Burn The Pages

Rosalie Bevin

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 18 Inch Whippy Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Rosalie Bevin was finally home for the weekend. Hearing of her Grandmother's passing had been quite a shock to her system, one that she had not expected. She'd only spoken to her Grandmother the week before and she'd seemed to be fine. However only a couple of days ago she had received news via a call from her younger sister, that their Grandmother had now passed and that their mother now required their support. Of course, right away, Rose had been into her boss's office and asked for some time off. Grief time plus some added for the funeral and then Rose was in the first line for a port key to her home. She had to get special permission for a port key to her childhood home, owing to the fact that it was a muggle address. Once she'd gotten all of that sorted, she'd told her mother she was on her way and then popped into the little shed behind the house. The house didn't seem to be much different then how she remembered it. She hadn't been back in a couple of years, having left Wales not long after her father died, but it was all so strange to her. Like she'd been here just yesterday. Rose walked into the house, noticing her mother being comforted by her aunt on the lounge. She gave her aunt a week smile before heading to the back of her house where her old bedroom was. She'd not spent more than a couple of days in that bed since she'd graduated from Hogwarts, but it still held fond memories for her.

Dropping her bag onto her bed, Rose headed back out into the living room and greeted her relatives. They were holding the wake before the funeral, as her Grandmother had wanted. Rose had done her crying days ago and so she now had the strength back to comfort her siblings, whom she noticed were standing off to the side, holding each other. Rose smiled at them and hugged them both in turn. Her nephew Ianto was in the hall playing with some trucks. She supposed he wouldn't really know what was going on at his age anyway. "How are you holding up?" She asked her sister Nim, the one who'd been the closest to their Grandmother. Of anyone, Rose would have believed Grandma Eurwen to outlive expectations. She was as stubborn as a mule, refused to do anything that she was asked. Of course Nimue always managed to get her to cooperate mostly. She didn't really seem to have a following instructions bone in her body. She was definitely a handful. "Do you remember the time back when Ollie was five and she nearly obliterated a chair because she freaked out when Grandma turned on her new vacuum for the first time?" It was something that hadn't been funny at the time, but was now deemed to be a good memory. Rose had been just out of school and planning her wedding to Andy at the time. She'd never thought that she would be needing to repair chairs because a five year old nearly had a coronary. "I miss her too."
Nimue Bevin had moved back to Wales after the death of her father, she did it in order to keep her mother company. Ianto was a handful when her father was still around, with him gone, it was hard for her mother to run around after a three year old. Eirin was pretty tough, but now at sixty three, she just couldn't keep up with little ones like she used to be able to. Walking out of her bedroom as more people started to arrive, Nimue hugged her mother before depositing her into the awaiting arms of her aunt. She was happy to be able to share the day with her closest relatives. They were a relatively small family compared to most others, but they all got along really well, which was always good she found. She spent a few moments receiving hugs from her cousin's and giving drinks and some food to others. She was deeply affected by the news of her Grandmother's passing, though she tried not to show it. She was too busy to grieve, she had a lot of work to do and no time to do it in. Grandma Eurwen had taught Nim all she knew about plants, so it was really to her that she owed her lively hood. Still, until all was settled, Nim was not going to grieve. Her mother and her family needed her to be strong, she would do it for them.

Spotting her younger sister, Nim immediately pulled the tear-stained face into a very crushing hug. Out of the three of them, she had definitely expected Ollie to react the most visibly. She spent even less time socialising normally than Nim! Knowing that Ollie would not be in the mood to be spoken to, Nim pulled her little sister into the corner, hugging her close and stroking her hair as she did so. With Ollie being emotional, it was even easier for Nim to keep herself together. She couldn't fall apart whilst her sister needed her, it just wasn't on. However, soon her older sister arrived, Rose and she was soon being comforted in turn. Nim didn't really know what to say though. She had been spending so much time being the big sibling with Rose off in New Zealand that handing over the reins had been harder than she would have thought. However, she found that her sister did bring her much needed comfort and allowed herself to be pulled into a hug. "I... yeah, I think I'm okay. Really, it's... it was all just so sudden, you know?" She knew that her sister would be able to understand. They all thought Grandma Eurwen would live to be a thousand years old, at least. Nim managed to smile a little at the memory before her face cracked and she allowed the true sadness of the day pass through. The look alone was enough to make Rose admit her own truths. "It'll never be the same without her, will it Rose?" She asked, face pressed into the crook of her sister's neck.
Home, a word that had meant something different to Olwen Bevin every time that she used it. She was not really all that used to staying put. In fact, she was more used to climbing between the crevices of caves than anything else. She sometimes spent days down there, just lulling around trying to make sure that everything was okay. As a Speleologist, Olwen found herself in caves a lot and when she eventually graduated to potholing, she found that she enjoyed her time there much more than previously. There had been one time, when she'd been stuck in the caves for a couple of hours. A small cave in had blocked the exit and she had been forced to wait. She'd had a colleague with her, Mathew Ripley. Their few hours of alone time had eventually resulted in a son, Ianto. He carried his fathers name of course, as Olwen and Mathew were still close and remained friends. Olwen didn't believe in excluding the fathers right to their child, because she would never want it to happen to her. They were both very hard workers though and so Ianto was mostly raised by her mother and older sister. She loved him a lot though and Mathew spoke to him often.

However home meant something different to Olwen today. She was returning to the home of her childhood under very undesirable circumstances. Tears streaked down her face as she apparated to the front door and walked in, ducking into Nimue as soon as her sister approached her. As the baby of the family, she always treated like the baby. She didn't mind it so much though, because she didn't get to be the baby very often. Six years of college and a hardcore job made her a very serious person sometimes and she didn't get to play often. Expressing her emotions was difficult, but she always found herself able to do so when in the company of family. She and Nim were soon joined by Rose and it wasn't long before Nim was being comforted by their eldest sister. The three girls had a bumpy start in the relationship department, but these days they were all very close. Silently, Ollie sniffed, her sister's hug supporting her. She soon calmed down though and removed herself from the tight embrace of Nim and faced Rose. "It's good to see you, Rose. It's been too long." She smiled at her sister and manoeuvred herself to hug the eldest, noticing her son in the corner of the room. She would need to take him to visit at some point. Mathew hadn't seen him since his second birthday. "I still just can't believe it. I mean... Grandma Eurwen? Of all people?"

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