Open Busy Dancing Bee

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Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Renata <3)
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene always looked forward to celebrations, of course he now always had something to do but he didn’t mind that. He always liked to be able to do things at the celebrations, it was fun to just enjoy them without responsibility but Eugene liked working at them, it made the fun elements feel more earned and really like he was contributing back to the school. He wondered if he’d see any of his friends at the celebration, part of him wasn’t sure Manaia would make it and he didn’t blame the guy he didn’t. Of course Eugene didn’t know much about divorce but he knew that world changing and shattering news could take some time to get over and he had to imagine the loss that Manaia felt wasn’t too dissimilar to what he’d known after his mother’s death. But Eugene put unhappiness out of his mind and continued to move around the great hall with his camera in hand, ready to take pictures of everything and anyone.
Ivelisse had enjoyed the school's dances even before she had actually gotten there, just from hearing her sister's stories about the decorations and whatnot. She enjoyed them even more now she was able to attend them herself. From the dressing up to the effort that seemed to be put into these celebrations, she loved it. Even more so she loved the atmosphere that came with them, which was mostly one of having fun. Sure, there always seemed to be some drama happening here or there but then again they lived in a castle filled with teenagers so it couldn't be expected that things went well all of the time. Whilst being in the dungeons wasn't always the most fun everything about that was forgiven at the night of a dance, when Ive was relieved she'd only need to walk a couple of stairs up and down to go to and fro. Heading into the hal it didn't take her long to spot some of her friends and she excitedly walked over to Eugene. "Hey!" She grinned when she reached him before nodding at his camera. "Are you, like,.. working?"
Eugene was easily caught up in his work, but glanced at Ive as she walked towards him. "Hey cuz!" he greeted back warmly. At the question he nodded. "Yeah bro!" he said holding up the camera, "I'm grabbing pictures for the yearbook. Do you want your picture taken?" he asked. He had an excited tone, there was no hint in it of annoyance over what he had to do. He liked taking pictures, he didn't mind having to work at these celebrations, it was nothing. These things were fun and he didn't mind having something to do during them.
Crystal was nervous for dances. She felt like she never wanted to dance, because she would easily trip earlier than actually dancing. It was better if she just stood at the side perhaps, but than she would look like a fool. It was so much stress that gave her, so much thoughts and no idea how to fit in good. As Crystal walked inside she tried not to trip over the dress and looked around. Everyone looked so much more pretty than she did, and as she saw Ivelisse she knew it for sure. She stood with Eugene. And an smile appeared on her face as she noticed him. He was friendly to her, just like Ivelisse was and it was nice to see them hanging out as well. She doubted if she would interrupt them but as she was walking closer she had no choice. As she stepped on her dress she fell and landed on the ground in front of them. '' Auch.'' She said and tried to stand up. '' Sorry..'' The white blonde said and felt like her head was red as an tomato.
Ivelisse grinned when Eugene greeted her, glad he seemed to be excited about having to take pictures at the dance. She couldn't even imagine having to work at the school's dances but then again Eugene did look like he really enjoyed it, so it probably didn't even feel like work. "Sure!" Ive grinned when he asked her if she wanted her picture taken. She happily gave him a few poses to make sure he would be able to get some good ones. A bad picture in general wasn't a disaster, but a bad picture in the yearbook was pretty much forever and she wasn't too keen on that. "Did you ge-" Ive was halfwya through asking Eugene if he had gotten a good picture when she noticed Crystal walk, and then tumble, over. Had it been anyone else she might've thought it was a funny sight but Crystal always seemed so fragile and she didn't want to make her feel bad. "Hey, you alright?" She softly asked the other girl after quickly stepping over to her and offering her hand to help her back onto her feet. As she did, Ive looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. More specifically, if anyone was laughing at her friend and needed to be stopped.
Eugene grinned happily, taking a few pictures of Ive in her outfit. For each of the poses that Ive made too. He was lowering the camera when Ive's half sentence had him looking around. He spotted Crystal who'd seemingly fallen over. He put his camera in his pocket and went over to her. He was glad Ive was going the same thing. "Yeah, you alright there cuz?" he added to Crystal, which really was just repeating what Ive had said but it felt like all he could say. Ive too was holding out her hand and he was ready to help out but didn't want to crowd crystal.
As Crystal got helped by Ivelisse to stand up she sighted and than looked at the both. They were very kind at least, and she hoped no one was laughing. She than stood up and looked at the both. '' Yes.. I'm ok!'' The blonde than said and smiled shy. '' Sorry I was interrupting you. Were you taking an picture?'' She than asked to Eugene.
Ivelisse was glad that Eugene followed suit in heading over to help Crystal, although she wouldn't have doubted he would do exactly that. She helped the other girl up, making sure she was steady again before letting go of her arm. "Good! I bet no one even saw." She offered after a quick glance around didn't reveal too much reactions from the students around there. Perhaps everyone had just been way to involved with their own night to even notice. Plus they had managed to help her up quite quickly.
Eugene gave a little smile, happy that it didn't appear that anything apart from Crystal's pride. He gave a little shake of his head, "You weren't interrupting, but we were taking a picture, do you want to be in a picture too? With Ive?" he asked, he liked Crystal but wasn't always sure she'd want to be in a picture but he knew that Ive tended to be happy to be in a picture.
As Crystal waited for an reaction she smiled shy. She had no idea if Ive, that was an nice nickname wanted her in it, in the picture. '' Uh if Ivelisse wants it.. I'm ok with it.'' She than said shy. And looked at her friend. '' What about you than?" she than asked to Eugene.
Ivelisse nodded when Eugene asked Crystal if she wanted a picture, even more enthusiastic when he mentioned her. "Yeah, come on!" She grinned, always keen to be the subject of a picture. Especially at moments like this when the picture would be linked to a memory.
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