because she didn't want to have to sit in a coffee shop or anything like that which might end up with her getting a load of unwarranted questions. Her mother was a good mother, she worked hard, and Noemie thoroughly enjoyed reading with her, the many french books which her mother opted to study and teach about, but her father had died a few years after her youngest sibling had been born and since then her mother had never remarried, meaning that at times like this she was left to just be by herself. In the end, the brunette haired girl was sat on the swings, with her book open in front of her, slowly swinging back and forth using the momentum of her feet, there was noise surrounding her from the kids and she just wished they'd all be quiet so she could read in peace.
November was strolling about during midday trying to find a nice place to read her book she had brought with her from America. She was well into the teenage books now that she had been reading harder books for a few years. Some of the things she still didn't understand, like why a girl would want to kiss a boy but she still enjoyed her reading. Her father having worked at the local no-maj library at home had brought her in while he worked whenever she was out of school. Once they found out she was going to be magic like her Aunt they took her out of school and sent her here to live with her Aunt for the year and learn more about the magic world. Right now she was actually reading a maj book, Tales of Beedle and the Bard. She hadn't grown up on the series as most other kids did and her Aunt wanted her to know the most she could before going into school. That way school wouldn't be as confusing as it had been for herself when she went in as a muggleborn.

Right now her Aunt was getting her aquainted with Brightstone the village just outside of her new school. She was excited for this, because she knew once she was old enough she'd be able to come here during the weekends. Walking about the village she came across a park. It seemed a decent enough place to read and so she headed through looking for a bench. That's when she spotted a girl around her age. She was glad it was that Alaska girl she had met before who had given her trouble. No, this girl was a different one and she was reading! Which gave excitement to November. Heading over to the girl she cleared her throat a little bit. "Hey there, what're you reading?" She asked the girl sitting on the swings, a smile on her face.
Noemie was happy to swing back and forth, she didn't have anything to block out the sound around her so that she could read in peace, but knew that this was a song she'd eventually learn in Hogwarts and that was enough to keep Noemie excited enough that she was pushing down her anger to do with it. The young girl was just pushing back and forth on the swing, letting her mind be occupied by the book she was reading and was muttering little comments to herself as she did so. Up until someone interrupted her by speaking to her, asking her what book she was reading and the young french girl glanced up at her with a smile on her face, the easy veela charm just shining simply through as she did so. The girl looked at the cover of the book and held it up to her, before realising that the book was actually in french and therefore wasn't exactly going to be something this girl understood unless she also spoke french, "It's The Little Prince," she marked the page easily and then held the book out to her if she wanted to look at it, "It's an interesting enough book, looks like it would be childish but i's a classic, so it's a little more advanced than your usual children's book," there was a vague tone of showing off in a polite and friendly tone she was speaking in, as well as the clear french air to it, "I'm Noemie, it's the french version of Naomi," she added holding out her hand to her, with the continued friendly smile. It wasn't a necessary fact to add, but she had opted to add it and was feeling that it was the right thing to add, unnecessary sure, but the right thing.
November was instantly taken a back with how pretty the girl on the swing in front of her was. She quickly regained her facial expressions and put a smile on her face as the girl explained the book to her. She knew it well, it had been on of her favorite books for her father to read her to bed at night. It was funny to hear the girl saying how she had thought it to be a children's book yet it was a classic. November often heard more of classics that were first written for children so it didn't surprise her at all. "That book was voted the number one book in France for the entire 20th century. Of course it had been published in the United States in English and French. It is a classic book," she said as she sat down on the swing next to the pretty girl. November wondered how the girl could be so pretty, she hadn't seen a girl at muggle school or the library that ever seemed to shine like this girl. But she had a weird accent and it made her wonder if all the people where this girl was from were as pretty as she was. "November," Nov said as she reach over and shook the hand of the girl. "As for me I'm reading the Tales of Beedle and the Bard. I wasn't raised reading this book, but my Aunt gave it to me when she learned I had been accepted into Hogwarts," November said to the girl. Her aunt had warned her of people that might not like her just because she had muggle parents, so the young girl had caught herself before saying she hadn't been raised around magic. It was easier to explain a book away than why magic parents wouldn't raise their kids knowing magic. And November didn't want to lie.
Noemie was rather surprised that this girl knew the book she was holding, it was a rather old book a suggestion by her mother to read that she'd fallen in love with and read passage after passage of it. The girl looked to this new face who was able to spout facts about the book that Noemie hadn't and she felt a moment of jealousy at it, Noemie had known those things but she hadn't thought to say them, to add them to the conversation that they were having. The young girl felt rather annoyed by this, but given that she was just meeting this girl she pushed away her own internal jealous and just looked with a friendly and bright smile to the girl in front of her, letting the smile grow more friendly as the girl then introduced herself to her, "Like the month?" she asked for a little bit of clarification on the girl's name, since it was just a rather odd name to have but then she realised internally that some people were called May or April or June, so what was really wrong with November, the answer was nothing important but it hadn't stopped Noemie for asking about it. The book that the girl was reading was one she had read also, she and her brother had always read it together, "Oh, that book is great, and congratulations on acceptance!" she told the girl warmly, easily wrapping her arms around the other girl in a congratulatory hug, "Being a witch from muggleborn parents means that you had magical lineage in the tree but it faded away until you," there was a certain degree of awe in her voice at it, "I'm mixed blood, my mother is a half blood and my dad was a mixed blood, which makes me mixed blood," the girl informed her with a friendly smile, it wasn't often she actually got to meet muggleborns who were so new to the world, "How are you enjoying it?"
