Open But First, Cake

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine had been encouraged to sign up for the rose giving by her father and she had jumped at the opportunity to. She hadn't understood first what it had been about, the concept of it quite foreign to the russian girl but not that she had a bucket of roses, all of a wonderful yellow colour. She had gotten her roses and changed into a bright yellow dress to match with them. The girl had however decided that she needed to start first by grabbing something to eat from the kitchens, so she had gone to the kitchens and got the elves to bring her some cake. It had taken a bit of time, but she smiled easily once it was in her hand. She looked at the first rose and who it was for and then at the room around her, within it, there was one other person, a boy who was a little older and she decided to ask him, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where I could find William Kaimarama," she stumbled a little when saying the surname and she hoped she'd said it right or this boy wouldn't know who she was looking for.
Valentines sucked. Who would be interested in such a stupid holiday anyway? It was just dumb people making each other feel good about how boring they were. Stupid. William didn't have any time for it. He was gonna spend today as far away from the castle as possible. Just one quick stop first. William had a pack full of supplies ready to sneak away into the forest, but it'd be stupid to go without snacks and water. William was an experienced enough hiker to know that all too well. Luckily for him the kitchens were on his way, and it wasn't too hard to stop in and grab some scroggin. He was setting the small pack of nuts and dried fruit in his pack when the door opened, freezing in place. He really didn't want some meddling teacher asking what he was up to before he had even reached the out of bounds area. It was a kid though so he ignored her, returning to his task. That was, until she spoke up, asking where he was. Looking back, William glared at the girl, unimpressed. "Why you asking?" He said gruffly, looking her up and down warily.
The girl smiled easily at the boy who seemed a little wary of her, "I have a rose for him!" she replied excitedly, reaching into her basket and removing from it a yellow rose. She held it up so that the boy would be able to see what she was delivering and hopefully that would entice him into saying if he knew where this William person was. "Do you know where I could find him?" She had the cake from the elves in the other hand and munched on it as she waited for the boy the say something.
This girl looked familiar to William, but it took him a long moment to click, blood boiling when he realised where she was familiar from. Of course. "You one of Maddy's mates?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Of course it had taken his sister less than a day in Hogwarts to have her own little posse of friends. Of course. Just like William had worried, as soon as Maddy arrived at school, everyone realised she was better than him, funnier, cooler, nicer. He needed to find some way to take her down a peg, somehow. That would have to wait though. For now, William had to see who this rose was from. "I'm William. Maddy's big bro." He added, folding his arms. It figured his sister hadn't bothered to tell her cool friends about him.
Cyzarine was a little confused about how and why he was asking if maddy was a friend of hers, but when he said that he was William and that they were brothers, Cyzarine smiled widely, "OH! That's why the surname seemed familiar!" the girl said with a light laugh, "I have a rose for you William!" the girl extended the arm that was holding the rose and the note and held them both out to William. She couldn't remember if Maddy had ever talked about her brother before, if she had Cyzarine would feel back about forgetting, but at the very least she knew this boy wasn't in gryffindor like his sister or she would've definitely seen him before. "What house are you in William?" the girl just decided it was as easy to ask him than to attempt to guess.
Hey Wills,

Here's to the BEST BIG BROTHER EVER! Love you lots!


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