November was used to questions about her and her siblings names. She was certain that her parents would just going around the calendar if they had any more children, next would be December, which Nov thought would be an even funnier name than her own. August her brother, September her twin sister and then there was October, who hadn't lived but a minute on this earth before moving on. November never felt sad about missing her brother. She was still young and didn't understand the pain of loosing a family member. And she had grown up her entire life knowing that he was in a better place, while they were stuck living out their lives on earth. "Yeah," she half sighed in response to the girl. November was sure that many more she met would ask about her name. But a lot of people were named after things like Alaska, the rude girl who was American like she. "Thanks! Are you going to school this year?" She asked the other girl returning the hug. November didn't find it odd to receive the hug, it was a much more common thing to find making friends easier when you were younger. She didn't second guess the hug from the girl or think it bad. She listened to the girl, she hadn't said she was muggleborn, she wondered how the girl knew she was. But the girl didn't say that she'd have to hate her now because of it so she figured it'd be fine if this girl knew about her heritage. "That's fascinating. So one of your mom's parents was a no-maj and the other a pureblood? Is that how it works?" November questioned the girl wondering if she fully understood how the family lines with magic worked, she knew she could ask her aunt but this girl seemed to know. "Well, I think I'm more astounded that I'm in New Zealand, than the fact I have magic. I mean, the magic has always been there, it's what sets me apart from my twin, makes me unique."
Noemie hadn't intended for her question about the name to be anything more than curious after all, she was a rather curious person that was just a part of it, the young girl was sure that others would have questions, and likely questions for herself given that her name was a little odd when considering other english names, but regardless of all this, with someone in front of her like this girl, November was, Noemie was just looking to make a friend, "I am, so excited for it," Noemie replied easily to the question. Having always been surrounded by magical things, it was always so nice to run into someone who hadn't and make them feel welcome to the world, which was why she hugged the girl she had just met just like that, not caring too much if that had seemed odd but it seemed like it was the right thing to do, since the other girl hugged her back. Noemie pulled away and then began talking about her family and the blood which she had, which despite how some treated it, Noemie felt that it was not something to fret over too much, blood was blood, and her magical blood defined her less than the veela blood. She understood the term no-maj but she had never heard it before, "No-maj? We just call them muggles," she told her pointedly although not meaning it in a way to correct her just in how she had heard it. At the girl's explaination of being more astounded by New Zealand, Noemie hastened to agree, but realised that her twin was perhaps not magical, "Is your twin muggle?" She asked a little tentatively wondering if perhaps it was a bit of a sore spot for this girl whom she'd just met, after all she knew that if she was magic but her little brother was not then it would be a sore subject in their family, but perhaps families where magic hadn't existed for a number of generations it was less so.
November was excited with the girl when they were talking about school. Although it wasn't clear to November if Noemie would be attending the same school as her, it was clear that this girl would be attending a magic school. And that was enough reason for November to be excited about. "I've already begun reading some of the required first year books, my Aunt let me get them early, this is an extra book she got for me," November said holding up the book they had already discussed. November's fairly thick eyebrows went together for a moment as she listened to the girl discussed muggles. She had heard the term before and her Aunt told her most people would call them that, but in America the term No-Maj was more favorably used. "It's what we say in America," November said shrugging her shoulders. She knew around the world there were different saying for the same thing. After all, once the United States made it split from England the differences in English alone began to rapidly differ. "I'm the only one in my family to have magic. Well my Aunt is the same actually, but of my siblings I'm the only one," November said again shrugging her shoulders. She wasn't sure why it happened and why she, the youngest, was the only one to receive the gift of magic as her Aunt called it. She also told her that it meant November was called to do more with her life than her siblings were called for. It gave her more responsibility for the world or something like that.
Noemie who was the first of her family to attend this school was feeling pretty nervous about attending like any child would about attending a school that was brand new and just huge, but even just knowing someone at it she was sure would help her feel more assured and she got the impression from their discussions of books that she might get along really well with her, books were always a way to unify folks, she smiled easily at the other girl, her own excitement building over the thought of the school they were both to attend, or at least she thought they would be both attending the school together, if she went somewhere else that might put a little dent in Noemie's idea that they would always be friends when they simply would just have to become more long distance friends. However upon the girls explanation of the no-maj term which was entirely foreign to her she realised this girl wasn't from New Zealand and perhaps from North America. The brunette gave an interested noise, which she entirely meant, "That's really interesting, but I think if you are in New Zealand for school or to live you should call them muggles," Noemie told her a little matter of fact lay but meaning it with the best intentions, since she just did my want anyone to make fun of this girl for saying it wrong but did not actually say this to her, and Noemie knew that every turn she would correct her. But hearing about her family was so much more interesting, "How many siblings do you have? Are you the youngest?" the girl pressed keen for more information, "I'm the oldest child in my family,"
November was grateful to already have made a friend, even before school started. She hoped that they would be in the same house and if not have a lot of the same classes. She was certain that for the starting few years they would have very similar time schedules. But she wasn't fully sure how exactly the classes worked at Hogwarts. "Alright," was all the reply November gave to the girl sitting on the swing next to her. She was sure there might be other Americans who would also call them No-Maj. But it didn't make much of a difference to her, she knew little of the magical world and while November was book smart she was not magic smart, not yet. "Oh yes, I'm the youngest of three. There were four but October died when we were babies," November shared with her new friend.

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